"Why don't I think of one for you and see if it works-"

Mo Yi smiled and said:

"The male pig's foot is called Hyuga Kun, or Kun for short, and his title after becoming a god is Kunshen. The second male number is Kuroko Tetsuya, and his title can be called Moon God."

"As for the name of the comic, I think "Kunkun's Basketball" is pretty good. It's easy to remember, festive, and full of momentum."

"There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that it is thousands of miles away. It can be seen that Kun is a very powerful mythical beast. The two Kuns put together make 'Kun Kun', which is majestic and bright." Catchy.”

"See if this name suits you."

Chapter 564: Kasumigaoka Shiu takes sick leave

With Mo Yi's help, Ying Lili still accepted Mo Yi's name.

At this time, the two of them had already arrived at the school gate.

"There's a car in front of me, and I'm going to hit it if I don't stop!"

The brakes of Yingli's bicycle were already broken, and the speed at this moment was no slower than that of an ordinary car. Others might not be able to brake quickly and would have to wait for the bicycle's kinetic energy to be consumed automatically.

"Look at my ancestral 'footbrake'——"

The so-called foot brake is to use the feet to contact the ground and generate differential friction and resistance to offset the kinetic energy of the bicycle itself, thereby achieving the braking effect. The cost is that the durability of the shoes is greatly reduced.

This skill should not be used by experienced drivers who have been addicted to it for more than half a year. Once the driving skills are unstable, the sprained foot will be small, and the person will fall over and the fall will be serious.

After erasing two traces of white smoke more than one meter long on the ground, the bicycle stopped steadily in front of the black cars in front.

"How could an old driver overturn his car? Get off at the station, Yinglili."


Yinglili also quickly entered the role of the perfect young lady and got out of the back of the car very gracefully.

"Thank you for your help, senior."

Well, as expected of Eiri, even if she only got off the back of the bicycle, she still had the temperament of getting off the extended version of Lincoln.

In the black car parked next to Grandpa Mo Yi and Ying Lili, the person inside also opened the door and walked out.

Okay, another acquaintance.

"Good morning, Mo Yi——"

The person who walked out of the driver's door was Mo Yi's former servant and future sister-in-law Cecilia.

Because of the previous conversation, Cecilia no longer calls Grandpa Mo Yi master, but calls him by his first name.


Since Cecilia and the others live at Raiden Mei's place, and Kiana and Raiden Mei are both attending Fuyuki High School, it is quite normal for them to encounter this incident.

Unexpectedly, after we separated last night, we met at school today.

"Cecilia, why are you driving?!"

Cecilia: "..."

Cecilia really didn't expect Mo Yi to be so surprised and then ask such a question. I have only been dead for more than ten years, and I am not that kind of ancient person. Isn't it normal to be able to drive?

"Is it weird that I'm driving?"

"Isn't it strange?"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"You are just a Lancer, not a Saber or a Rider, so of course you have no riding skills."

Cecilia, you said it makes sense... Damn it! I think you just want to embarrass me, Cecilia.

At this time, other people in the car also got out.

Raiden Mei, Kiana, and... Bronya?

Leiden Meiyi has always been Mo Yi's school girl, and Kiana recently transferred here, so where did this little duck come from?

"Good morning, Senior Mo Yi!"

The most polite person here is still Lei Dian Meiyi. After seeing Mo Yi, he immediately got out of the car and said hello.

"Good morning, Mei, Kiana, Bronya.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon, Mo Yi——"

After seeing Mo Yi, Kiana was obviously in a good mood and said with a smile:

"Go back and tell your aunt. She will definitely regret it. Let her sleep in."

"Theresa didn't come?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked into the car and saw that there was indeed no one inside, so he asked:

"How are you after you went back last night?"

"Of course Mei's family is fine——"

Kiana happily held Leiden Meiyi's hand and briefly talked about what happened after they separated from Grandpa Mo Yi.

In fact, there is not much to say. Apart from the housekeeper and maid, the only person in Raiden Mei's family is her old father Raiden Ryoma. After knowing Raiden Mei came home at night, Raiden Ryoma stopped working overtime and went home to wait for his daughter.

Raiden Ryoma welcomes his daughter's behavior of getting to know her friends from outside. Anyway, the ones he brings back are girls. His personality is too quiet, which makes his daughter who has no friends get to know more friends. This is exactly what Raiden Ryoma wants to see. .

Of course, if the person brought back in the middle of the night is a male, the swordsmanship that Raiden Ryoma has practiced hard for more than thirty years will finally have a chance to be put to use.

Under Leiden Meiyi's arrangement, everyone quickly settled down. After breakfast today, everyone did what they were supposed to do.

Thinking about Raiden Mei and Kiana, it was natural for them to go to school. After knowing that Raiden Mei and Kiana both went to school, Banya used a coquettish offensive towards Raiden Mei and expressed that they wanted to go to school together.

With his powerful money-making ability, Banya reported to school this morning and was able to directly insert himself into Raiden Mei's class.

Cecilia, on the other hand, was bored and drove everyone to school with the idea of ​​sending her own daughter.

Finally, Theresa and Kiana originally seemed to have brought each other here, and stopped by Fuyuki High School to visit and play, but Theresa refused, saying that she was going to go out to find a suitable place today, St. Freya Academy.

Then I went back to my room and took a nap, well, it was all to replenish my energy, otherwise I would be in trouble if I didn’t have the energy to work.

Even Kiana didn't believe this statement, but there was nothing she could do about Theresa who could beat her ten times, so she could only complain about her.

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