"But I think it's not enough. Too bland game details may attract readers' interest at first, but once you draw a few games, they will gradually lose their appeal. After all, in a sport like basketball, you have to finish the game in person. Only in this way can you feel the truest sense of happiness and embodiment. If you read comics, you will soon lose the freshness."

"Is that so?"

Yinglili, who was incompetent in sports and had never even played basketball, and who only relied on searching information on the Internet, asked with some anxiety:

"Senior Mo Yi, what do you think I can do to remedy this?"

I finally thought of such a serious story, so I couldn't just give it up just because Senior Mo Yi said, 'It won't be easy to develop later', right?

"Eiriri, do you know the rules of the basketball game?"


Since she wants to draw a basketball cartoon, no matter how sloppy Yinglili is, she must clarify the rules, otherwise she will definitely be sprayed to death later.

"That's fine-"

Grandpa Mo Yi suggested:

"Traditional sports-themed comics are difficult to draw in the later stage, but we can add super elements based on the original foundation and without violating the rules of basketball."


When Ying Lili thought about it, it did make some sense. Adding a super power system in a hot-blooded comic would indeed provide countless more writing spaces when describing the plot of the game. Unlike basketball, no matter how good you are, you can only run as fast as you can. Faster, jump better, hit people harder.

With the addition of superpowers, just shooting can be described in countless ways. Right now, Yinglili thought of it - the big S shot that turned in the air, spiraled into the sky, and then fell straight down the elevator shot, adding flames to the basketball. Frost, thunder and lightning. Elemental pitching of storms and other special effects.

It can be said that this greatly improves the individual's power and role, and makes it easier to highlight the power of the male pig's feet.

Most readers who like to read hot-blooded comics like stories of personal heroism.

However, if the super powers are too exaggerated or have no special features, it can easily turn a basketball story into a super power story that is actually about fighting with super powers in a basketball.

So Ying Lili told Mo Yi what she thought of.

"It's normal for you to be worried like this -"

After Mo Yi thought of the comic called "Creation Tennis" (New Prince of Tennis), he wanted to complain like this.

"However, as long as you have a good outline and setting, you don't need to worry too much,"

"However, I suggest that the super power system you adopt should not be too traditional and powerful, but should be closer to skills and weirdness. To put it simply, it is fancy but not very powerful."

Yinglili complained with some distress:

"But when I talk about the super power system, I think of fireballs, wind blades, and fighting spirit wings. It's really hard to think of changing the system."

"All right--"

Grandpa Mo Yi can also understand. After all, when people talk about superpowers, what people often think of are fire breathing, generating electricity, and space transfer.

"Then let me give you some examples. What do you think?"

"For example, the male pig's trotter's talent is that he has a pair of enemy moves that he can completely memorize. As long as it is a technical ability, it can be simulated with hard training. This talent will be the 'Eye of the Emperor of Heaven', Moreover, the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven will be upgraded. Every time it is mentally stimulated, the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven may evolve. When used, the pupils turn red. At the beginning, there is only one magatama in it. As the evolution progresses, the number of magatama gradually increases. , when it evolves to the Ultimate Nine Magatama, it can evolve into a kaleidoscope for the second time, thus possessing more abilities. As for the actual abilities, it ranges from complete memory at the beginning, to complex imitation, to finally 'moves that have only been seen once' , you can find the flaw the second time and make it invalid. Well, you can even amplify the other person's negative emotions by looking at each other, making the other person fall into the illusion of self-inflicted brain damage."

Yinglili: "···"

"Senior Mo Yi, isn't this a foul?"

"Yinglili, you are still too young."

Grandpa Mo Yi said matter-of-factly:

"Does it say in the basketball rules that players are not allowed to use eye magic? And does the male pig foot physically touch the opponent, just make eye contact to make the opponent fall into the illusion. Such a secret move, unless the opponent wears sunglasses on the court, Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to guard against it, and if you want to report it later, you can't find any evidence. Could it be that the enemy said that the other party glared at me and hypnotized me? However, such a powerful move does need to be limited, otherwise the combat power will be too strong and it will not be able to be used. The effect of 50/50 can be set as this move requires a lot of mental energy, can only be used three times a day, and cannot be effective on the same person twice in a day. Moreover, this move uses the opponent's negative emotions. , and there is a very small risk of helping the other party overcome their inner demons, allowing them to have an epiphany, and thus explode."

"Look at this setting, is it very reasonable? In a game, the protagonist team can't beat the opponent, and then they go back to the lead. But because of this turn of defeat into victory, it helps the opponent's main team break through their inner demons, thus upgrading their superpowers. The protagonist was suppressed once, and the protagonist team exploded through the power of wisdom and friendship. They fought the opponent 50-50, fought happily, and finally won by luck."

"Is this okay?!"

Ying Lili felt that Grandpa Mo Yi's words had opened a door to a new world. Although it sounded silly, once the painting was completed, it was absolutely passionate!

It's a hot-blooded comic that makes people happy to watch it, and makes their blood boil.

The kind of comics that are enjoyable to watch and explore various social issues, outlook on life, and values ​​are masterpieces. How can a newcomer like Ying Lili pursue them?

You want everything, but in the end you can't do anything well.

After talking about the male pig's feet, Mo Yi started to talk about the setting of the second male lead.

"The ability of the second male number can be the ability to manipulate time and space. Of course, the ability of time and space does not necessarily mean space transfer. Such an obvious skill will definitely not work in a basketball game. We can say that he can rewrite time and space. Loss speed, so that he can make his own time pass slower than others. In this way, he ran for four seconds, but in the eyes of others, only one second passed. The speed is naturally extremely fast. This move is called 'Inherent time control or 'time and space rift'. In addition, it can also be said that he achieves an ability similar to invisibility by changing his own time and space. He is obviously next to the enemy, but the enemy can't help but ignore his position. When this move is upgraded later, it can also be turned into a group skill, which will be briefly blessed on teammates, allowing them to enter a pseudo-invisible state together. This move can be called "Wind Step" when used individually, and becomes When it comes to group skills, it’s called ‘Dark Side of the Moon’.”

"As for the abilities of other people, you can also set them according to this idea. For example, without paying attention to any bells and whistles, you can train your own quality to the point where you can become a one-punch fighter who is immune to all means and can break through all means. You can also have the ability to clone yourself. A player who can form a team by combining speed and clone ability. A martial arts player who combines the traditional martial arts "Hokuto Shinken" with basketball skills. He can slightly control destiny, predict the future, and rewrite the enemy's luck. Players with strange abilities who make all kinds of mistakes and accidents on the opponent's side are protected by absolute rules, players with rules ability who can hit 100% of the first shot within ten seconds."

"As long as you think about it, you can definitely think of all kinds of abilities."

"Are you inspired now, Yinglili?"


When Mo Yi gave such an example, Ying Lili's inspiration came out like crazy, then she picked one or two ideas and said:

"I also thought of some suitable abilities, such as the ability to automatically transform into the most perfect person of the opposite sex in the other person's heart, to make them fall in love without being able to fight back. If they are physically contacted at close range, there is a small chance that the enemy will fall into delusion (this book plot), and for example, the ability to shoot without any solution, as long as he intercepts his shot, his clothes will explode."

Mo Yi: "..."

Sure enough, no matter how good a comic artist is, he does not forget to give benefits to old customers in orthodox comics.

It’s just that in a basketball story, the ability to let the enemy’s clothes explode when he intercepts a shot is too devilish, right?

You know, basketball games are not all boys, they are all girls. If someone is really so tough to block that shot, wouldn't that tough guy have to burst out in front of hundreds of people?

Is this social death?

You have to leave some safety pants for the other party!

Moreover, imagine that in a basketball game involving all boys, a player suddenly breaks out of his clothes. That would be too eye-catching!

All I can say is, you are so beautiful.

However, there are ways to crack it. As long as you bring a few more sets to replace them, the effectiveness of this trick will be greatly reduced.

"But Yinglili, have you decided on the names of the male pig trotters and the second male lead?"

"Um, not yet-"

Yinglili said with some embarrassment:

"In my previous works, the names were not important. Suddenly it was a bit difficult for me to come up with a suitable name."

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