Facts have proved that Grandpa Mo Yi thought too much.

Yinglili quickly explained the matter clearly——

First of all, game-related planning and copywriting have been completed, and the corresponding work has been assigned to individuals.

For example, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Gogeng Ruri are responsible for copywriting and plot; An Yilun is also responsible for the general direction of the game, such as structural issues such as how many main lines to design in total; Eiri is responsible for the original paintings of the appearance artifacts; Yukinoshita Yukino and Kato Hui is responsible for the script code; Gabriel, who is extremely motivated when it comes to games, is responsible for running the tests.

And because the specific work has been divided, everyone does not need to get together every day to work. After all, creating something requires inspiration, and the mandatory working method restricts everyone's creativity, so everyone decided to cancel daily club activities and do it every week. Get together once, or have an impromptu gathering if there is something important.

Of course, if you need help with anything, you can take the initiative to ask someone for help.

After this period of getting along, everyone's relationship is quite good. Although it has not reached the level of good friends, there is still a relationship of better friends.

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi's previous conjecture was purely due to overthinking. How could there be so many accidents and the crisis of dissolution at every turn.

As for Eiri, she needs to hide her drawing of various beautiful girls in comics and original paintings, so she comes to this mobile classroom, so she doesn't have to worry about letting people she knows see what she is doing.

“So that’s it——”

After learning from Yinglili that Xue Miao and Kato Megumi should be in the classroom of the service department at the moment, Mo Yi planned to go to the service department for a walk.

"I'll go too, Senior Mo Yi."

After hearing that Grandpa Mo Yi was going to Kasumigaoka's house to visit his doctor later, Ying Lili wanted to go together.

On the surface, Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiu have the worst relationship in the game club. They always dislike and complain about each other (basically Eiri is being criticized by teacher Shiko). In fact, both of them very much recognize each other's presence in the game. Creative talent, simply put, is the kind of good friend relationship that makes enemies happy.

She was a little worried about Teacher Zun Shizi before, but she couldn't see each other by herself. She asked others to come with her, but she was too embarrassed to speak. This would make others think that she and Teacher Zun Shizi cared very much, so she just delayed it like this. If this goes on, I can only continue to work every night and care about each other by complaining.

Now that Grandpa Mo Yi said he wanted to go, Ying Lili would not let go of such a good opportunity.

That's right, I don't care about the other party, I'm just bored and following the team, casually watching to see if the scheming girl dies.

"Then let's go together-"

So, Ying Lili put away her things and followed Grandpa Mo Yi to the service department.

The two of them quickly went to the classroom where the service department was located. To be honest, if Mo Yi hadn't had a photographic memory, he would have forgotten everything about the service department classroom that he had only visited once.


The classroom of the Ministry of Service was as quiet as ever.

Yukinoshita Yukinya and Kato Megumi were working together, sometimes typing codes on the laptop with their hands frantically, and sometimes they were stunned, thinking hard.

Typing code has never been a simple thing, and people who make money by typing code are called programmers.

You know, since ancient times, programmers have had more talents, and the stronger their ability, the higher their starting line. When the hairline disappears, it is the time to become a big boss.

Moreover, no matter what happens, it is always right to kill one or two programmers to sacrifice to heaven. Every programmer who successfully survives is the strongest king among ten thousand.

In history, programmers have produced countless bosses. For example, while working overtime and drinking on the way home, he saved a dragon and got a girl named Dragon Rider, becoming the boss of the Dragon Knight. One day, in the game he typed out during time travel, When you become a Demon King, you will be at full level at the beginning, and you will be able to enjoy the Golden Rem and the Holy Lady 'Ansai Waist Drum', and the 'Poor Flow' Demon King boss who smokes all day long; for example, when you come home after working overtime, you will have a Virtuous Wisdom at home. The master programmer of Fox Fairy.

Of course, these are not the ultimate forms of programmers——

Being a cross-dresser is the highest level pursued by hundreds of millions of programmers.

Having said all this, I actually want to explain that typing code is a very profound and painful thing. Even Xue Miao and Kato Megumi were made dizzy.

In addition to Yukinya and Kato Megumi, the service department naturally has Yuigahama Yui who is walking around curiously and passing tea to the boss, and the great teacher Hikigaya Hachiman who is sitting aside, sometimes studying hard, sometimes thinking about life.

Of course, this picturesque atmosphere was interrupted when Grandpa Mo Yi opened the door.


The first one to react was naturally the idle, enthusiastic and cheerful Yuigahama Yui. She looked at Grandpa Mo Yi who suddenly came out with some confusion.

"Classmate Mo Yi, do you need help from our service department?"

That's right, Yuigahama Yui has forgotten. Mo Yi is a formal member of the service club registered with Jing Keai, while she is just a non-staff member.

In the eyes of Yuigahama Yui, there should be nothing difficult for a big boss like Mo Yi, so he would naturally not come to the service department to need help.


Grandpa Mo Yi had already thought about how to greet Xue Miao, who was still sulking, after he opened the door and walked in, and then made jokes to divert the other party's attention.

Unexpectedly, this pink dumpling actually flashed his ultimate move first and stuck it on Grandpa Mo Yi's face, making Mo Yi's prepared lines invalid.

Feeling everyone's gazes on him, especially Xue Miao's cold gaze, Mo Yi didn't panic at all. He spread his hands helplessly and answered the pink dumpling's question:

"Yuigahama-san, I'm also a member of the service club. Is it weird to come here after school to participate in activities?"


Yuigahama Yui suddenly understood and made a solid move, and apologized sheepishly:

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen you for so long. I forgot about this, classmate Mo Yi."

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

After hearing the conversation between Grandpa Mo Yi and Pink Tuanzi, Xue Miao first pressed the save button to avoid the tragedy of the mysterious disappearance of the code that she had painstakingly typed, and then asked in her exclusive cold tone:

"Why don't I, the minister, know that classmate Mo Yi is still a member of the service department?"

As Xue Miao asked this question, even Yuigahama Yui, who was least familiar with the atmosphere, felt in an instant that the atmosphere in the classroom of the service department dropped sharply, and a huge snowstorm was about to come.

Grandpa Mo Yi thought for a while, took out a hot water bottle from the schoolbag he usually used for making appearances, placed it in front of Xue Miao, and said:

"Would you like to drink more hot water?"

Snow Meow: "..."

There are so many gods and hot water!

My aunt hasn’t visited this month yet, and I can’t even remember my aunt’s day. A guy like you still wants to pursue me? !

After seeing Xuemiao stunned, Grandpa Mo Yi took Yinglili to sit down and chatted with Kato Megumi, who was the background of the story, in order to divert Xuemiao's attention.

"Kato-senpai, are things going well in the game club?"


Kato Megumi glanced at the air-conditioned snow cat next door, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with watery eyes, and said calmly:

"Everyone is a talented person and their explanations are nice. I learned a lot here, even something as profound as code. I really like it here."

Mo Yi: "..."

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