Kasumigaoka Shiro clenched his fists, exuding a strong scholarly spirit, and said:

"When I enter the high school, I must join the Kendo Club and become a strong person like you, Senior Mo Yi!"

Obviously, the opponent watched the kendo match on the spot.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

To be honest, this was the first time for Grandpa Mo Yi to encounter such a "mo blow". Being blown in front of his face felt really sour and refreshing, just like trying a foot massage for the first time. It was both uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time.

The other party is bragging about themselves like this. Grandpa Mo Yi is really embarrassed if he doesn't do something.

"If you are interested, I can introduce you to the Kendo Club. Whether you can be recognized by them and become a formal member depends on your efforts."

When Kasumigaoka Shiro heard this, he was very moved and said:

"I will definitely work hard and won't let you down, Senior Mo Yi!"


Boy, actually I don’t have much expectations. The Kendo Club is not something ordinary people can stay in. Except for the two low-level members of Hayate Swordsman Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro who slashed Feiyan, others such as Yae Sakura, Raiden Mei, Kia Na, or Bronya, that ruthless character who doesn't rule over anything she disagrees with. I hope you can survive a week. You know how special Yae Ying is, so I'll beat you to the ground and wait until you recover your strength. , and then beat you down, over and over again, until you understand it, and then use other moves to beat you down.

In fact, just because of your name "Silang", Grandpa Mo Yi thinks that the other party will have a better future if he learns magic than swordsmanship, and he might become a new star in the world of partners of justice.

Grandpa Mo Yi encouraged this enthusiastic young man who was still in the second grade of junior high school, while he quickly washed the fruits, and then used the fruit knife as a samurai sword, hitting the fruits on the table with seventeen knives per second. Qiu Silang yelled, "Don't blow" like crazy.

Grandpa Mo Yi thought that he went to the wrong set. This was not Fuyuki City, but the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and he was the Supreme Bone King who had left the palace and was being praised crazily by a group of max-level bosses. .

When Grandpa Mo Yi and Shiro Kasumigaoka went out carrying fruits, everyone was talking about the game club.

Xia's father and Xia's mother were listening with interest, and asked about your daughter's involvement in the club, as well as information about Grandpa Mo Yi.

Thanks to the talkative talk of Yuigahama Yui, an upright girl in the same class, Kasumi's father and Kasumi's mother finally learned the information that Grandpa Mo Yi and Kasumigaoka Shiu were classmates, were in the same class, and had very good academic performance.

Well, there is also the fact that Yuigahama Yui said that the two of them have the best relationship in the game club.

"Classmate Mo Yi, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Although both of them came out with plates, Xia's mother, who was familiar with her son's housework ability, knew it was Mo Yi's help again when he brought it out so quickly.

"Sit down quickly, everyone is talking about you——"

"Shiyu deserves a lot of care from you at school."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Hearing this, Grandpa Mo Yi knew what was going on, but he didn't know the traitor, so he told everything about himself.

Coupled with Xia's mother's meaningful look, Xia's father's look at the suspect, and Teacher Zhen Shizi's embarrassing look with a good show, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that he had to sit on it, and this sofa was not that easy to sit on.

Chapter 572: You flirted with me and still want to get off?

Grandpa Mo Yi, who sat down, naturally had to face the seemingly unintentional questions and tests from Xia's father and mother, which were actually full of traps.

In fact, they are just trivial matters. Grandpa Mo Yi has never encountered anything in so many years, and he has talked and laughed with people like the overlord of the universe countless times.

A few disagreements led to many fights on the spot.

But considering that the other party is Teacher Zhen Shizi’s parents, we have to be 100% assured and do the best.

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi rarely opened his clairvoyance. Every time he said a word, he would predict countless futures and choose the most appropriate response.

Under the choice of Steins;Gate, Mo Yi's decent performance still made Xia's mother very satisfied, but Xia's father failed to put the prepared shit basin on Mo Yi's head, and his heart became even more anxious. Are you thinking too much? Is the other person really a good boy, or is the other person too powerful to fool you?

Xia's father had already classified Grandpa Mo Yi as a bad guy before they met. Now, no matter how best he behaves, he just doesn't let the other party take action. If he wants the other party to say good things about Grandpa Mo Yi, there's no way he can even think about it.

Just calling Grandpa Mo Yi 'Classmate Shiyu' gave Xia's father a hundred reasons to be unhappy. On other occasions, he might have thought that Grandpa Mo Yi was another child of another family, used to irritate his own son. and daughter’s teaching materials.

In this seemingly cheerful atmosphere, more than an hour passed quickly.

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, so Xia Mu invited everyone to have a meal before going back.

Everyone seemed to refuse at first, but they were no match for Xia’s mother, who was so charming. Others were really nice, and her words were pleasant and reasonable. As for whether it was unsafe to go home after dark, it was very simple. Let Xia’s father drive everyone back later. That’s it.

With her enthusiasm, everyone agreed, and then called home and said she would have dinner at a classmate's house before returning home.

After happily deciding on this matter, another problem arose, that is, Xia Mu did not prepare enough ingredients. She thought that only one male classmate would come, but she did not expect that it was a group of classmates.

"Mom, let young people like me buy it."

After hearing this, Xia Zhigao Shiyu's eyes lit up and she quickly said a few good words. This matter should be left to young people like her daughter to compare. It is rare for Xia's mother to take a vacation and have a good rest. After saying that, she took action and walked Room to change clothes and put on shoes.

Xiamu: "..."

Is this still my daughter? When did you become so positive? Didn't the other party usually ask Kasumigaoka Shiro to do the job of buying soy sauce?

Is it to pretend to be good in front of the classmates?

Since the other party was willing, Xia Mu didn't say anything. Anyway, there was a supermarket not far away, less than ten minutes away.

After Kasumigaoka Shiro heard that his sister was so active, he suddenly felt bad. According to past experience, the other party must have told them to go, and then directed his younger brother to go shopping.

As for the rebuttal, it is impossible to refute it. The other party said that he is a boy and is no longer a child. He has to learn to share the burden with his parents. Why is he not even willing to buy something?

In the end, the result was that if the other party behaved, it was his younger brother who had to do all the work.

Of course, he didn't mean anything, but it was different now. It was rare for him to meet Senior Mo Yi as a guest in his home, and the time he spent sitting with him would be lost every second!

Then, he was confused.

Because Teacher Zhen Shizi didn't put her purse in his hand and persuade him to buy something in a deep tone like usual. Instead, she ran to change clothes, as if she took action herself.

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

My sister is not acting normal today. Is it because her classmates are here? Either way, this is a good thing.

After putting on her going out clothes, Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked up to Grandpa Mo Yi and said in a very casual tone:

"There are a lot of things to buy later. Student Mo Yi, can you come over and help me get them?"

Well, it turned out that this was the purpose of her daughter. Xia Mu, who understood it instantly, just smiled and said:

"We have to trouble classmate Mo Yi again."

"It's okay. This strenuous work is just suitable for a young man like me."

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally agreed.

Xia's father, who was also aware of the truth, still kept a smile on the surface, but in fact, he finally resisted the urge to object loudly. Why do we need others to help his daughter get things? Isn't it enough to have him as an old father?

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