"Yeah, little piggy, I was wrong, you better not learn piano! You just stay like a loser. My dad is rich and can support us for the rest of our lives."

"My dear, you are so kind to me. I will definitely try my best to be an outstanding waste house and learn more postures from Mr. Kato!"


"Let go of that big sister and let me, who is skilled, take back her smile!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Mo Yi suddenly discovered that it was not a good thing that his hearing was sometimes too good. In addition to hearing the sounds of lovers and goblins fighting upstairs, he would also hear the nameless sounds of these melon-eating people.

Of course, there are also maids who are paying attention to the situation of Mo Yi and Huimei Jiang. After all, Huimei Jiang is still a boss who is loved by the maids. She has always been single, and suddenly she has an affair with a man who looks several years younger than her. The teenagers got entangled, and since they were concerned about their boss's life-long affairs, they naturally couldn't let go of such big news!

Of course, hidden among the maids are the angels Gabriel and Raphael, who know the true identity of Sister Emi.

She is the uncrowned king who has led their angel clan for more than a thousand years. According to legend, she is the daughter of Ilias, the goddess who created the angel clan, created from her own flesh and blood. She is the true king of the existing angel clan.

It was only because she was tired of managing the life in heaven that she came to live in this different world, and they were like children under her care.

Now, it is really strange that a person who seems to know Sister Huimei suddenly appears.

"Gabriel, aren't you curious about the young man who said he wanted to invite you to be a game tester? He seems to be an old friend of Sister Huimei!"

The cheerful smile on Raphael's face disappeared, and she asked seriously to Gabriel, whose decadent look had disappeared.

"Forget it, since it is Sister Huimei's matter, how can we, the new generation of angels, get involved."

Gabriel thought for a few seconds, then gave up treatment again and lay on the table with a decadent look, and said:

"The other party plays the game so well and is willing to fund himself to save the continent of Arad. How can he be a bad person?"

Raphael: "..."

Xiaojia, you are hopeless.

But that’s okay, this is the Gabriel that I like, hehehe——

However, facing Emi-chan who was crying silently, Mo Yi was not in the mood to care about other people's thoughts. At this moment, the world in front of Mo Yi was only Yusa Emi who was still crying stubbornly and looking at him.

Once upon a time, the other party also watched me cry like this. From reaching out to touch the other person's little head, to hugging the other party and listening to the other party's silent crying, until finally using alternative language to encourage the other party, the other party's growth journey is not my own. What about your growth process?

"Emi-chan, are you okay?"

After thinking for a long time, Mo Yi finally said such universal and classic words of comfort.

"Hmph, it's okay, I don't need you to care!"

Emi-chan wiped her tears hard with her left hand and said while staring at Mo Yi.

"But you cried."

Mo Yi Nuo Nuo said.

"Who is crying? I just have sand in my eyes. Can a girl's tears be called crying?"

Yusa Emi explained through gritted teeth.

Mo Yi: "..."

According to the routine of TV series, when you say that sand is in your eyes, a sensational BGM should sound at this time, such as the ED "Secret Base" from "The Name of a Flower".

Then, as the male protagonist, I should say with a loving and gentle smile - Then let me blow it for you!

Finally, just under the sunset, the male protagonist suffering from leukemia and the heroine who had just recovered her memory, after discovering that they were half-brothers and sisters, still hugged and kissed vigorously because of love.

With the applause or objections of family and friends, the end of the play subtitles appeared on the TV screen, and the story of the two ended like this.

But, am I an ordinary person?

Of course he wouldn't take the usual route and asked if he could help blow the sand out of her eyes.

"Tears are blue. Everyone in this world has 365 tears. If you shed them all, they will disappear forever."

Mo Yi said seriously to Emi-chan who was staring at him.

"You have a weak soul——"

After Emi-chan said these half-sentences, she couldn't bear it any longer and just lay on the table and began to moan.

Mo Yi: "..."

In terms of tactical effect, Mo Yi's comfort just now worked, at least ending the deadlock in which the other party cried silently.



Embarrassed, Mo Yi softly called out to Yusa Emi, who was lying there moaning, but was ignored.

Faced with such a desperate situation, he had no choice but to resort to his last resort against Emi-chan.

I still remember that the other party is a foodie, and even with my luminous and medicinal dishes, I still can't conquer you, this thousand-year-old monster!

So, Mo Yi was going to ask Xiaotiaojiang and others where the kitchen was, and prepare to make a bowl of omelette rice filled with Shijiang's love for them.


As soon as Mo Yi stood up and was about to take action, he was quickly grabbed by the right hand stretched out by Huimei Jiang who was exerting his power. Although he was still mumbling, he could clearly say:

"Mo Yi, I won't let you disappear without a word again!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Emi-chan, I'm a family man, so I can't give up everything to be with you, but if you want to come live in my house, I'm still sure to deal with Illya.

Chapter 85: Even if you scream until your throat is broken, no one will save you!

Emi-chan, it’s very difficult for me to be like this.

You are moaning but you don’t want me to make you a love meal. What should I do? I'm desperate too!

"Mo Yi, I found you."

"You can't leave!"

After Huimeijiang caught Mo Yi, she gradually stopped her behavior, raised her head, and looked at Mo Yi with tearful amber eyes, just like the strong little girl back then.

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