However, Xia's mother had already spoken, and Xia's father, whose family status was slightly lower than that of the head of state, Xia's mother, had no choice but to hold it in. Especially when there were so many outsiders, he couldn't lose his dignity as the head of the family.

Kasumigaoka Shiro was confused again. His senior Mo Yi was just called away by his sister. What was the point of sitting here?

Although his sister's other classmates are all beautiful girls, they are all older sisters who are several years older than him. Kasumigaoka Shiro, who is afraid of older women because he was teased by Mr. Shiko since childhood, naturally likes younger girls. At least less than him.

He hates his sister the most, but he likes his sister!

Hmm, especially after he recently read a novel called "My Sister Can't Be That Cute" at Yakumo House, this preference became more obvious, and he always looked forward to his cousin coming to play at home.

"elder sister--"

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi getting up and walking with Teacher Shizi, Kasumigaoka Shiro was unwilling to give up any opportunity to get close to his idol, so he walked over and said:

"I'll go help too."


Teacher Zhen Shizi must have rejected her ruthlessly. After waiting for more than a month, she finally had the opportunity to be alone with her boyfriend and talk quietly. You, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, still want to follow me and make light bulbs? A guy with no eyesight at all!

"We have guests at home, so we can't be rude. You should greet everyone here."

After that, he walked straight away without giving the other party a chance to react.

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled politely at Kasumigaoka Shiro and then walked out.

It wasn't until the sound of the door closing that Kasumigaoka Shiro remembered that something was wrong. This was his sister's classmate. Even if he was to stay here to entertain everyone, it should be his sister. What's the matter with his younger brother? !

After the two walked out of Kasumigaoka's house, they walked side by side.

"Dear front desk gentleman, you gave me a big surprise today."

As Teacher Zhen Shizi walked, she glanced at Grandpa Mo Yi with her burgundy eyes, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that the other party was referring to the fact that he brought a bunch of friends to see her.

"Ahem, no need to thank me——"

Grandpa Mo Yi's expression did not change, he pretended to be stupid and said:

"You are my dear back table-chan, this little thing should be done."

Teacher Dirty Shizi: "..."

Well, the other party is not someone who can be easily deceived and dealt with by his younger brother. His shady words are of no use to the extremely shameless Grandpa Mo Yi.

Teacher Zhen Shizi suddenly stood there and stopped moving.

"What's wrong, Shiyu?"

Even though I know that Teacher Zhen Shizi is going to cause trouble again, this matter is really unreasonable. Plus, isn’t my girlfriend just trying to coax her?

“I sprained my foot and it hurts a lot now, making it difficult to walk.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Teacher Zhen Shizi, even if you have a sprain, if you don’t pretend to fall, you should at least scream in pain. This is directly a sprain. Isn’t this scene too fake? If this was placed on the set of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", I would probably not survive three episodes.

Teacher Shishizi’s meaning couldn’t be more obvious - I fell down, eh eh eh, why don’t you hurry up and coax me, eh eh eh, if you don’t satisfy me, I won’t get up, eh eh eh.

"How about I carry you?"


Teacher Zhen Shizi's eyes narrowed happily, and she smiled instantly:

"Then please, my dear front desk-chan."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was quite happy that Grandpa Mo Yi understood his intention instantly.

Grandpa Mo Yi walked up to Mr. Zhen Shizi, squatted down and stretched out his hands behind him.


Dirty Poet's grandpa didn't feel shy and went straight up to him.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was being raped by Shizi, suddenly thought of a question after walking a few steps:

"Shiyu, you are wearing a skirt now——"

As Mo Yi said, Teacher Zhen Shizi was wearing a sky blue dress at the moment.

"Don't be afraid, I have already thought about it."

Teacher Zhen Shizi, who put her chin on Grandpa Mo Yi's shoulder, whispered:

"I put on safety pants just now, and I am very confident in your carrying skills."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Safety pants are indeed one of the greatest inventions in human history, especially for men like Grandpa Mo Yi who have many girlfriends.

Of course, didn't this reveal that the other party had planned to let Grandpa Mo Yi carry her when she went out?

However, as long as the other party is happy, it is quite comfortable for Teacher Shi Zi to carry it anyway.

"I heard from Hikigaya-san that your cold is very serious——"

Mo Yi, who had not seen each other for more than ten years, actually missed him very much. He also enjoyed the interaction at the moment and said:

"How is it healing now? Forget it, I'll help you take a look now."

After saying that, Grandpa Mo Yi injected a vitality of magic power into Teacher Zhen Shizi's body.


Teacher Zhen Shizi was caught off guard and couldn't help but let out a cry. Then after looking at no one around, he patted Mo Yi's back with dissatisfaction.

"Don't be so sudden—"

"But is this magic? It's really magical."

Teacher Zhen Shizi first felt something warm spreading around her body, and then her body became very comfortable and relaxed. The painful nasal congestion disappeared immediately, and even the stiffness in her neck caused by long-term typing disappeared. , the whole person seemed to be reborn.

After seeing the magic of Grandpa Mo Yi again, Teacher Zhen Shizi asked excitedly:

"Is this good?"


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