Mo Yi: "..."

Why don't you be so exaggerated, Emi-chan!

What do you mean, I was born and raised in the Moyi Continent. It’s not like I’ve never seen humans fighting against monster girls. Let’s just talk about the angel clan. I think they had such a method of punishment back then!

It seems that you are still the same as before, Xiao Guliang who blushes all day long even if you make a slightly off-color joke.

More importantly, from your reaction, this master can confirm my previous prediction about you - Emi-chan, after a thousand years, I declare that you will still be a holy virgin who cannot get married.

"Emi-chan, be elegant, don't be dirty, and don't be violent. Neither dirty nor violence can solve the problem."

Mo Yi persuaded him with kind words.


After hearing Mo Yi's kind words, Huimeijiang finally woke up from her broken state. She held up the glowing green onion and stared at Mo Yi, as if thinking about which angle would be better to start from.

"At this point, there is nothing more to say. Shi-chan, you better stand still. After all, green onions are not very sharp. If they are crooked, it may take a few cuts to finish."

Mo Yi: "..."

Why do you, a female warrior, look more like a demon than me?

Over the years, have you not turned the angel clan into a dark and evil force?

Do you know that nowadays in public places, such words can easily teach bad things to children?

Facing the imminent battle, the resourceful Mo Yi once again came up with a clever plan to deal with Emi-chan who was about to drive, and said:

"Emi-chan, this is in your cafe. Haven't you noticed that the people around you and your maid staff are all looking at you holding the glowing green onions!"

"Do you want to fight me here? Can you bear to hurt innocent people and your employees because of the aftermath of our battle?"

"Damn(〃> dishes<)——"

After hearing Mo Yi's warm reminder, Huimeijiang finally remembered such a thing and could only suppress her anger. As a righteous warrior, she naturally cannot hurt others because of her personal grudges. This is Matter of principle.

"You guy, no wonder you've always been so calm. It turns out you've considered this a long time ago and made sure I didn't dare to do anything here, so you dared to tease me like this!"

"Hmph, you are still as cunning as before, Lord Demon God."

I don't know how Yusa Emi can bear it despite her jealousy and hatred, and I have to praise her. Although she has a bad temper, loves violence, is arrogant and prone to tears, she is indeed a good warrior.

Mo Yi felt that the other party seemed to be more qualified than himself, the former warrior. Is this the so-called skill that is better than the skill?

But thinking about it this way, I am the best teacher.

"Of course, your teacher-chan is still your teacher-chan!"

Mo Yi chuckled and said:

"If you can solve the problem with beep, why do you do it, Emi-chan?"

Seeing the other party's triumphant look, Yusa Emi unexpectedly calmed down, because she remembered what happened many years ago. Every time she was defeated effortlessly by the other party using various conspiracies and intrigues, the other party would He gave himself such a proud smile.

At that time, I obviously hated his smile the most!

But it wasn't until he disappeared that I discovered that the most profound image in my memory was of him like this——

He could beat himself to death, but every time he used clumsy and weird excuses to let him go, and even bandaged his wounds and healed them before leaving.

This idiot, why can't you be more frank and express your feelings, so that I can have an excuse to betray the goddess I believe in for you.

"Humph, stupid Emi-chan, just hate me like this. Your only role is to show the world that this demon is invincible!"

"Haha, Emi-chan, I look forward to you challenging me next time. You know, you are a very rare toy in my life!"

"Hahaha, Emi-chan, you have tried your best, but the gap between angels and gods cannot be bridged by hard work. Why are you still stubborn?"

"My disciple Emi-chan, is the world created by this demon beautiful? Do you like it? If you like it, leave it to you! When my life comes to an end, you will eventually become the king of this new world!"

After seeing the familiar smile of the other party, Yusa Emi suddenly thought of the words that the other party had said to her with this smile, which she had relived again and again in her dreams over the past thousand years, and what she had said to her. The last time I saw each other, the words I hadn’t finished yet——

"It's beautiful, but this brave man doesn't care about the world you created!"

Having said that, Yusa Emi just looked at the back of Mo Yi who defeated her and left as usual. She thought it would be like before. When she had time to challenge, she would see that annoying smug smile on the opponent's face again. .

Unexpectedly, the other party turned around and went to buy an orange, leaving him to wait there for a thousand years.

Over the past thousand years, she has regretted extremely that she did not express her original words clearly:

"It's beautiful, but this brave man doesn't care about the world you created!"

"All I want is your smile when we travel together, and you just stay with me like before!"

"You weak soul, do you know that I hate the way you stand there alone, looking up into the distance?"

Unfortunately, I have no chance to say what I want to say, and all that is left is the wet pillow every time I wake up from a dream.

Chapter 84: Can a girl’s tears be called crying?

Seeing Mo Yi's familiar smile again, the sadness and joy lurking in Emi-chan's heart instantly burst out from her heart, and the glowing green onion in her hand could no longer be held steadily, and rolled to the ground like this.

But neither Yusa Emi nor Mo Yi paid attention to the green onions that should have been turned into ingredients and eaten by Gabriel and the other angels.

Because, under the mixture of sorrow and joy, Emi-chan could no longer suppress the grievances and longings she had felt for thousands of years, and tears kept flowing out.

However, she, who had always wanted to be strong, was still like when she was a child, only shedding tears and crying silently.

Now, Mo Yi was confused!

Emi-chan, aren't you going to chop me to death with green onions?

Even if it's hard to do anything in public, there's no need to use such a powerful attack like Yae Ying!

You know, I have always only comforted two kinds of women, one is Loli and the other is Lao Siji, and I never touch women from good families.

I am very embarrassed when you do this. Is this what is called being a man?

How should I comfort you at this time, Emi-chan?

How about I go out and give you a good beating to vent your anger?

Yusa Emi was crying, but still stared at herself stubbornly, as if she was afraid that she would disappear again, which made people feel unspeakable heartache.

At this time, the melon-eaters who had been secretly observing Mo Yi's love story began to whisper again——

"My dear, I told you that this kind of talented and handsome guy is definitely a scumbag and absolutely bad. Look, that's right!"

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