But Hayama Hayato himself knows something about himself. In the eyes of ordinary students, he seems to be beautiful, but in order to maintain his excellent image, he does not know how much effort he has spent, without a moment of rest, just to catch up with the man who has long ago The person who walks in front.

Well, as far as Mo Yi knows, the other party seems to like Yukinoshita's sister, Yukinoshita Harano, but Yukinoshita Harano, who has received elite education since childhood, is too good for Hayama Hayato to approach, so he can only silently follow behind. Looking at it, his situation is probably similar to that of Sho Tobe at the moment.

As for why he envied Grandpa Mo Yi, of course it was because he knew that compared to himself, a genius who was supported by a group of friends and classmates, the other person was the real genius, a desperate guy, and even scarier than the person he had been chasing. The presence.

Yukinoshita Harano still needs to maintain a superficial mask, get along with others, and become a respected and loved eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family.

In the eyes of Hayama Hayato, Mo Yi no longer disdains those gestures to cater to others. It is absolute confidence in himself. No matter what difficulties he encounters or what he strives for, he can achieve it through his own efforts.

I usually walk alone in the class. It's not that I'm not good at being anxious, and I'm not like Hikigaya Hachiman who hates interacting with each other. I just feel it's unnecessary and don't take these things into my heart. I'm like a god who transcends mortals, smiling at the faces of all living beings in the clouds. The laughter and crying of the world have nothing to do with him.

What kind of confidence and pride this is, he is probably the only one in their class, Hikigaya Hachiman or Kasumigaoka Shiu who can see this.

In fact, according to Hayama Hayato's observation, it is really hard to get along with each other no matter what. In terms of study or other aspects, he has always been so casual, and then he gets everything he wants as a matter of course.

Hayama Hayato, who had no choice but to forge ahead and put in all his efforts to become an outstanding person in the eyes of everyone, naturally envied a real genius like Mo Yi. If he had such talent, he could catch up with the person who has always been only behind him.

Hayama Hayato said in a low tone:

"Working hard is definitely something in itself. But because you work hard, you are even more unwilling to fail and are afraid of failure."

"But in this world, not everything can be achieved with hard work. People without talent, no matter how hard they work, cannot compare to those with talent. This is also a reality."

"So, I will also envy people with talents like you, Mo Yi. I think you probably can't understand that people without talents only get more regrets after working hard."

Chapter 569: Teacher Da’s electroshock treatment plan

Mo Yi definitely disagreed with Hayama Hayato's statement.

As the saying goes, those who know me don't worry about me; those who don't know me don't know what I want.

How does the other party know how much time Grandpa Mo Yi has spent and how many difficulties he has gone through to get to where he is today?

But he has no way to explain it clearly to the other person. Just like a billionaire and a person who is still struggling for food and clothing, as long as they work hard, it is actually easy to make money. That person must think that the other person is just pretending to show off in front of him.

What's more, Grandpa Mo Yi doesn't need to explain to the other party. Since the truth has been told to the other party and the other party doesn't listen, what can he do?

In the end, Grandpa Mo Yi just looked at Hayama Hayato calmly and said:

"So, is this the reason why you gave up and stood there praying without taking any action?"

"If that's the case, I probably understand why it 'can't be done'."


When Mo Yi said this, Hayama Hayato became speechless. He wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to say it. It seemed that no matter how he explained it, it was a reason to give up.


Xuemiao has naturally thought about the issue of talent. In the eyes of others, she is also a talented person and can go anywhere. She has always felt that she cannot catch up with her sister's 'talent'.

However, since she met Mo Yi, she has not thought about this issue that people have not accurately concluded for thousands of years, because it is meaningless.

Whether she has talent or lacks it, will it make her give up her inner pursuit?

Obviously not!

In this case, what's the point of wasting so much time thinking about it?

After seeing that Grandpa Mo Yi and Hayama Hayato were almost arguing (Grandpa Mo Yi had the upper hand, Hayama Hayato didn't think of a rebuttal for the time being), Xuemiao decisively interrupted the conversation between the two that had nothing to do with the commission.

"Our service department is very aware of Tobe Sho's request. Next, we will try our best to help him solve it."

"Hikigaya-san will let you know if there is any progress."

Hikigaya Hachiman: "..."

Why me again?

First, Tobe Sho, who should go to see God, was targeted without thinking, and now he wants me to inform them. This is obviously a troublesome thing.

I, Hikigaya Hachiman, hate trouble.

I just want to read books and goof around in the classroom. Is it so difficult?

That's right, Hikigaya Hachiman, also known as Oteacher, felt hurt in interpersonal relationships and no longer wanted to interact with others. He hated the hypocrisy and politeness in interpersonal interactions, and did not want to maintain those fragile relationships that broke down sooner or later, so he became a... Become a loner in the eyes of others.

The other party's ideal is to find a capable wife and then become a househusband.

In the release game of "My Youth Love Story is Very Problematic", Hiratsuka's quiet cuteness is the most suitable and correct route.

But in Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes, the reason why he became like this was because he was too kind and gentle. The world is not gentle, cruel, gentle and kind people are always hurt the most.

It is precisely because he rejects all the beauty in the world that he becomes gentler than anyone else.

Hikigaya Hachiman's way of acting is in line with the above sentence. In order to create an ending that no one can handle, the other party will often take all the harm on themselves.

Does this sound familiar?

That's right, there is a man beside Grandpa Mo Yi who takes this behavior to the extreme, and that is the old righteous partner Kiritsugu.

In fact, Mo Yi is also secretly observing Hikigaya Hachiman, thinking of recommending him to become the successor of Shred Rake and the new partner of justice in the future!

Based on the other party's temperament, it is very suitable. As for the problem of magic hand ability, it is not a problem with Grandpa Mo Yi here.

Hayama Hayato naturally heard the intention of Xue Miao's treat and left. After getting a positive answer, he pulled Tobe Xiang away who was very unhappy but did not dare to confront Grandpa Mo Yi.

"The troublesome guy is finally gone."

Yinglili is not a member of the service department, and she does not have the love of Xue Miao to correct and treat others. It is the most troublesome for creators, because trouble will interrupt the creative thoughts.

Then Yinglili quietly told Mo Yi that it was almost time and they were leaving for Kasumigaoka Shiyu's house.

"Well, but we have to wait a while before it's over."

Yinglili: "??"

Then the classroom door was knocked again and opened.

Everyone looked and saw that it was Hayama Hayato who had returned, but this time, the other party did not bring Tobe Sho with him.

"Hayama-san, do you have anything else to do?"

Although Xuemiao and Ye Shan have known each other since childhood, their relationship is actually not good due to unknown reasons.

"Sorry for disturbing everyone's time."

Hayama Hayato looked very serious and said:

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