After hearing Kato Megumi say such humorous words in a smooth tone, Mo Yi didn't know how to complain for a while.

Megumi Kato continued:

"Yunoshita-san knows more about the game club than I do. If Senior Mo Yi wants to know more, it would be more efficient to talk to Yukinoshita-san."

Well, I didn’t expect you to be like this Kato Megumi. After discovering that Mo Yi deliberately talked to her to divert attention, Kato Megumi threw the pot back to Grandpa Mo Yi.

"I have more opportunities to get along with Yukino. I don't want to miss Kato-san. It's very rare that we only meet once. We have to get to know our 'heroine'."

Because this game still has Megumi Kato as the heroine, there is no problem with what Grandpa Mo Yi says now.

"Besides, I also said that I would make you the most dazzling heroine, and I am a man who keeps my word."

Snow Meow: "..."

Xuemiao, who originally planned to ignore Mo Yi and freeze Mo Yi to death with her gaze, could no longer maintain the state of killing Mo Yi with her gaze.


Kato Megumi was a little distressed, and seemed to be complaining, and said calmly:

"Senior Mo Yi, apart from setting up a club and making games at the beginning, you later handed over the matter to classmate An Yilunye, and then disappeared for more than a month."

"It turns out you still remember this. It really surprises me."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

This plain way of complaining is very Kato Megumi.

"What's the matter?"

When Yuigahama Yui heard what seemed to be some big news, she couldn't help the excitement in her heart and asked out of curiosity.


Xue Miao couldn't help it and said coldly:

"Am I also curious? Student Mo Yi is secretly trying to do something bad."

"Kato, feel free to say it. There is no need to be afraid. I can call the police at any time if you need protection."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Xuemiao, how many times do you want to use the meme "Looking for help from the police uncle"?

Do you think that my great-powerful grandpa would be afraid of the police?

My grandpa was playing with Miss Isayama Huangquan, the policeman, this morning.

Others also pricked up their ears curiously, ready to listen to the story.

However, the development of the matter is still under the control of Grandpa Mo Yi, and this matter is not something that cannot be said. Before Kato Megumi said "how fast the cherry blossoms fall", Mo Yi rushed to tell the two The story of how people met was told in a plain journalistic style.

Sorry, I have to let An Yilunya resist me. Anyway, we all have the same dream to cultivate Kato Megumi into the most dazzling heroine, right, Lunya? !

“That’s why the game department came about—”

After hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Xue Miao remembered that when Mo Yi was brought to the service department by Jing Kei on the first day, the other party said this, but of course he did not explain that the hater liked to hit people with the wind. Who is the female classmate?

"This is probably what Senior Mo Yi said -"

Megumi Kato did not add any details during the period, but looked at Mo Yi and continued to complain in a plain manner:

"But now, apart from knowing a lot about 2D and game production, I don't have to worry about future employment, and can at least become a programmer, I don't feel like I've become dazzling."

"Even if she becomes the most dazzling heroine in the game, it doesn't seem to have much relevance to reality, senior Mo Yi."

Even Kato Megumi, who seems to have no emotions, will be full of emotions after being fooled by Grandpa Mo Yi and then left alone for more than a month.


Grandpa Mo Yi made his voice as reliable as possible and said with a smile:

"How can you say there has been no change? In the game club, Kato-senpai recognized a reliable companion and gradually changed. In my eyes, Kato-senpai, you have become more and more dazzling."

"For example, the ponytail you have now, I think it suits you very well."

"Moreover, I have a series of perfect plans. Making games with everyone is just part of the plan. It is just a process, not the result."

Grandpa Mo Yi started cheating in a serious manner, no, it didn't count as cheating.

Because of her low sense of presence, Kato Megumi had no friends, except for Illya, who was a magician and could ignore Kato Megumi's own invisibility aura.

Now that the other party has met such friends as Kasumigaoka Shiu, Yukinya, Eiri, An Yirunya, Yuigahama Yui, etc., isn't it a huge improvement?

If you want to become a dazzling person, it is not enough to just change your appearance. What is more important is your inner character, conversation, temperament and cultivation.

Such inner things require the influence of the surrounding environment before they can change. If you don't even have friends, there aren't many possibilities for change other than quietly being a beautiful girl and becoming more introverted and withdrawn.

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's deception, Kato Megumi hesitated for a while. Could it be that he had mistakenly blamed Senior Mo Yi?

After looking at Mo Yi sincerely for a few seconds, and after Ilia praised Mo Yi in Kato Megumi's ears for a long time, Kato Megumi still nodded, with a hint of joy and expectation in his eyes, and his tone was slightly happier than usual and said calmly. :

"Then please ask Senior Mo Yi for advice in the future."

Chapter 567: Mo Yi: If you think I’m wrong, then let’s go to the next classroom to reason.

After successfully deceiving Kato Megumi, before Grandpa Mo Yi could breathe a sigh of relief, Kato Megumi launched another attack.

"Senior Mo Yi, how should I type the code here?"

"I checked it several times and it should be fine, but it just doesn't work."

Mo Yi: "..."

Mo Yi glanced at Kato Megumi's dull expression and couldn't tell whether the other party just happened to encounter a problem and didn't understand it, or was deliberately making things difficult and teasing him.

You must know that code scripts are impossible to understand for those who have not studied them specifically.

Most people think that foreign languages ​​are difficult to learn. English, French, and Spanish are just nonsense. I must have been stupid for choosing a foreign language major in the first place.

But in fact, computer is the most difficult 'foreign language' to learn. If you want to find a good and suitable job after graduation, you need to learn at least seven or eight computer languages ​​such as C, C+, C++, C+++, and J series. Programmers are shocked, but the difficulty of each language is higher than that of ordinary foreign languages, because the languages ​​​​used by humans have conventions and error tolerance, such as a small amount of wrong ordering and typos, will not be caused by people's understanding of the Chinese language. understand.

As for computer language, if you miss a space bar or a comma, your efforts will be wiped out for several hours. Because computers have no intelligence and can only follow fixed procedures. There is no so-called understanding and flexibility. .

Any computer language textbook is like an enlarged brick-like Chinese language dictionary. Learning to be proficient in a computer language is equivalent to foreigners learning to understand Chinese language.

For computer science students at first-class universities, after four years of college, it is equivalent to learning different versions of the Chinese language several times. It can be seen that every computer science student has been an angel with broken wings in his previous life.

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