Grandpa Mo Yi, who had been chatting with Leiden Meiyi and others for a while, saw that Teacher Zhenshizi had not come back yet, so he was about to say goodbye and go find Teacher Zhenshizi.

Suddenly, he felt someone jump on his back, and two small hands directly wrapped around his neck.

"Mo Yi, how come you are with everyone?"

When I heard the voice, I knew it was Teresa's voice, and the ringing tone was unmistakable.

"I just happened to meet——"

Grandpa Mo Yi took off Theresa who was lying on his back, touched her head and said:

"Everyone is looking for you."|

"Ha ha--"

After Grandpa Mo Yi found out about her crazy nature, Theresa forcefully explained with some embarrassment:

"Kiana, you guys really gave me a headache. If I didn't look at you, you would get lost. Fortunately, I was smart and found you so quickly."

Thunder Mei Yi: "..."

Teresa is really witty. When she explains it from another angle, it seems that there is really no problem.

No matter how you look at it, you, aunt, got lost all by yourself. There is no reason for a group of us to get lost. You are the only one who got lost, right?

Kiana, who was slandered by Teresa, couldn't bear it anymore and argued angrily:

"Where? It's obviously my aunt and you're walking around on your own!"


Theresa, who loved being a good child when Grandpa Mo Yi touched her head, instantly became furious, struck Kiana on the little head one by one, and muttered:

"Still talking nonsense——"

Kiana: MMP.

At this time, Teacher Zu Shizi, who was confused by the expansion of the gods, also came to his senses. Although he didn't know what the concern was between Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi, but a discerning person could see that they were very close.

Of course, no matter how imaginative Teacher Zun Shizi was, she never thought that Teresa was a 47-year-old magical girl and not a primary school student who could get lost.

Naturally, she didn’t expect that Theresa was one of her most hated love rivals. I just thought it was something like the eldest niece of the Mo Yi family.

Teacher Zhen Shizi knows Illya and knows the relationship between Mo Yi and Illya, so Illya, a typical foreigner, naturally has foreign relatives and friends, and look at the white faces of Theresa and Illya. Mao, the daughter of a relative and friend, no problem.JPG.

"Classmate Mo Yi, have you bought the things?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi had already given Grandpa Mo Yi time to say hello to Kiana and other acquaintances. This was the time to 'exit', and now it was the time to 'enter'. He walked directly to Grandpa Mo Yi and first handed over the things he bought. Put it on Mo Yi's shopping cart, and then hold the other person's hand naturally.


When he found Theresa, Grandpa Mo Yi also found Teacher Zhen Shizi who appeared with her, but he didn't find a chance to answer the phone. Now Teacher Zhen Shizi came up in front of Kiana and others.

Of course, she clearly had the wrong enemy.


Theresa, who had been keeping her eyes on Grandpa Mo Yi, immediately noticed Teacher Zhen Shizi's movements - why are you so familiar? ! !

Theresa suddenly felt bad about her whole body.

How could she have imagined that the stupid woman she met was also a guy Mo Yi knew and seemed to have a close relationship with.

Teresa thought there was only that guy named Yuuki Asuna.

It's impossible to hit someone, not to mention that Theresa didn't bring Judas, which is equivalent to the magical girl not bringing the transformation stick.

"Mo Yi——"

Teresa didn't care to continue beating her silly niece, and quickly returned to Grandpa Mo Yi. She imitated Teacher Shizi's movements and held Grandpa Mo Yi's other side.

He said coquettishly in a sweet voice:

"We will go back to Meiyi's house later to have hot pot, you can come too."

"I miss you so much."

However, in the eyes of Leiden Meiyi and others, Teacher Zhen Shizi with Mo Yi on her arm looked like a proper newlywed couple, while Theresa, because of her size and appearance, looked like a brother and sister with Grandpa Mo Yi on her arm. .

And when the three of them look at each other at this moment, they feel like they are a winner in life with a wife and a younger sister.

With such an obvious coquettish tone, a lot of fighting experience, and the fact that Teacher Zhen Shizi was originally a Bai scholar, he was very aware that something was wrong. The facts seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

Later, Teacher Zhen Shizi thought of Ilia from Mo Yi's family. She seemed to be similar to Theresa, but Grandpa Mo Yi said that she was actually older than both him and Mo Yi.

As for why I am only a freshman in high school this year, it is just because I entered the school late.

Could it be that this is another legal loli? !

"I'm sorry, Theresa——"

The back of the hand is flesh, and the palm is also flesh.

Facing Theresa's warm invitation, Grandpa Mo Yi could only reluctantly refuse.

"I happened to be a guest at classmate Shiyu's house today. There are other classmates there waiting for us to buy things and cook."


After being rejected by Grandpa Mo Yi, Theresa was definitely not happy, but she also knew that it was impossible for Grandpa Mo Yi to change his mind. Others had made appointments and it was impossible to leave midway.

"But I will miss you very much when you are not here."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Teresa, when did you learn to be flirtatious?

Well, there was also the intensity with which Teacher Zhen Shizi held her arms, which became tighter and stronger.

"Let's invite everyone to my house to play tomorrow."


After hearing this, Theresa smiled again.


When Grandpa Mo Yi's most heartbroken schoolmate Leiden Meiyi saw that the limelight was not right, she pulled Theresa over and said with a smile:

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