"Senior Mo Yi, we have sold about the same amount of stuff, it's time to leave."

"I won't stop you from shopping. Goodbye."

After that, he dragged Theresa, who looked unwilling, to the payment office.

After watching Theresa and others disappear around the corner after a few steps, Teacher Zhen Shizi felt a little complicated. Not long ago, I was thinking that the other person was so cute, it would be great if she was my daughter.

I never expected that there would be such a development!


Teacher Zhen Shizi leaned on Grandpa Mo Yi and murmured in a friendly tone:

"It seems that Mo Yi, I still have a lot of things to do, right? I've never heard you mention the name 'Teresa' before."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"Ahem, this is a new friend I met on my previous trip. I haven't had time to introduce him to you yet."

Teacher Zhen Shizi whispered:

"I believe you as a ghost——"

————Settlement, payment, the dividing line of going home——————

After buying the things, the two quickly left with their things. Of course, it was Grandpa Mo Yi who carried the things, and Teacher Zhen Shizi walked beside Grandpa Mo Yi normally.

But this is what makes it seem abnormal.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who felt that the situation was not good, just wanted to give Teacher Zhen Shizi a good explanation.

"Shiyu-chan, you were taken advantage of just now, do you know that?"

Teacher Dirty Shizi: "??"

Recall carefully, when I was queuing up to give money or visiting the supermarket, except for Grandpa Mo Yi, no other male creature came close to me. Even if he took advantage, it would only be Mo Yi.

Teacher Jian Zhen Shizi looked like a black man with a question mark on his face. Mo Yi knew that his goal of attracting the other party's attention was achieved, so he explained:

"How old do you think Teresa is?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi recalled Theresa's height and appearance in her mind. Although she knew there must be a pitfall in this question, she still judged based on common sense:

"Around thirteen years old?"


Grandpa Mo Yi shook his head with a smile and said:


Well, as Teacher Zushizi thought, eyes can be deceiving. It was an over-aged lolita similar to Illya, and said angrily:

"That is to say, he is about the same age as us, about eighteen years old."

"That's not right either——"

After seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, Grandpa Mo Yi told the truth:

"I would be forty-seven today."

Teacher Dirty Shizi: "..."

"how come?"

No matter how old a lolita is here, she is older than her mother and can be her grandmother.

"In the real world, nothing is impossible. Don't magic and powers really exist?"

It’s not like Teacher Zhen Shizi didn’t know about Grandpa Mo Yi. In the past, he was able to impress the other party by relying on the word ‘honesty’. Now, the way to make the other party calm down is to compile his experiences during his outing into a story. Tell the soul-stirring adventure story to Mr. Shizizi.

"Don't worry, this matter started when I asked for leave to study abroad a month ago -"


Teacher Zhen Shizi was very interested in Mo Yi's experience story. She had heard it once before. Although it was brief, the realism and interest were far more interesting than the light novels she read about other worlds. It was simply enjoyable the whole time. Pee.

Teacher Zhen Shizi is currently writing the sequel to "Metronome of Love", "White Album 3". As for why there is no White Album 1 and White Album 2, they just released a 3. Naturally, it's because its name is " "White Album 3". If I ask again, I just don't understand. Can the author's things be called wrong?

Of course, after Mr. Zhen Shizi finished writing "White Album 3", he planned to transform and no longer write about campus romance. After all, being bound by one genre will make a creator's thinking become increasingly rigid.

If it were other creators, they would have to worry about whether they would fall into the public eye after the transformation, but who is Teacher Shizi?

But just one "Metronome of Love" will be enough for her to eat for several years. In addition, the entire Yakumo House belongs to Grandpa Mo Yi. If she doesn't have to worry about having nothing to eat after going to the street, the most she can do is go to Grandpa Mo Yi. Give birth to a child at home, raise the child at the same time, and make a comeback at the same time.

People who have a way out are so willful!

The type of transformation she chose was planned to be another world. After all, this is the most popular genre in recent years. If you want to become a god in the light novel world, you'd better get some other world novels.

Grandpa Mo Yi's experience is the best material. It is far from being comparable to otherworld novels on the market that rely solely on the creator's imagination, outdated settings, and routines.

So, Grandpa Mo Yi began to tell wonderful adventure stories that were processed by her art, and the general plot and characters were correct.

Just after finishing talking about the Holy Grail War in the world of Sajo Green Song, Teacher Zushizi complained with some suspicion:

"The joy of fire is equivalent to the power of the sun itself. Then wouldn't the earth be destroyed by you at will?!"

Although Teacher Zhen Shizi knows that Mo Yi is very powerful, well, at least he is very powerful in the other party's stories, and he is always a goddess, a demon, etc., but now his combat power has expanded to the point of exploding into the stars and rushing out of the solar system. This is too much. Yeah!

"This is a basic operation, don't slip away——"

Mo Yi took out the Fire Joy that he hadn't used for a long time from his pocket, placed it in the hands of Teacher Zhen Shizi, and said:

"This is the Joy of Fire. If you like it, I will give it to you for self-defense. When using it, silently say 'The Joy of Fire, I am so happy today', and it will automatically attack the enemy."

Teacher Zhen Shizi looked at the joy of fire that made her heart palpitate. It looked heavy but was light when picked up. For a moment, she didn't know if this was a joke.

If true, is this really good?

If you casually give a moving sun that can blow up the earth to an ordinary person like you, the earth-chan will be under a lot of pressure!

Be careful if the other person gets angry and runs away from home to stage a "wandering earth".

Seeing that Teacher Zhen Shizi still had a suspicious look on his face, Grandpa Mo Yi thought of a better way. He directly grabbed one of the other party's hands and brought the other party to his memory fragments. Then, in conjunction with his brief description, this was The description is much more specific.

Then, Teacher Zhen Shizi saw with his own eyes that in the City of the Sky, the joy of fire in Grandpa Mo Yi's hand turned into the sun and burned the entire small world to death.

Teacher Zhen Shizi, who was shocked and speechless, had no time to calm down. The car driven by Grandpa Mo Yi started from the world of Shajiao Green Song to the world of Magical Girl Illya, and then to the ancient real world. The world of the Courtyard of the Egyptian Gods.

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