The more people care and expect, the more they are afraid of failure, which is normal.

Rather, it is precisely because of continuous efforts, hard work and time that I cannot accept the result of my failure. Yinglili has such psychological baggage.

Hearing Grandpa Mo Yi talk about the new comics, Ying Lili naturally remembered that the senior she was flying with was a real industry leader. This was a good opportunity to learn from her experience, and she planned to share her ideas with him. , see if I can get some advice.

Chapter 563: Kunkun’s Basketball

"Okay, please tell your story -"

Seniors like Grandpa Mo Yi like to support and support younger generations the most.

"Let me hear what kind of story it is."

Hearing that Mo Yi was willing to give her advice, Ying Lili said happily:

"I plan to draw a passionate sports comic about boys playing basketball."

"The male protagonist is a tall male high school student with very high physical talent. Well, he is a versatile athlete. But because he is so talented, he can quickly reach a very high level no matter what sport he plays, such as track and field, baseball, boxing, etc. , then get bored and give up.”


After hearing this, I always felt that this character was a bit familiar. Grandpa Mo Yi quickly found the prototype around him and complained:

"Eiriri, you've been swollen after practicing for more than a month. Yukino has been studying Aikido for several years. Be careful, she will block you at the school gate and give you a beating. Don't look at her acting like a cold literary girl all day long. In fact, she likes to use violence to solve problems, especially with people she knows. I was beaten by her many times. I can handle it, but you may not."

Grandpa Mo Yi hasn't said yet, Xue Miao is not only proficient in Aikido, but also an old horse monkey who makes wine and strengthens magic and physical skills, which can really beat ordinary people into paralysis.


Yinglili coughed a little guiltily and said:

"This is just a coincidence! You must know that art comes from life and is higher than life. If you must look for the prototype of the characters in the story, you can find them no matter what."

"However, Senior Mo Yi——"

Ying Lili thought: How could Senior Mo Yi know that his male protagonist was created based on Yukinoshita Senior? Well, no, in fact, this kind of character image has appeared many times in various hot-blooded comics. La!

"My story this time really doesn't have any storyline at all. It's just the sincere friendship between boys and the pursuit of dreams. It's full of positive energy. Do you mind if Yukinoshita-senpai fights..." Woolen cloth?"

After seeing that Ying Lili was scared, Mo Yi stopped scaring her and said with a smile:

"If you don't tell others about this, no one will be able to see it except me. After all, there is no chance that Yukino will be able to read your comics."

Yinglili: "···"

Senior Mo Yi, what you said makes sense, but I always feel that you are laughing at me. My comics will be sold out and no one will read them.

Depressed, Yinglili continued to introduce her thoughts:

"The beginning of the story is that the male protagonist accidentally saw a female classmate, fell in love at first sight, and tried to find a way to get close to her. Later, she found out that the other person was the manager of the basketball club, so she planned to join the basketball club. Although the male protagonist has never played basketball , but with his superhuman talent, it is not difficult for him to learn basketball."

Mo Yi: "..."

This familiar beginning, Ying Lili, do you think I haven’t seen “Slam Dunk”?

"Then the male protagonist successfully joined the basketball club, and then met the legendary number two male master who was tired of basketball. The two people's personalities and concepts were too different, and the quarrel triggered a one-on-one plot."

"Although the male protagonist is very talented, a sport does not make you invincible just by talent. It also requires various trainings. Therefore, in this duel, the male protagonist was mercilessly beaten by the second male lead."

"But even so, during the duel, the second male found that the male pig's foot was just a layman. He had great talent, but before it turned into strength, he was still a scumbag. But in this short duel process, , the male pig foot keeps improving like a monster, and what’s even more amazing is that he constantly absorbs the various technical moves performed by the male number two. At the end of the duel, the male number two actually felt pressure from the opponent, forcing him to use the It took one-tenth of the skill to turn into two-tenth of the skill to successfully block the male pig's feet."

"In terms of sports, the male pig foot, who has always been the pride of heaven, has never been so aggrieved, let alone being zeroed by others and playing like a monkey. In addition, the second male lead is so cold and cold, and it seems that he looks down on him. He looked like, "Basketball is not interesting, I don't want to play anymore" remarks, plus the attitude of turning around and leaving after winning. The male pig's feet exploded on the spot. It was the first time that The feeling of being tortured and crying.”

"At this time, the original intention of the male pig's feet in playing basketball is no longer to get close to the goddess, but to defeat the number two male in an upright manner."

"As for the second male lead? As he turned to leave, he felt that his heart had not been beating so fiercely for a long time. He couldn't help but say 'interesting man' in his heart, and once again felt the interest that basketball brought to him."

"So, the fate of male pig foot and male number two took over. Later, the basketball team was reorganized, participated in the high school league, won with difficulty, and then went to the national competition and the world league."

"Two people with discordant personalities, in the process of chasing and fighting, turned into a group of close comrades who could be trusted to support them."

When Mo Yi told the story in his mind, Ying Lili's little mouth behind him had already opened and he forgot to close it.

I just came up with the character design of the male pig's trotters and the second male lead. I haven't conceived the specific plot yet. How could senior Mo Yi guess my idea of ​​​​the characters? But I haven't figured out the starting plot yet. How to make the male pig's trotters and the second male lead? They were related, and Senior Mo Yi said it.

What's even more amazing is that after listening to it, I felt that this is how the story should unfold.

Senior Mo Yi, please tell me, are you secretly hiding in my room and watching me write the outline?

"As expected of Senior Mo Yi, he guessed what I was thinking after hearing the beginning——"

Ying Lili directly borrowed what Mo Yi said from the plot and asked:

"Does Senior Mo Yi think my story will become popular?"


Even Mo Yi can't say for sure whether it will be popular or not, because it depends not only on the quality of the work, but also on various off-site factors. Just like "Slam Dunk", when Mo Yi was still young , super popular, but Mo Yi just couldn't stand it. Compared to the sports animation of a group of boys sweating and wrestling each other, Mo Yi preferred the Mahou Shaju that "represents the moon to destroy you". Nothing could be done but let Mo Yi I envy Nobita Nobita's "Legend of Blue Fatty", "Pokémon" that even Pi Shen can't carry, and will never win the league championship in his life. Yes, there is also a female high school student who traveled through time and space to the Warring States Period to talk to the dog monster. Fall in love and save the world casually in "Inuyasha".

Unsure, Mo Yi asked:

"So Yinglili, what do you think is the selling point of this story? Compared with other comics, what is it that attracts other readers?"


Grandpa Mo Yi's rhetorical question really confused Ying Lili.

If it were a previous fan work, Yinglili could certainly answer with certainty - the cute girl and character, the subtle painting style, the lingering thought about it, and the slightly astringent youthful throbbing.

But it was my first time to draw an orthodox manga, and I chose Eri, a sports-themed character. When I conceived this story, I relied on inspiration. The original idea came when I was eating udon noodles made by my mother, Sayuri Sawamura. , I suddenly thought of it as I patted my head.

The various characters and plots that follow are all powered by love, wherever you think of it.

In fact, this is the experience of most novice creators. When they turn inspiration into a story, what do they think of it at the beginning and what selling points they use to attract readers.

After thinking hard for a while, Yinglili said with some uncertainty:

"The friendship between boys, the love for basketball, the conflict and choice between reality and dreams——"

"Well, I also plan to popularize some basketball knowledge while writing the story."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

This is indeed a royal story, but there are countless such royal stories born every day. In the end, it only depends on the individual level.

"There is nothing wrong with the overall structure——"

Grandpa Mo Yi nodded and said:

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