Irisviel, who was holding breakfast, puffed her face and complained:

"If I had known you would come back, Xiaoyi, I would have prepared some sumptuous breakfast."

"Aunt Ali's cooking makes even an ordinary breakfast delicious,"

Mo Yi's words made Irisviel smile all over her face.

In fact, the current head chef of the Emiya family is still Emiya Shirou, and the sous chef is Caster Medea. Irisviel is planning to cause trouble for her adopted son Emiya Shirou.


In fact, it is understandable. When Irisviel was created by the Einzbern family, it was for the Holy Grail War. The corresponding magic knowledge is naturally full, but life skills such as cooking, let alone Irisviel , even the other members of the Einzbern family, only the clones who are specifically responsible for taking care of others, have this skill.

After Emiya Shirou's hard work these days, Irisviel finally changed from the result of causing a fire or explosion in the kitchen every time she cooked, to the result of making dishes that were not bad, or even a little unpalatable.

In a sense, Emiya Shirou is already great, at least he has not taught a new generation of dark cooking masters.

After catching up, Xuemiao had no choice but to give up her plan to talk to Mo Yi when she saw everyone was there. She suddenly transformed from an angry cat into the elegant and decent second lady of the Yukinoshita family.

After everyone gathered, everyone started to enjoy breakfast.

The Emiya family does not have the so-called "don't talk when eating, don't talk when sleeping" rule. Everyone talks about interesting things while eating breakfast.

Mo Yi, who had been away from Fuyuki City for a while, asked:

"Did anything big happen in Fuyuki City while I was out?"

In fact, apart from the secretive Holy Grail War, what other big things will happen in Fuyuki City?

"Xiaoyi, when you ask me this, I heard an interesting story -"

Irisviel seemed to have thought of something interesting and smiled:

"I heard that two girls called heroes recently appeared near Fuyuki City. Many gangsters were suddenly appeared and defeated by them when they wanted to do bad things."

"One of them calls himself Red Ponytail. Well, I heard that he looks very cute, and he does have a pair of beautiful and slender red twintails. The other one is a blond girl with a mask. No matter what kind of gangster, he can He was knocked down by her punch, and because the opponent had a pair of golden ponytails, others called her 'golden ponytails'."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Grandpa Mo Yi could naturally guess who the red ponytail was.

But where did this guy with golden ponytail come from?

Grandpa Mo Yi began to recall that there seemed to be only one person he knew who had blond hair with twin ponytails. No matter how he thought about it, the other person could not have the so-called golden ponytails. This style of painting was simply wrong!

Chapter 561: Rushing to the duck, Yinglili!

Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't guess who the golden ponytail was.

But it doesn't matter. Now that I'm back, as long as the other party shows up, there will always be a time when we meet.

After chatting for a while, Mo Yi also talked about a series of things he encountered when he went to England.

Due to time constraints, Mo Yi only gave a rough description. He accidentally traveled to a different world and accepted a student Shatiao Aige. Then he went to another parallel world and met Ilia and others from the parallel world.

After returning, they encountered something on the scientific side. Theresa and others were forced to live on a desert island. They survived on the desert island and then built a boat to return home.

On the cruise ship, I encountered the incident of Ramses II. Then I traveled through the world of gods in ancient Egypt and met many new friends. Through everyone's efforts, I overthrew the great devil Ramses II.

Everyone: "..."

Why do people come back from traveling and say, "I really regret going traveling. Someone actually does such a boring thing." But when it was Grandpa Mo Yi's turn, his original plan was to send Rin Tohsaka to study in the UK. What happened in a few days turned into a heart-stirring adventure story that could be written in millions of words.

Of course, everyone’s focus is slightly different——

What Ilia cares about is what Grandpa Mo Yi said about Ilia in another world. What worries her most is that the other person is actually a primary school student. Boys like young girls. This is Ilia's big crisis!

What Xue Miao is interested in is the student Shatiao Aige mentioned by Mo Yi. There is no doubt about Grandpa Mo Yi's strength. There is no problem in teaching a student or something.

But the name Shatiao Aige sounded like the name of a female student. Based on her understanding of Grandpa Mo Yi, the guy who could accept his bad taste and accept him as a student must not be a normal person.

Moreover, the teacher and the female student are so imaginative!

"It's really interesting. Why didn't I think of following Xiaoyi?"

Irisviel looked envious and then said:

"Since Xiaoyi said that all the new friends have come to Fuyuki City, why not take advantage of the holiday tomorrow and invite them over to play."

Irisviel is right to say that. The others are not far away, so it would be inappropriate not to invite them over as guests.

In fact, Mo Yi had already had this idea. He just thought that when he came back, he would spend a few days first and then invite Theresa and the others to come over for a get-together and introduce them to friends at home. It would be nice to become familiar with each other. After all, Depending on Theresa and the others, they will live in Fuyuki City for a long time in the future.

"This is not urgent -"

Grandpa Mo Yi thought for a while, 'I'll contact them and come over to play when everyone is free. ’


Theresa and the others have just arrived in a new environment, and they will definitely need some time to adapt to the new life, such as where to live, purchasing daily necessities and other trivial issues.

"Xiao Yi, you are more thoughtful."

Irisviel nodded and smiled.

The breakfast time was not long, about twenty minutes. As for his recent experience, Mo Yi just summarized it and detailed it, and would talk about it later in the evening when he was free.

Three minutes ago, Illya, Matou Sakura and Yukinoshita Yukinia had already left as a group. As for going to school with them, Grandpa Mo Yi refused.

Although he is not afraid of trouble, he is naturally happy to avoid trouble easily.

After drinking the last sip of hot tea in the cup, Mo Yi stood up and set off.

"I'm going to school."

In the eyes of the friends of the Wei Gong family, he had only been away for less than a month, but in Grandpa Mo Yi's memory, if the time spent in the Root Vortex was added, he had been away for more than ten years. go to school.

Suddenly having to return to the lifestyle of an ordinary high school student is still a bit unaccustomed.

Mo Yi, who was walking leisurely while sighing about life, soon reached the only way to go to school, the slope full of cherry blossoms. Unfortunately, the cherry blossoms had already passed their flowering period and had long since withered, leaving only the green color. The dry leaves, blown by the summer wind, kept ringing, as if greeting Mo Yi, a friend he hadn't seen in the past.

"Detective Poe——"

Mo Yi remembered that this place seemed to be called this name.

More than a month ago, before the Fifth Holy Grail War occurred, Grandpa Mo Yi had been living a very stable life as a high school student in District 11.

Be a top student at school, be a world-renowned writer at home, battle wits with your sister Erina-chan every day, tease Illya when you are bored, and have a cup of hot tea with Sakura Arimatou when you are tired. Tea and greetings, secretly he is a hero motivated by interest in maintaining the safety of Fuyuki City. (At that time, the shredded rake was working outside for a long time, and Emiya Shaoxia was responsible for the daily operation of the Emiya family. Well, he was similar to the role of the Ouchi supervisor.)

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