I thought that days like this would continue like this, at least thirty or forty years later, when the children grew up and could take care of themselves, Mo Yi would leave the warm little home he had built and start a new life. adventure.

Unexpectedly, how could things suddenly become like this?

What he experienced in one month was more than what Mo Yi had experienced in the eighteen years since his rebirth.

It seems that everything started to change that morning——

Still on this slope, a white thunder hat suddenly hit his head. He saw the short-haired girl with a surprised look.

From that time on, a series of changes came one after another, and new people appeared in my life one after another.

Yukinoshita Yukino, Minami Kotori, Yusa Emi, Sesshōin Gungun, Daimaoou, Jeanne, Asuna, Kiriko...

As a result, the Emiya family, which originally had a small number of people, has now become a very large family, with a regular population of more than ten people. If placed in any ordinary family, it would be called a "rich family". (A lot of talents should not be used to describe many people, but to describe many talents. This is a wrong usage, please don’t learn from it.)

After finally finishing it, I encountered another world and formed a new fate. On my way home, I also met Theresa and others.

Speaking of which, all these changes began on that morning when the cherry blossoms fell five centimeters per second.

"Speaking of which-"

Mo Yi, who was thinking about the changes in the past, soon remembered a very serious problem, patted his head and said to himself:

"I haven't made Megumi Kato the most dazzling heroine yet!"

The story begins with the other party, but when Mo Yi thought about it carefully, he realized that his task completion for the other party was the lowest. For example, the task of cultivating Muse, Mo Yi took the time to look at the completion degree. Under his own guidance, he added Muse Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the ten-person team, 70% of the completion rate has been achieved, but only Kato Megumi's, the earliest large-scale chain task, has maintained the 100% that Mo Yi pulled the opponent to the game club in the beginning. Progress of ten.

It seems that without myself and just relying on the influence of friends in the game club, the effect is really not great.

Or, the reason why things develop like this is because of the influence of Kato Megumi's own god-level talent 'Akarin Halo', so everyone is changing, only she is inadvertently ignored, even Grandpa Mo Yi is also Are you unintentionally affected by it and ignore the other person unconsciously?

Thinking about it this way, Kato Megumi's ability is really terrifying, even the Great Demon King Mo Yi can't withstand it.

"Perhaps if I look back now, I can go back to that time and see that girl with her hat blown off——"

Everyone has a whim and does something that seems strange to others.

For example, when I see it raining outside, I suddenly want to go home in the rain without holding an umbrella. I suddenly want to go home in the rain without holding an umbrella. I suddenly want to go to the back of the mountain at my door to see what is on the other side of the mountain. I suddenly want to take a walk. I called my ex-boyfriend (girl) and said a few words of greetings to the other person, but after I got through and didn’t know what to say, I finally said “wrong number” and hung up quickly; on the way home from work, I suddenly stood there and felt The cool evening breeze blows on my face, and I sigh, "Today's wind is a bit noisy."

Mo Yi's behavior at the moment was like this. He suddenly turned around and looked over, trying to see if he could meet Kato Megumi, and the other person's hat happened to be blown by the wind, hitting Mo Yi's face, and then he sang a song like "Sign Up" , "Your Name" style BGM sounded——

"Is this your hat, Kato-senpai?"

"Yeah, what a coincidence-"

"Good morning, it's been a while since I last saw you -"

"Yeah, long time no see -"

Well, this is actually an occupational disease of the creator. He gets inspiration anytime and anywhere, and then automatically makes up the beginnings of beautiful and interesting stories. But if he writes it down, he will find that it is difficult to write a sentence, and he doesn’t know what to say at all. How to describe what you are thinking.

"Get out of the way!!"

After being in a daze, Mo Yi just stood there and looked back. Then the development of things was different from Mo Yi's imagination. Looking back at the past moment, just as Grandpa Mo Yi thought, a BGM seemed to ring in his ears, but it was not "Sign Up" or "Your Name", but It's "Pigs Rush Forward" (one of the exclusive songs of Ying Lili in the heroine Passerby.)

All he saw was a girl with blond hair and twin tails wearing a Fuyuki High School uniform, riding a women's bicycle, rushing towards Mo Yi who was standing on the side of the road.

Well, this blond girl with twin tails is a guy Mo Yi knows, Sawamura Spencer Eiri, known as the Queen of Lost Dogs, a well-known painter of beautiful girls in the industry.

What surprised Mo Yi even more was that the opponent had a collapsed look on his face and kept pressing the brakes with both hands. Unfortunately, the brakes seemed to be broken. With the help of the slope, the sprint speed became faster and faster, and he crashed into Mo Yi.

"Senior Mo Yi, get out of the way!!"

Ying Lili, who was launching a death sprint, recognized Mo Yi when he turned around and shouted loudly:

"The brakes are broken——"

Mo Yi: "..."

Yinglili, hurry up and give me back my beautiful fantasy of 'looking back suddenly, that person is in the dim light'!

Complaints are complaints, Mo Yi never thought of getting out of the way and letting the opponent rush down like this. If the opponent rushes down like this, a fall is considered good luck. He might injure other people, and even more unlucky, and the intersection ahead. I can't stop, and I will probably have a life-and-death love affair with a four-wheeled car.

As for intercepting the opponent without any damage, it was a piece of cake for Mo Yi.

"Don't be in a daze, get out of the way!"

Seeing that she was about to rush towards Mo Yi, Ying Lili's shouts broke.

However, at this moment, a large stone appeared in front of the bicycle. If it were normal, it would be nothing, but the high-speed bicycle was bumped by this and jumped into the sky two meters in front of Mo Yi.


Because you are jumping up on a downhill road, the height is not very high. The target of the bicycle impact changes from Mo Yi's feet to Mo Yi's head.

Facing this sudden change, Grandpa Mo Yi subconsciously used an iron bridge to avoid the leaping bicycle.

Because of the posture of the iron bridge, Mo Yi's field of vision was naturally looking upward. First, there was a Yingli pear passing by, and then there was a Yingli pear that broke away from the bicycle and flew into the air.

The sun was big and round today, and Mo Yi got a 'white' look without being prepared.


It was all because of the beautiful angle and perfect timing of the bicycle leaping towards him. Mo Yi couldn't help but show off the good waist that every good man must have, performing a wave of iron bridge.

My original plan was to catch the other party!

After waking up, Mo Yi quickly rolled like a carp, touching the iron bridge at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see. Then he walked to the place where Yingli was about to fall, and stretched out his hands, just in time to catch Yingli, who had her eyes closed and was about to crash. Pear caught it.


Eiri, who did not feel the pain she imagined, opened her eyes and said to herself:

"Have I already exercised to the point where I don't care about falling down to this extent?"

"Hey, wake up."

Mo Yi looked at Ying Lili with a strange confident smile speechlessly, and complained:

"Then come down quickly."


Well, Yinglili finally knew why she didn't feel pain. It turned out to be because Mo Yi caught her.

At this time, Ying Lili calmed down and remembered that Mo Yi had saved her from a terrible woman. With the magic shown at that time, being able to catch herself now seemed to be a normal operation.


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