As for Wuliang Tahimeko, she disappeared directly after breakfast. The reason was to go out to find the way and see where there was a marriage agency in Fuyuki City and where there were more high-quality men where you could meet by chance.


After listening to Kiana's retelling, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that his previous worries about Theresa and the others being unaccustomed to their new life in Fuyuki City were still too naive.

The protagonists are indeed like Xiaoqiang, with extraordinary adaptability and can adapt to any environment as quickly as possible.

At this time, Kiana and others also paid attention to Ying Lili beside Mo Yi.

Kiana came close to Mo Yi's ear and whispered:

"As expected of my eldest uncle, I will be accompanied by beautiful girls wherever I go. Don't worry, I will tell my eldest aunt."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

After all, Kiana is a typical Western beautiful girl. In the eyes of strangers, she is a perfect goddess.

But with her lewd tone and smile at the moment, why does Mo Yi feel that the other person is so much like his best friend?

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't bear to look directly at Kiana.

"Yinglili is a friend of my club, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that everyone noticed Ying Lili, Mo Yi directly took the initiative to introduce the two parties.

Eiriri and Raiden Mei are both celebrities in Fuyuki High School. They are beautiful, have a mine at home, and have the appearance of a proper young lady. It is difficult to be famous in a place like the school.

Since the two were not classmates, they could only be considered acquaintances, well, to the extent that they knew their names and faces.

Kiana was deceived by Eiriri's fake appearance, thinking that the other party was also a young lady like Raiden Mei, so she was naturally very fond of her and took the initiative to start a conversation.

As for further thoughts, she definitely didn't think so. After all, she liked a girl with a broad mind like Raiden Mei, but Eiri clearly didn't fit in with her views on mate selection.

Facing the enthusiastic and familiar Kiana, Yinglili felt inexplicably overwhelmed, and finally managed to say goodbye politely to everyone and push her bicycle to the bicycle parking area.

Now that they have met, Grandpa Mo Yi followed the Kiana trio into the campus. As for the various looks floating around, to be honest, Mo Yi, who is the leader in the cultural and sports circles of Dongmu High School, has long been used to this. look.

"Goodbye then, Kiana, Mei and Bronya——"

After Mo Yi and Kiana said goodbye, they continued walking up the stairs to their class.

When Mo Yi walked into the classroom that Mo Yi had not seen for more than ten years, the noisy classroom instantly became quiet.

Mo Yi glanced at his lovely classmates casually, and seemed to hear someone yelling, 'Nurima, your emperor is back'!

After Mo Yi walked back to his seat, the classroom gradually returned to its previous bustle.


I looked at the quartz clock on the blackboard. It was five minutes before class time. Why hasn't my dear teacher Shiko Kasumi at the back table come yet?

Although Kasumigaoka Shiu always dozes off and does her own thing in class, she is never late and rarely visits the classroom.

Almost every time Mo Yi comes to the classroom, the other person is already dozing off on the table.

Did something happen during my absence for a month that I don't know about?

Seeing the time passing by second by second, there are still two minutes left before the school bell rings. Even the teacher of the first period, Jin Jingkei and Hiratsuka Shizuka, is already sitting on the podium, preparing for the tutorial.

Well, the other party kept knocking on where Mo Yi was sitting, looking at Grandpa Mo Yi with surprise and annoyance at the returning missing person.

The students in the class seemed to feel the strong aura exuded by Jing Keai who was clenching her fists, and they did not dare to say anything anymore. Even though the bell had not yet rung, they sat on the desks one by one, sitting up straight, as if they were like I usually have to be a little more serious in class.

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally noticed Jing Keai's visiting gaze. The other party was probably waiting for him to speak and explain why a week's leave ended up being a month.

Normally, Grandpa Mo Yi would have taken the initiative to walk up to Jing Keai at this time, lie seriously and tease her by the way.

But Grandpa Mo Yi was even more concerned about the fact that Teacher Shizizi hadn't come yet.

Seeing that class was about to start, Grandpa Mo Yi reached out and looked at the table of his friend Hikigaya Hachiman across the street, preparing to collect information from him.

Hikigaya Hachiman: "..."

Boss Mo Yi, you will draw Jing Keai’s attention to me!

I'm not you, and I don't have the ability to deal with Jing Keai who has fallen into a bloodthirsty rage.

Grandpa Mo Yi didn't care about what the big teacher was thinking as he pretended not to notice Mo Yi's small movements of tapping the table. He directly asked what he wanted to know.

"Hikigaya, do you know why Kasumigaoka hasn't come yet?"

Caught between the eyes of Grandpa Mo Yi and Jing Keai, the great teacher had no choice but to bite the bullet, keep his gaze fixed, and murmured in a low voice:

"I heard from Yuigahama that Kasumigaoka-san seems to have taken sick leave and hasn't come to school for almost a week."


After hearing the news, Mo Yi had to pay attention. Sick leave can be big or small. You can ask for sick leave for minor illnesses such as colds and fevers. You can also ask for sick leave for major problems such as car accidents, cancer, and amnesia.

In the uncertain situation, Grandpa Mo Yi had to worry.

I really need to go take a look after school today.

Then, the class bell rang——

"Attend class--"

Jing Keai can start teaching. As for the trouble with Mo Yi, she probably wants to wait until after class. After all, this is a student's matter, and you can't waste other students' precious time.

Although the other party always wanted to persuade Mo Yi to waste his good life and learn to love well, Grandpa Mo Yi had to admit that the other party was indeed a good teacher, both in terms of personal teaching ability and caring for students and other aspects of teacher ethics. All.

Therefore, when Jing Keai was in class, Mo Yi naturally gave her face. Even if he didn't listen, it would not affect other students' precious study time.


Why do I have to wait until after school to see each other? You know, the easiest way to know about other people's conditions is to take out your mobile phone, make a call, or send a message.

Since he was still in class, Mo Yi chose to send a message.

‘I heard that you took sick leave for several days. Are you okay now, Shiyu? ’——Mo Yi

It’s simple and direct. You don’t need to talk about so many fancy things. Just choose Teacher Zhen Shizi’s number and send it directly.

Half a minute later, the phone vibrated, naturally it was a message from Teacher Shizizi——

"It turns out that our busy man still remembers me, which really surprises me."

Then there is another message——

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