It’s really true! !

Even if they hit a big train, they are worried about whether something happens to the big truck, not themselves.

"We don't have time to explain so much, get in the car quickly——"

Mo Yi sat directly on the bicycle and said as if he was driving:

"If you don't leave, you will really be late."


Yinglili stopped talking nonsense and sat on the tailstock:

"I'm done, hurry up and drive. I've managed to maintain a perfect attendance record for half a year, but I can't lose it like this, senior Mo Yi."

Ying Lili said this, Mo Yi pushed hard with his right foot, and stepped on the pedals with both feet. It was obviously a bicycle, but it felt like chasing the wind of a sports car.


Ying Lili was startled by the confident car that suddenly started running wildly. Fortunately, in a hurry, she grabbed Grandpa Mo Yi's shoulders and was not thrown off.

Yingli looked down at the bicycle beneath her. If she wasn't dazzled, the bicycle's tires seemed to be erasing a white smoke with sparks on the ground.

Will your car suddenly die suddenly and disintegrate while moving forward?

"This car is too fast, Senior Mo Yi!!"

Facing Ying Lili's shouts, Mo Yi responded calmly:

"It doesn't matter. It may feel a little uncomfortable at first. Once you get used to it, you will feel more comfortable."

"Eiriri, you have to believe in my senior's driving skills. Not to mention bicycles, even tanks, I can drive at the speed of a train."


As a book painter, Ying Lili naturally has a lot of hidden knowledge. She instantly understood the connotation of Mo Yi's ambiguous words and shouted while complaining:

"Senior Mo Yi, don't drive around an innocent high school girl like me!"

"And when you say that, I'm even more worried."

Ying Lili's ordinary bicycle should have exploded and scattered at such a high speed, but with the blessing and modification of magic power, there would be no problems until Grandpa Mo Yi finished riding.

After more than a minute, just as Grandpa Mo Yi said, Ying Lili gradually got used to the dizzy feeling of flying through the air.


When the bicycle passed by the pedestrian, the pedestrian only heard a roar of air and a storm of air convection that was enough to lift the skirt.


There were bursts of screams.


Suddenly, a girl sounded next to Mo Yi and Ying Lili.

Mo Yi glanced sideways and saw that he was a familiar guy. Well, just ignore him.

Yinglili, on the other hand, looked behind her with some curiosity and anxiety, running wildly with her feet, chasing the girl on the bicycle.

At first glance, I saw that the other party was also a female high school student, a typical tall girl with long, straight black hair. Under the influence of the wind, even if the black hair was tied into a simple ponytail, it could not stop it from flying in the wind. roar

All in all, the overall feeling given to Ying Lili is - Where did this disciplinary committee member come from?

As for why Yinglili knew that the other party was a female high school student?

The sailor school uniform that is very characteristic of District 11 fully illustrates this problem. However, that is obviously not the same style as Eri's school uniform, but another high school uniform in Fuyuki City.

"Mo Yi, did you hear that? Stop the car for me!"

"According to regulations, bicycles cannot ride on people over the age of 12——"

Ying Lili, who also heard the other party's roar clearly, remembered that the bicycle seemed really not capable of carrying people, poked Mo Yi on the shoulder and asked:

"Senior, are you afraid of this?"

"The other person seems to know you. Have you done anything to feel sorry for her? I can feel the resentment emanating from the other person."

"It doesn't matter--"

Grandpa Mo Yi said calmly:

"As long as someone is not caught on the spot for carrying people on a bicycle, and it is not like a car where people take pictures and write down the license plate, then there is no violation."

"As for the other party——"

Mo Yi turned around and looked at the long, straight black girl who was chasing after her, and said nonchalantly:

"She is Isayama Yomi, a high school student from the high school next door. Because of some misunderstanding, I got to know such a troublesome guy."

"It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time, so you just greet me in this special way."

Yinglili: "···"

The other party's frantic look did not look like a warm greeting.


Ying Lili complained softly:

"No matter how I look at it, it looks like you, Senior Mo Yi, have always been messy and finally gave up. After the other party got pregnant, you thought it was a troublesome matter and abandoned the other party."

Now Grandpa Mo Yi was so confused that he could only sigh in his heart: As expected of Mr. Eri Kashiwagi, a great influencer in the industry, in just a few seconds, he could come up with a short story after the rain that could be published.

We are not alone!

Isayama Yomi is one of the policemen (official workers in charge of mysterious matters) in Fuyuki City. He got to know Mo Yi because of certain things. He has a persistent and serious character. When he meets Grandpa Mo Yi who is good at playing tricks on others, he naturally dislikes him. Not good enough, after suffering several losses at Mo Yi's hands, he always wanted to find an opportunity to get revenge.

Ben went to school as usual, and accidentally saw Grandpa Mo Yi racing past her, and immediately thought that this was a good opportunity to come back with revenge.

Although bicycle violations are not the responsibility of a mysterious police officer like her, how much does she need to consider?

What she was thinking about at the moment was to capture Mo Yi and then teach him a righteous lesson. Thinking about it, she was really a little excited!


Just stop if you tell me to stop. How can I, Mo, roam the world in Fuyuki City? !

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