Mo Yi ignored Isayama Yomi who was reluctantly following the bicycle and continued chatting with Eiri:

"Yinglili, you have great ideas. How about learning to cook from me in the future?"

Yinglili: "···"

"I'm sorry, Senior Mo Yi. Although I am a book painter, I always believe that I am still a good girl. Don't always drive for me."

"Abominable(〃> dishes<)"

When Isayama Huangquan saw that Mo Yi ignored her shouts and even talked and laughed with the girl behind him, his mentality was about to explode. He took out something from his arms and threw it at Grandpa Mo Yi.

"The Lion King!"

"Sit tight, it's time to speed up——"

Although Mo Yi looked like he was ignoring Isayama Huangquan, in fact, every move of the other party was under his observation. She was ready to cause trouble, so it was naturally seen clearly.

Fighting, it is impossible to fight!

Ignoring the other party and violently resisting the other party are two different things.

If you really violently resist a police officer like the other party, you don’t know what kind of trouble you will cause later.

After Isayama Huangquan took out a big sword, he pointed at Mo Yi, and a strange, half-real, half-illusory four-legged beast rushed towards the bicycle.

"Catch... catch, catch the shrimp farmer——"

As soon as the will-o'-the-wisp sounded, the bicycle accelerated instantly, from a speed comparable to a sports car to a maglev train, directly throwing away the unwilling Isayama Yomi.

After leaving Isayama Huangquan behind, Mo Yi and Ying Lili no longer encountered any obstacles.

"Senior Mo Yi, what was that monster just now?"

After seeing safety and slowing down, Yinglili finally had the opportunity to ask her questions.

"Probably a shikigami."

"Shikigami? Is it the Onmyoji's shikigami?"

Yinglili's name is both a foreign name, but as a mixed-race girl born and raised in District 11, she has already heard about the Onmyoji culture in District 11.

"But that's right. Since magic does exist, then Onmyoji is real and normal."

"Senior Mo Yi, I have a question for you -"

When Yinglili said this, there was a bit of hesitation and entanglement in her tone. It seemed that the next question caused a lot of trouble to her.

"Yeah, okay."

Yinglili took a breath and whispered:

"Do you still remember when I asked you how to become stronger?"


Grandpa Mo Yi recalled it carefully, and it seemed that such a thing really happened. He seemed to have told Ying Lili in the way of the bald devil Saitama becoming stronger. It was a joke at the time, but I never thought Yinglili would take it seriously.

"You can't really do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 kilometers every day, right?"

"Actually, the exercise method you mentioned, Senior Mo Yi, is very effective. It's just——"

Yinglili muttered awkwardly:

"I have noticed in the past two days that my hairline seems to have risen by one centimeter."

"I used to stay up late drawing comics and drink Happy Water as boiled water. This has never happened to me."

"The only change during this period is to stick to the exercise method you mentioned, Senior Mo Yi."

"Do you think it's caused by over-exercising, or is it due to other reasons?"

"This question has been bothering me for the past two days. If my hairline continues to increase like this and turns into a high forehead, how should I meet people?!"

With Jingru's courage, Yinglili still told Grandpa Mo Yi about her inner troubles. Today's science is obviously ineffective in dealing with the hairline problem that plagues hundreds of millions of people, so she can only turn to big men with mysterious powers.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Ying Lili's current training method was originally taught by Grandpa Mo Yi.


Hearing this, Mo Yi almost lost his temper.

Girl, fortunately it was discovered early and your hairline has only risen by one centimeter. If it takes a long time, you may never need to worry about the height of your hairline again, because there is no such thing as a hairline. .

Teacher Saitama, the bald demon king, has tried his best to tell everyone the secret of becoming stronger - I became stronger, but also bald.

But this is unscientific. How could Grandpa Mo Yi not realize that there is a mysterious rule in the Xingyue world that 'as you become stronger, you will lose your hair'!

This is probably a matter of personal constitution.

However, facing Yinglili who was troubled by her rising hairline, Grandpa Mo Yi still felt a little guilty. Fortunately, now that the two of them were sitting on the bicycle, Yinglili could not see Grandpa Moyi's front face.

"Maybe it's just Yinglili's illusion——"

"And with a high hairline, you can also be very cute, just like Takagi-san, I like her very much."

"It's not an illusion!"

Yinglili said categorically:

"For girls, as long as it's about body changes, you can't go wrong! Not to mention something as obvious as hair!"

"Also, who is classmate Takagi? Why didn't I know that there is a classmate named Takagi next to senior Mo Yi?"

"Takagi-san is the heroine in the new manga I drew recently, but that's not the point -"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who felt guilty, said in a serious tone:

"I'll go back and research pills to promote hair growth. I'll give you a try in a few days to see if they have any effect."

"Then thank you, Senior Mo Yi -"

Yinglili breathed a sigh of relief. She still trusted Mo Yi's words very much. She didn't look at what happened before, but just looked at the effect of using a bicycle to create a train. She knew it was a big boss. At least he was seeing a doctor or looking for something by himself. When it comes to conventional methods such as hair growth secrets, big guys like Mo Yi are more trustworthy.

After temporarily solving her hairline worries, Eiri is finally in the mood to talk about other things. For example, she recently plans to imitate Grandpa Mo Yi and no longer join the fandom field. Instead, she responds to the slogan of Yakumo House and creates a passionate fantasy for all ages. Comic story.

Becoming a good person is the dream of every fan artist who goes to the sea, and Yinglili is naturally the same.

However, Yinglili, who has always been famous for her work as an artist and drawing books, still lacks some confidence in drawing orthodox comics by herself.

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