"Emi-chan and I are old friends. We haven't seen each other for a long time. It's inevitable that we have a lot to say in private, so let's chat when we have time, Kotori-chan."

Nan Xiaotiao: "..."

Could it be that this is the so-called calmness of an idol master?

Even I can see that the store manager is about to get violent and hurt someone. Mo Yijun, why can you tell me so calmly that you are good friends?

It seems that our understanding of the word good friend is a little different.

"Mo Yijun, then I will continue to work."

Nan Xiaoniao was moved by Mo Yi's optimistic spirit of generously facing the bleak life, and nodded understandingly. Finally, he remembered something, tilted his head towards Mo Yi, closed one eye, and said cutely:

"Mo Yijun, I'm sorry, please talk to Sister Huimei slowly!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Xiaotiao-chan, you are indeed a cute little bastard.

Also, at this time, it doesn’t matter whether you act cute or not, I will choose to forgive you, because there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Xiao Yan, the Dark Flame User, are you mentally prepared?"

Disciple-chan, who was obviously completely unrecognizable but still managed to put on a friendly smile, chuckled and said:

"It might hurt a little later?"

"Youth is so wonderful!"

When Mo Yi saw Nan Xiaoniao jumping away, he sighed like an old man:

"I seemed to see my figure running under the sunset that day. That was my lost youth, Emi-chan!"

Female hero Yusa Emi: "..."

Damn it, Aqua, the channel we are chatting on is not the same channel at all!

You have a weak soul, no matter how much you ignore me, there should be a limit!

Could it be that this brave man is not as good as the little birds and beasts passing by?

Is our thousand-year friendship so worthless in your eyes?

You poor soul, how far must you go to ignore me, how far must you go to throw me away, before you are willing to accept it!

Thinking of this, Emi-chan's amber eyes began to emit water vapor. It seemed that the anger value was about to be accumulated, and she could use the anti-Mo Yi Noble Phantasm - the Eightfold Ring.

Well, Mo Yi naturally noticed the other party's appearance. Although he seemed to have been ignoring the other party, he always kept her look in his heart.

Are you going a little too far?

Mo Yi suddenly thought with some guilt in his heart.

"Oh, it turns out to be Emi-chan. We haven't seen each other for such a long time, and to see each other suddenly makes Shi-chan and I overwhelmed with joy."

Mo Yi, who knows his mistakes and can correct them, stretched out his right hand to make a greeting gesture, and said to her enthusiastically with a smile on his face:

"Shi-chan was just joking with you to liven up the atmosphere—"

"How's it going? Are you surprised or surprised, Emi-chan?"

"What a surprise, what a surprise, Shi-chan——"

Yusa Emi gritted her teeth and read:

"I thought you had died in that corner a long time ago. I didn't expect to meet you in the cafe I opened. You seemed to be living a good life, and you were in the mood to tease me. Store clerk.”

"Tell me, how do you want to die? I am kind and will graciously fulfill your last wishes!"

Having said that, he pulled out another green onion from his hand, and there was a faint ray of holy light emitting from it, indicating that it was clearly ready for enchantment.

Mo Yi: "..."

Emi-chan, have you forgotten Shi-chan's teachings?

It is impossible to get married with such violence. Even if you get married, your husband will be beaten to death soon. In the end, what is the difference between getting married and not getting married?

Moreover, we are all civilized people in a peaceful era, how can we casually use weapons of mass destruction like green onions?

You know, you can't beat me?

How could a warrior defeat a battle mage with both magic and martial arts skills?

I can crush you physically at close range and bombard you with spells from far away. Let me ask you, how can you lose when a flying dragon rides on your face?

After all, when the children grow up, they will no longer be able to listen to Shijiang's teachings.

Seeing the other party's increasingly twisted and kind smile, Mo Yi still chose to tell the answer the other party wanted to know:

"I didn't have a choice before. If I could choose a way to die, I hope it would be a happy death. Yes, it's the monster girl kind. But I refuse heavy flavors and just want something refreshing. Thank you."

Chapter 83: All I want is your smile as always!


Yusa Emi felt like she was going crazy. Why could the man in front of her say such shameless words?

He was not like this before. When he was a hero, he was always willing to help others, sunny and cheerful, with a strong sense of justice and determined to become the messenger of justice who defeated the devil!

After becoming a rebellious hero, although he rebelled against the gods and became extremely arrogant in his words, he was still a kind-hearted and warm-blooded fool who would not harm others easily.

After defeating Ilyas in the end, even though he obtained the four elements, the dark power of the devil and the light power of the goddess, and became the ruler of the continent, the devil, he still maintained his original kindness and established a world that truly made all races A world where you can live happily.

But no matter what period he was in, he was still the man with ultimate charm, convincing and following.

Why did it become like this?

Why can my master-chan say such shameless words as a matter of course?

Ahem, it's understandable that Miss Brave doesn't understand. After all, Mo Yi's previous profession was as a Brave or a Demon God. Even vulgar words need to be processed by secondary thoughts before they can be said to deceive others.

And his current profession is Huang Man Master, so he can return to nature, be an ordinary person, and complain as much as he wants.

"Kill you, Mo Yi, I will definitely kill you -"

"As long as I kill you, you can turn back into the Shi-chan that I both admire and hate."

As if struck by lightning, Emi-chan raised her head at a 45-degree angle, muttering with dull eyes, but the special light effect on the green onion she held in her right hand became more and more intense. If this continues, it might turn into a fluorescent lamp!

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