After Grandpa Mo Yi briefly explained the matter, he brought the two of them back to reality, and then moved their location to the turning point in front of Teacher Zhen Shizi's house.

"After turning this corner, we're here."

"This is so magical——"

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Teacher Zhen Shizi took a step forward and instantly appeared at the corner of the house. Looking back, it was no longer the previous scene, but the usual street corner.

Looking back at Mo Yi, he asked excitedly:

"How long will it take me to study before I can do this?"

After learning this, going to school will be much easier.

"If you study step by step, it will probably take more than a hundred years -"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Teacher Zhen Shizi, carefully thought about various calculation factors, and replied:

"If you want to specialize in space-time magic, ten years of study is enough."

Teacher Dirty Shizi: “(⊙o⊙)…”

At that time, what kind of school should I go to? I don’t know how many years have passed since I graduated.

"We still need to study it. What time is it more practical for you to pick me up and take me to school every day?"


Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but laugh at Teacher Zhen Shizi's unexpected comeback.

"What's so funny?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi walked a few steps faster with some embarrassment, holding the doorknob with her right hand. When she was about to be happy, she suddenly remembered something very important. She turned around and gave Grandpa Mo Yi a sweet smile and said:

"I'm also going to visit your house tomorrow."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Teacher Zhen Shizi, why don’t you follow the routine? Is that really okay?

Seeing the sweet smile of the other party, Grandpa Mo Yi thought that the other party should say next:

Thank you, I am very happy today; or, this is the first time we go shopping together; or, we should hurry up and catch up.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually remembered that he had invited Theresa and the others to his home in the supermarket.

"of course--"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled naturally and said:

"I thought that if I didn't mention this matter, even Shiyu would have thought about it."

What this means is that the other party is an insider and not an outsider, so there is no need for special reminders.

"Then let it be my fault, classmate Mo Yi."

After saying that, Teacher Zhen Shizi opened the door and walked in.

Mo Yi smiled and quickly followed.

"We're back, Mom."


After entering Teacher Zhen Shizi's house, Xue Miao and others were still the same as before. Everyone was chatting and drinking tea.

After Xia Mu saw Teacher Zhen Shizi coming back from shopping, she stood up and prepared to go to the kitchen to cook.

"Everyone has some tea, and I'll go cook."

Looking at Xia's father who was carrying the vegetable bag and consciously following Xia's mother to take things to the kitchen, he was in a very unhappy mood. To be precise, he started to feel unhappy after Grandpa Mo Yi and Teacher Zhen Shizi went out. Happy, and the degree of unhappiness increases exponentially as time goes by.

Looking at Grandpa Mo Yi who came back with his daughter, who had said so many sweet words to her, and even had a pear fight or two, Xia's father felt like "this hatred will last forever."

As soon as his mind changed, he said to his bored son Kasumigaoka Shiro sitting next to him:

"Your mother has asked you to cook. How dare you, Shiro, a boy, sit like this and watch your elders work alone?"

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

Dad, you are making things difficult for me, right?

Isn’t it always my mother who cooks alone at home?

Usually when my sister wants to help, she says no. Oil fumes are not good for girls’ skin. As for me, I learned this from dad. You must know that dad, you are a master in the kitchen who can even burn an omelette. It’s genetic. I know your cooking skills, do you really have the nerve to ask me to help in the kitchen?

Dad, are you planning to find a reason to move to a new house?

Although Xia's father was talking to Kasumigaoka Shiro, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knew that the other person was saying, "Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is intended for Pei Gong", and he was mocking himself, the third male present.

"Auntie, how about I help?"

"I usually like cooking at home."

When Xia's father heard that Mo Yi suddenly realized it, he was curious and tried to dissuade him:

"Classmate Mo Yi, if it doesn't work, don't force it-"

Xia's father wanted to say something more, but Xia's mother, who knew that Xia's father was still eating something wrong, interrupted him directly:

"The child's father, didn't you say that your throat felt uncomfortable when you woke up today? Then don't talk so much -"

Xia’s father: “…”

After being glared at by Xia's mother, Xia's father immediately became discouraged and said, "I can't afford to offend him, I can't afford to offend him."

Grandpa Mo Yi came to the rescue, interrupting the somewhat awkward atmosphere and saying:

"Actually, there is a cooking school in my hometown. I have been influenced by my family since I was a child, so I know a little bit about it. If I can help my aunt, there should be no problem."

Xia's father whispered: "Humph——"

Don't think that I will be deceived by you here. Thank you, little Shiyu will be protected by my old father!

Hearing this, Xia's mother became interested. When she checked the household registration with Teacher Zhen Shizi before, she didn't ask for any useful and practical knowledge. Now that Grandpa Mo Yi took the initiative to bring it up, she must have seized the opportunity.

While taking Mo Yi to the kitchen, he asked:

"You're such a humble kid. It's obviously a result of your family background."

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