"The request I asked you before was Tobe-san's request, but what I want to say now is my own request."

Xuemiao nodded and said:


Hayama Hayato looked at everyone, his eyes first passed over Hikigaya Hachiman, and finally fell on Grandpa Mo Yi, the two people he least wanted to ask for help.

Hikigaya Hachiman is because of the way the other party behaves and the idea of ​​'making everyone happy' that he has always advocated. It is precisely because he knows that Hikigaya Hachiman is right many times. Just beautiful ideas cannot save everyone. Someone must be in need. He paid the price for the fact that he was so tired of Hikigaya Hachiman.

Well, rather, what he was really tired of was the facts explained by Hikigaya Hachiman - the reality and cruelty of the world.

Just like a child who doesn't like reading, he turns the object of hatred into teachers and schools.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi, as he said before, the thought of asking for help among the rich and talented people he envied, doesn't that mean he has given in?

However, facing the problem at hand, he really couldn't think of a solution to the problem that he alone wanted to make everyone happy.

Hayama Hayato then stated his mission, which was to serve the Ministry and others and find a way to prevent Hayama Hayato's small group from changing due to Tobe Sho's confession.


The great teacher who had been playing soy sauce suddenly said:

"Is it really necessary to work hard to maintain this 'beauty' that is obviously fragile and can be broken at any time?"

"It's false, it can only be false."

"Hikigaya, things don't exist from the beginning. If you don't fight for them, just like friends, if you don't fight for them, how can you get friends? Any interpersonal relationship needs to be maintained carefully, otherwise even family ties will be born. The things you own will gradually become indifferent or even disappear.”

“You may get nothing if you strive for it, but if you don’t do anything, there will be no suspense in the outcome.”

Hayama Hayato shook his head and said:

“I admit that your views are correct many times, but this world is not just about being ‘right’, ‘right’ is just right, and what we need is ‘appropriate’.”

"In the end, maybe a little selfishly, but I enjoy the relationships I have with my friends now."

"As expected, after finding out the possibility of Tobe's failure to confess his love, I hope you can prevent Tobe from confessing his love to Ebina-san."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

After listening to Ye Shan's commission, Mo Yi didn't know how to complain.

You can't say that Ye Shan is wrong. The other party just wants to maintain the friendship between friends, but your little brother wants to confess, and you secretly asked us to stop it. Is this really okay?

No matter how unreliable the two people's entrustment was, Hayama left quickly. After all, he only used the excuse of going back to the classroom to get something before returning to the service department.

Everyone in the service department was also sitting there, thinking about how to solve this double commission.

This time, even the almighty Snow Meow was stumped by these two cheating men.

Looking at the distressed and thoughtful people in the service department, Grandpa Mo Yi just sat there in a daze and did not express his opinion.

If Mo Yi is left to do it, there are only two ways, to rush forward directly, or to develop a wave and then rush forward.

If he wanted to go ahead and do it directly, he would give Sho Tobe some chicken soup and give him chicken blood, so that the other party would have the courage to confess. Whether it would succeed or not was not a question that Mo Yi thought about, because the other party's request was only to help him confess, not to ensure that he The confession was successful.

If the service department has such ability, why are you still doing it in school? Why not just open a office to help people who are confessed?

On the one hand, developing a wave means to understand Ebina Hina's preferences and then design a perfect confession plan; on the other hand, it is to improve Tobe Sho's own abilities so that he can meet the other party's requirements for mate selection.

The reasons why confessions are rejected, such as "I don't want to fall in love now" and "You are very good, but you are not suitable for me" are just because the confessor is not good enough and cannot impress the other person.

If you are so good that the other person cannot refuse, don't say you don't want to fall in love when you are in school. Even if you already have a boyfriend, you will still accept it. Just break up with your previous boyfriend.

This is the real deciding factor whether the confession is successful or not.

As for the solution in the original work, Hikigaya Hachiman’s solution was to express his love to Tobe Sho before him, knowing that Ebina Himina would refuse the confession of others, so that the other party could see the consequences of confessing to Ebina Himina. , and the other person’s thoughts about love at the moment.

As far as the result is concerned, the self-destruction of the great teacher can be regarded as a successful completion of the commission of Tobe Sho and Hayama Hayato.

But what he got was not gratitude, but misunderstanding from everyone.

Uninformed classmates would naturally regard the teacher's confession to Ebina Hina as a source of conversation and a joke, and they would use it to make fun of the teacher when they had time.

And what about Sho Tobe?

It was because the teacher was a despicable person. Knowing that he was going to confess to Ebina Himina, he was the first to confess his love to Ebina Himina. Fortunately, the other party failed.

But Tobe Sho's hatred for the teacher has not diminished by half. For details, please refer to "It's the Season of the White Album Again". When Ogiso Yukina knew that Touma Kazusa also liked Kitahara Haruki, she was the first to confess her love. plot.

The only ones who know the whole story are probably Yukinoshita Yukino, Yuigahama Yui and Hayama Hayato.

Due to heartache and ideological issues, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui did not accept the self-destruction treatment of the great teacher, so they became angry, causing the relationship between the three to fall apart.

Hayama Hayato may be grateful in his heart, but he also won't understand it, and he will never speak out about it and show his gratitude.

Because he is a representative of sunshine and positivity, how can he be grateful to someone like Hikigaya Hachiman who is a representative of negativity in the eyes of his friends?

Well, in Mo Yi's eyes, this is the so-called hypocrisy. He usually only says nice things. When the problem cannot be solved, he has to ask for help from those who look down on him. After the problem is solved, he continues to despise and exclude those who look down on him to show off. One's own superiority.

It would be okay if Mo Yi didn't know, but if he knew, he would not let the great teacher do such a thing, which seemed very stupid to Grandpa Mo Yi.

Since no one will be grateful to you, or even resent you, why should you help such a guy? This is no longer a holy bitch. A holy bitch is just taking other people's things and solving other people's problems. Hikigaya Hachiman's behavior is already It is a perverted thinking of self-satisfaction.

This is a disease and needs electric shock treatment.

As for the treatment method, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly thought of a suitable one, and that was the red A!

Because the other party has had the experience of himself who had received electric shock treatment before and had not yet embarked on the path of being a righteous partner.

However, after learning the reasons for the other party's previous failure, Mo Yi also thought of a corresponding solution - the reason why Red A couldn't change Emiya Shirou was because his method was wrong. Look at the "Cup of Heaven" set next door, Matou Sakura can't Did he change Emiya Shirou's values ​​through blackening?

Each heroic spirit has a different attitude. As long as Red A sends out his sexual incarnation - Emiyako (please refer to Gudazi for the appearance), and uses Huairou to defeat Emiya Shirou, the success of treating the opponent will be The success rate will be several times higher.

Therefore, Mo Yi's method is to summon the red A's sexual transformation Wei Gongzi, and be picked up by the great teacher as a 'god from heaven'. He will first talk about feelings, and then through in-depth understanding, unlock Wei Gongzi's memories of the past were used to carry out electric shock treatment.

After thinking about how to treat the great teacher, Mo Yi looked back at the people who were thinking, and then saw Megumi Kato who was already typing the code, and said with some curiosity:

"Kato-senpai, what do you think about the matter between Tobe Sho and Hayama Hayato?"

"Hey——, me?"

Megumi Kato, who was addicted to coding, didn't expect Mo Yi to ask her opinion. After a few seconds of surprise, she said calmly:

"Isn't this very simple?"

"We directly asked the senior named Ebina Himina what she thought. Regardless of whether the other party has such a wish or does not accept it, we only need to reflect Ebina Himina's thoughts to senior Tobe Sho, so that we can dispel Tobe Sho's idea. Worry, no matter whether the other party chooses to continue to confess or give up the confession in the end, this will not make the two of them too embarrassed. After all, this is only an indirect confession, and as long as they don't say it, no one will know."

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