"Onii-chan, Illya, I'm going back first."

After that, he ran away.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

It's not like we haven't slept together before. What happened tonight?

To be honest, Mo Yi couldn't figure out what was going on in Illya's little head at this time. Forget it, don’t think about things that you can’t figure out. It can’t be a bad thing anyway. Because of this, getting along with Illya is particularly interesting.

Just like that, Mo Yi fell asleep within two minutes, only to be woken up by Ilia the next day.

Because today is Friday, I still need to go to school.

Mo Yi also put on his school uniform, brought everything he needed for school, walked to the living room, and prepared to have breakfast with everyone before going to school.

To go to the living room, you need to pass by Xuemiao's room. When you pass the other party's room, the other party's door just opens.

Mo Yi sighed at the coincidence in his heart. The door opened, and Xue Miao, who was wearing a sailor school uniform, stepped out and saw Mo Yi.

Mo Yi smiled, waved his hand and said with a familiar smile:

"Hey, good morning, Yukino-chan."

"Good morning, Mo Yi."

Yukinoshita Yukino subconsciously replied, and then corrected:

"How many times have I told you not to add the word 'chan' after my name? You must be so young and your memory has started to regress."


This slightly cold and venomous voice is, yes, it is a problem that Yukinoshita Xue Miao is familiar with. Grandpa Mo Yi, who has long been accustomed to this kind of tsundere-like venomous tongue, chuckled and said:

"Okay, Snow Meow."

Snow Meow: "..."

Did I want you to change your name to a cuter name, Baga!


Only then did Xue Miao react and asked in surprise:

"When did you come back?"

Xue Miao did not continue to pursue the development of calling her "Xue Miao". Grandpa Mo Yi had long expected it. He still remembers a time when he called her Yukinoshita's classmate in front of teacher Kasumi Shiko, but the other party because Angry at such a polite address.

In addition, it has been so long since the Holy Grail War ended, but the other party continued to stay at Emiya's house for the reason of not trusting Mo Yi, a dangerous guy. Grandpa Mo Yi knew that Xuemiao's had been conquered and had to be recovered. Just CG.

Of course, given Xue Miao's temperament of being easily annoyed, awkward and serious, I'm afraid it would take a lot of time to recycle CG.

But Grandpa Mo Yi is not in a hurry about this kind of thing. The resonance between interesting souls is the most important factor for two people to get together. Otherwise, even if they get married together, it won't be called love, but finding someone. Live life.

Just like now, you can tease each other every day, compete with each other's wits, watch the other person love and hate you, but you can't help it. Step by step, you can become the most important person in the other person's heart. This is actually the best time.

"It was about one o'clock last night."

Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Everyone was asleep, so I didn't wake everyone up."

"Let's go, Xuemiao, go have breakfast."

After that, Grandpa Mo Yi continued to walk to the living room.

"You guy, can't you understand human speech?"

Seeing Mo Yi, a guy who sneaked away to live in a foreign country without saying a word, and then sneaked back home without saying a word, Xue Miao was inexplicably happy for a while, and then became inexplicably angry.

Doing such an outrageous thing and just walking away without even apologizing?

After all, you still have me, Xue Miao, in your eyes, but am I...? !

Thinking of this, Xue Miao didn't know what kind of relationship would be more suitable to describe the relationship between the two.

Classmates, club ministers and club members?

But these relationships are not suitable for this situation. If it were just like this, there would be no reason for me to be so angry and entangled.

Xuemiao suddenly realized that the other party once said that she wanted to become the mother of the other party's child.

No, what are you thinking about? !

My own strange reaction——

That's right, the other party has not explained clearly the fact that the other party kissed her several times, so this matter is definitely not over yet!

Xue Miao, who found a reason to be angry, felt confident again and was ready to have a good argument with Mo Yi. This time, she would not let the other side seize the opportunity to hit her.

"Hey, don't walk so fast, we haven't explained everything clearly yet."

Hearing Xue Miao's voice looking for trouble, Grandpa Mo Yi replied without looking back:

"It's too late. Get in the car quickly or you'll be late."

Snow Meow: "..."

What are you talking about?

Seeing that Mo Yi had no intention of stopping, Xue Miao had no choice but to quickly close the door and catch up.

When Mo Yi walked to the living room, everyone was already sitting there, because Ilia just told everyone that Mo Yi came back last night, so they were not too surprised to see Mo Yi at this moment.

Sitting in the main seat, Shred Rake put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Mo Yi, and asked in the same tone as usual:

"You're back? How was your journey?"

Although Shred Raking's tone was calm, Mo Yi, who was very familiar with the other party, could naturally hear the concern in the other party's tone.

Mo Yi looked at Kiritsugu, wondering if it was because his wife was back and he hadn't seen her for a while, but Kiritsugu looked much younger.

"I encountered some minor accidents, so it took some time, but everything is fine."

"That's good--"

For a typical stern old man like Kiritsugu and Mo Yi, asking him and Mo Yi to greet each other would be to embarrass each other, so after saying yes, he said nothing more.

"You kid is back, why don't you tell your aunt——"

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