Yuigahama Yui was shocked because she was a member of the Akatsuki Group but didn't know the gossip. She suddenly knew such a big secret.

The great teacher doesn't even understand what love is. Now he still thinks that the person he likes is a cute boy like Totsuka Ayaka and is struggling. If he suddenly asks him to help others solve their love problems, isn't that embarrassing him?

Of course, he didn't think in his heart that Sho Tobe's so-called liking was really love. It was just a temporary illusion caused by hormones in adolescence, an illusion that might disappear tomorrow.

Yinglili, on the other hand, is a complete fan of things like love. A book painter like her can also be said to be a theoretical expert. After all, there is no plot at all. She just comes to the main points. Such a direct and crude work may become popular. But it cannot become a classic.

Moreover, Eiri is a typical blond arrogant loser. She has been arrogant and loser since ancient times. She can't even solve her own problems, let alone help others make suggestions.

According to Ying Lili's advice, that is no different from self-destruction.

Megumi Kato, on the other hand, looked expressionless, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Finally, there was Xue Miao. After hearing such a request, she had no choice but to do anything!

She doesn't understand people's hearts, and she seems so clumsy even in making friends, let alone falling in love, which is a higher level of interpersonal communication than teaching friends.

After a while, Xuemiao still used her unique simple, direct and correct way of thinking and said:

"Since you like us, confess your feelings directly. If we are really friends, how can we change because of such a trivial matter?"

There is nothing logically wrong with Xuemiao's words.

But in reality, what is popular is not ‘correct’, but ‘appropriate’.

It is not a rare thing to fail to express love, and love turns into hatred, and even friends do not do this kind of thing. Rather, it is normal to say that after failure to express love, friends cannot become friends. After all, everyone has their own self-esteem. and pride.

If you meet the kind of girl who still gets along with you peacefully after you confess your love to her, or even looks no different from usual, then you should be careful, this is a sign of a real backup.

"How embarrassing that would be—"

Tobe Xiang said embarrassedly:

"If it were that easy, I wouldn't be here asking for help."

Snow Meow: "..."

For a while, it was better than knowing how to complain.

In Xue Miao's code, fragile interpersonal relationships are just superficial things and there is no need to maintain them because they will break sooner or later.

Obviously the method determined by her thoughts was different from the result Tobe Sho wanted.


After sensing Xue Miao's embarrassment, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that it was time for him to take action, and said:

"Let me ask you, do you really like Ebina-san?"

"of course--"

Being questioned by Grandpa Mo Yi, Tobe Sho, who was typical of adolescents with excessive self-awareness, couldn't bear it anymore. As if he was insulted, he said loudly:

"No one likes Ebina-san more than me,"

Young people always think that love is everything in life.

"In this case--"

Mr. Mo Yi looked serious, as if he was examining the other person's heart and said:

"Since you like the other person so much, you don't even dare to take a risk to express your love to the other person, let alone risk being imprisoned. Is this what you mean by 'no one likes the other person more'?" "

"I really like it frivolously."


Tobe Xiang was obviously stumped by Mo Yi's logic. Yes, if you like it, why don't you even have the courage to take a little risk?

For a moment, I could only blush and couldn't say a word to refute.

"Classmate Mo Yi, please don't embarrass the household department——"

Hayama Hayato stood up and helped Tobe Sho explain:

"It is precisely because of love that I am afraid of losing the only connection, and I can't even be the simplest friend."

"This feeling of wanting to protect the bond between the two of them, and the persistence of caring too much, is definitely not a coward."

After listening to Hayama Hayato's defense for him, Tobe Sho finally freed himself from the entanglement in his heart and nodded quickly:

"I really can't imagine what I would do if I can no longer be friends with Ebina."

Regarding their excuse, Grandpa Mo Yi just wanted to say: Hahaha.

“If you want something, work hard for it. If you like someone, pursue it to your heart’s content. If you are uncomfortable with the status quo, work hard to change it——”

Grandpa Mo Yi sighed and said:

"Tobe-san, you want to change the status quo, but you are afraid of unknown changes. How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

"If you don't even have the courage to change, why should things change in the direction you want? As a boy, you shouldn't think that one day, Ebina-san will take the initiative to confess to you, right? Of course, if You're so lucky, there's nothing you can say about it."

"This is just my personal opinion. You may not agree or like it either-"

"Tobe Sho's idea, if it develops in the end, will only become a 'dog licking', and the result of licking the dog cannot be to have nothing at the end, or to have everything."

"Then it depends on your luck."


Being called a dog licker is something a boy can't bear, but Sho Tobe can't refute Mo Yi's statement, because he really looks forward to the day when Ebina Himina will notice his feelings and take the initiative to confess to him.

Tobe Sho was naturally furious when his cover-up was exposed. If the other party was Hikigaya Hachiman, he would have grabbed the other party's collar and used a fist as big as a clay pot to let him know that he could eat food but not talk. Nonsense.

But it was Mo Yi who said this, and Fuyuki High School, who passed the finals with full marks in literary skills and passed the iron net in martial arts tennis, Tobe Sho didn't believe that he could really pass with a slight height advantage. As for the other party, it was himself who rushed forward to be taught how to behave.

This is not called cowardice and bullying, it should be called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy.

"Classmate Mo Yi, what you said is a bit excessive."

It was Hayama Hayato who defended his younger brother:

"When you face what you want, just work hard to get it. Everyone understands this."

Hayama Hayato looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a flash of envy, wondering how a truly all-powerful and talented person like Mo Yi could understand that they lack talent and can only cater to the world and struggle in a way that suits them. The real feeling and taste.

Although Hayama Hayato is the eldest brother in Mo Yi's class, he has good looks, excellent grades, a good family background, many friends, everyone likes him, he also knows music, has strong athletic ability, is the ace in the football club, and is even a junior A successor. In the eyes of female classmates, he is simply the campus version of Prince Charming, but in the eyes of male classmates, he is a real enemy in life and the best object to vent his envy, jealousy and hatred.

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