What’s even more frightening is that learning computer language does not mean that you can repair computers, because hardware problems are electrical knowledge, and people who don’t understand will not understand them. Anyway, if you study computers, you will definitely be able to repair them. If you can't even repair a computer, you must have failed in school.

So, do those who study mechanics have to assemble an Iron Man armor with bare hands to be qualified?

As the saying goes, if you persuade people to study medicine, the sky will strike you like lightning, but if you persuade people to study computers, it will not be much better.

Kato Megumi asked Mo Yi for help, especially since he had just given him a tube of chicken blood. Mo Yi must not be weak this time, so he naturally walked to Kato Megumi to see what was going on.

Kato Megumi saw that it was inconvenient for Mo Yi to bend down and look down at the computer screen, so he moved a little further and moved a stool from the side for Mo Yi to sit side by side.

"Senior Mo Yi, please sit here. It's too inconvenient to stand and watch."


Mo Yi was not being pretentious. Kato Megumi's computer was densely packed with codes. It was really inconvenient to read it while standing, and it also seemed pretentious.

You know, Xue Miao and Kato Megumi were originally sitting side by side, but now when Mo Yi sits down, they look like 'Grandpa Mo Yi' + Kato Megumi + Xue Miao.

When two people sit together and watch the computer, their faces will inevitably be close to each other. It’s strange that Xue Miao is in a good mood when she sees this scene!

Why does this happen?

Didn’t I put all the effort into typing the code?

I also encountered many problems, so why not just look up information on my own and try countless times to figure it out?

All in all, Xuemiao is very unhappy now!

"Mo Yi, if you don't understand, don't force it. After all, this is still a subject with strong professional knowledge."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

As soon as he heard Xuemiao's tone, Mo Yi knew that the other party was sulking again.

After listening to Xue Miao's words, Kato Megumi also looked at Mo Yi who was checking the code. Thinking of this problem, he didn't seem to know whether senior Mo Yi had learned code. In case the other party didn't know it, he had to think of how to help him. Rescue.

"piece of cake--"

Yakumo House was created by Grandpa Mo Yi from the beginning. Even the basic code was typed by Mo Yi, and other people were later recruited to maintain and develop it.

Kato Megumi's problem really couldn't trouble Mo Yi.

"The overall direction is fine, but there are a few wrong symbols in the middle -"

Mo Yi pulled the mouse and marked the wrong place for Kato Kei to see.

"If you correct it like this, there will be no problem."

After hearing this, Kato Megumi looked at Mo Yi's manipulation and marked places. After Mo Yi's explanation, he also understood.

"However, I have a simpler algorithm here -"

Hearing this, Kato Megumi naturally understood what it meant and asked the boss to start performing.

Then Mo Yi began to use the algorithm he had figured out to help Kato Kei's previous script slim down.

“Oh, it turns out it can still be like this——”

"Senior, you are so awesome——"

"Senior, can you please slow down? I couldn't keep up with you just now."

Although the people eating melon on the side couldn't understand what Mo Yi was doing, they could only see the other person's hands typing wildly on the keyboard, while Kato Megumi's calm eyes gradually became hot, and they were eyes of admiration.

Even a person with such a plain expression as Kato Megumi would show obvious changes in emotion, and he knew that what Grandpa Mo Yi was doing at the moment was not simple.

"Do you understand now?"

"Well, let me try -"

Megumi Kato looked at his code, which was at least three-quarters shorter, and when he ran it, it became more efficient, and he was filled with admiration.

Many things have only been done by myself. After understanding how difficult it is, and then meeting the big guys in the industry, I understand how awesome they really are, instead of the outsider's "that's not nothing great, I can do it too." OK's arrogance.

It's like writing a novel, just typing, everyone who has received nine years of compulsory education can do it.

But when I was in school, I was tortured to death by writing an 800-word essay. When I needed to write at least a few thousand words every day, no matter whether I was in a good or bad mood, whether I had inspiration or not, I had to write it out one after another. This is a very painful thing.

At this moment, Kato Megumi was conquered by Grandpa Mo Yi's move as a programmer.

After taking back the laptop, Kato Megumi began to try to write code using what Mo Yi taught her.

Mo Yi, sitting aside, looked at the other person quietly, waiting for the other person to make a mistake before pointing it out.

However, Kato Megumi is indeed very talented, and she was a bit unskilled at the beginning, but soon she made no mistakes.

Seeing that there was really no problem with the other party and understanding clearly, Grandpa Mo Yi turned his attention to Xue Miao who was gritting his teeth.

He gently lifted the stool, walked around Kato Megumi, placed it very consciously next to Xue Miao, and sat next to the other person's stool.

"Yukino-kun, do you have any questions and need help?"

Snow Meow: "..."

Squinting and putting her face close to hers, Xue Miao felt a little better, but thinking that there were so many friends here, she used her hands to push away Mo Yi who was leaning over.

"Why are you so close?"

"What does it matter? We are so familiar."

Yuigahama Yui on the side was not curious, because she had discovered some ulterior secrets very early on, such as the couple-like interaction between two people in the corridor.

Seeing Mo Yi clinging to him shamelessly, Xue Miao felt ashamed and angry inside——

Hundan, can you change the situation and try again after returning home? No, not even going home! This is harassment!

Xuemiao's temperament and expression are too easy to understand, just like an arrogant cat, 'when you are close, you will feel disrespectful, and when you are far away, you will resent'. At this time, as long as you divert the other party's attention, the other party will not have the opportunity to get angry and arrogant. So cute.

"Yukino-san, you made some small mistakes here."

Grandpa Mo Yi pointed at some codes on the screen of Xue Miao's laptop and said:

“It could be a little more concise here.”

"Where is it?"

Xuemiao, who has such a strong personality, naturally can't bear to make mistakes, especially when his mistakes are pointed out by Mo Yi in person.

"I discovered it a long time ago. I just wanted to finish writing this page and then review and revise it together."

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