"Don't try to escape, follow me!"

After that, he didn't even care about the ingredients placed on the seats, and directly pulled Mo Yi towards the depths of the cafe.

Mo Yi, who was dragged away, was conflicted in his heart. Should he break away from the other person's hand?

But if you break away from the other party, you may fall into the same situation again, fighting with the other party, talking, being watched, and yelling at each other, such an endless cycle.

But if I didn't struggle, it would be very embarrassing for me, Mo, to be dragged away like this.

I can't just follow the other person when he pulls me. Wouldn't that make me look very rude?

More importantly, although the other party's face still showed traces of crying at the moment, he could still see from the slightly raised corners of her mouth that if things were allowed to continue, something very terrible and very Yakumo might happen. .

For example, after losing the battle with the monster girl, the CG plot is recycled.

The other party is the daughter created by sister-chan, and he is Erina's nominal Oni-chan in this life. After all, in addition to being his disciple, Emi-chan is also his niece?

But bang, it’s so snappy!

I am not such a casual man. Before the spring breeze comes and the mountains are full of peach blossoms, I will not become casual and become a human being.

Ahem, in fact, what is more important is that I have not yet dealt with my sister-chan, and the foodie Demon King who is afraid of ghosts and should have almost finished the countdown in Mo Yi Continent and is ready to be reborn.

Isn't it natural for Illya and others?

We have made an appointment to go to the Rainbow Sea to pick chrysanthemums, fly kites, and have barbecue together every year on the Double Ninth Festival!

So, I like Illya the most! Ilya Segao!

But when Mo Yi was thinking about these meaningless things, he was pulled away by Huimei Jiang in full view of the public.

The melon-eating crowd started booing again——

"He is not your lover. Take another look at me! Although I am fat, I have a broad mind!"

"Damn it (〃>Van<), is my eldest sister being ruined by a handsome and talented scumbag like this? As promised, the protagonists of light novels are mediocre, but they can often conquer with gentleness Where are all the beautiful girls? My Chinese name is Ye Wenrou!"

"Little sister, if you love me, don't leave. If you say you don't love me! Please give me a little more tenderness——"

Mo Yi, who was dragged away by Emi-chan, was in no mood to pay attention to these losers. He whined here whenever he could and didn't even know how to read more.

You deserve to be single for a hundred years!

Moreover, how can you guys, who are only jealous, understand the distress in the heart of this master who is too popular?


Nan Xiaoniao, who had been observing secretly, saw Sister Huimei dragging Mo Yi into her lounge. Inexplicable loss and some ulterior delusions, she couldn't help but let out a bird call.


At this time, Raphael, who was still happy today, put his head to Nan Xiaotiao's ear and whispered:

"Nanako-chan, you seem to care about that boy very much!"

"But the other party seems to be very popular. I didn't expect that apart from Xiaojia, even sister Emi is also your competitor, Nanako-chan!"

"It's really troublesome. Who should I help? After all, you are all my good friends."


When Nan Xiaoniao realized that her little thoughts were discovered, her pretty face turned red instantly, and she quickly explained:

"I'm not, I didn't, stop talking nonsense, Raphael!"

"I'm just curious about the relationship between Mo Yijun and Sister Huimei."


Raphael smiled happily and said:

"Isn't that the same as caring about how many beautiful little women of the opposite sex your boyfriend knows, Nanako-chan?"

"I say no, but I'm still quite honest in my heart, little bird-chan!"


After hearing La Feier's teasing and imitating Mo Yi's name for her, the little bird beast let out a whine and was struck down again.


While Mo Yi was still thinking about those meaningless things, he had been unknowingly pulled into a dark and windowless room by Yusa Emi.

Moreover, after the door was violently closed by Emi-chan, he realized something was wrong.

At this time, Huimeijiang finally let go of Mo Yi's hand and went to turn on the light.

"No need to struggle, Shi-chan!"

Under the dim light, Emi-chan, who felt that Otachi had settled down, showed a kind and slightly destructive smile, said proudly:

"This room is made of angel feathers and the silence magic you created back then. It can repel all silence spells and energy. Only the power of angels can take effect!"

"It took me a thousand years to get this done in order to deal with you. Even you are just a little sheep here who let me do whatever I want!"

"Even if you scream until your throat is broken, no one will come to save you!"


Mo Yi: "..."

Emi-chan, are you really a brave person?

Why do the words you speak have such a strong sense of familiarity——

This is obviously the standard line of the Wangyang Thief!

Moreover, you don’t even know where I have gone or whether I am dead, so why would you bother spending a thousand years to create such a room that seems to be just to embarrass me and someone else?

What kind of love and hate made you spend a thousand years to build a model and create a place specifically for me.

My disciple seems to be suffering from a disease called love, what should I do now?

Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

I originally thought that even if the basement plot happened to me, the heroine would be Sister-chan. I never expected that it would be Sister-chan’s daughter Emi-chan who finally implemented this evil plan.

As expected of Emi-chan, who was created by her sister-chan using her own flesh and blood and other precious materials, she even inherited the yandere's recessive inheritance perfectly.

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