"Auntie usually has no interest, but she likes to think about new dishes. She also wants to go to a cooking institution to recharge her batteries, but I don't know where to go?"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who is as witty as Xiao Tamamo, naturally understood the implication of Xia Mu's words. She was asking which cooking school his family opened.

"Totsuki Saryo Cooking School, headquartered in Tokyo——"

Xiamu: "..."

Even for a full-time housewife like her, hearing about the famous name of Totsuki Academy is equivalent to the fact that normal people in the Celestial Empire know the same thing about 'New Oriental' and 'Lan Xiang'.

Mrs. , this is a mine at home.

However, a large enterprise group like Yuanyue cannot be owned by just one company. It often has many shareholders. Anyway, it is very complicated.

The most important thing is that since the other party has such a skill as cooking, there is no need to worry about his employment status in the future. No matter how bad his life is, he can rely on Yuanyue's reputation and become a famous chef, and his life will not be any worse.

After all, no matter how hungry you are, you will never be so hungry that you cook.

Of course, if my son fails in the future, he can learn to cook from his brother-in-law.

"Auntie has never heard of Yueyue's name—"

Xia's mother didn't ask any further. She just needed to know a rough idea, otherwise it would look weird.

Afterwards, Mo Yi really helped Xia Mu, washing vegetables, chopping vegetables and so on.

"Classmate Mo Yi, please cut these beef into thin slices——"

Two seconds later——


Then the cut beef was handed to Xia Mu.

Xia Mu was a little confused at first, until she looked around and saw Mo Yi's hands turning into afterimages, quickly picking up the ingredients.

Xiamu: "..."

Just by looking at the posture, Xia Mu knew that this was a professional. A housewife like herself was completely different from the other person. I feel more and more satisfied. My daughter, who is a picky eater, no longer has to worry about food.

Of course, it is more about the fact that a master like Grandpa Mo Yi is willing to attack her like this, which shows the stability and humility of the other party. Well, it is just like Xia's father's reaction in front of her parents.

"Classmate Mo Yi, your technique really opened Auntie's eyes."

Xia Mu smiled and said:

"How about I let you cook the last dish and let Auntie try it?"

"Then I'll just do my best, Auntie——"

Grandpa Mo Yi would not let go of such a good opportunity to cook. He couldn't believe it. After eating my cooking, his favorability level was doubled!

————The dividing line half an hour later————

Under Xia Mu's greeting, everyone quickly gathered around the dining table to start tonight's dinner.


Just from the smell, Xia's father felt that tonight's meal seemed to be particularly fragrant. He took a piece of beef and took a bite, and couldn't help but praise:

"Damn it, the beef you cooked tonight was delicious. You performed at a superb level."

Xia Mu naturally tasted the food before serving it, knowing in her heart that she was just cooking as usual. The only change was that Grandpa Mo Yi helped her handle the ingredients.

Unexpectedly, just by handling the ingredients, the other party would upgrade his home-cooked dishes to the level of a five-star hotel chef.

What surprised her the most was the last dish prepared by Mo Yi himself - an ordinary-looking cabbage soup.

Of course, this unremarkable refers to the current presentation. When it came out of the pot just now, the ordinary cabbage soup exuded a blazing golden light. After just one taste, Xia Mu stood there, thinking. It’s a bittersweet memory, reliving the beautiful memories of getting to know Xia’s father, falling in love, and then having children.

How could he be a bad person if he could cook such a dish that makes people feel happy? !

"It's not like you don't know my level. It's all thanks to classmate Mo Yi's help——"

Xia Mu said angrily:

‘Other people are the real source of family education. Please try this cabbage soup. This is the most delicious dish I have ever tasted in my life. ’

"Isn't it just an ordinary cabbage soup——"

Although what Xia's mother said makes sense, after eating Xia's mother's food for so many years, Xia's father naturally knows the other party's level. This sudden change is naturally due to new variables and the help of Grandpa Mo Yi.

But as an old father trying to defend his family, he cannot admit this!

"Then let me try -"

So Xia's father scooped up a bowl of mediocre cabbage soup with a judgmental look and tried it suspiciously.

The moment the cabbage soup came into contact with the taste nerves on his tongue, Xia's father felt that his mind was suddenly exploded by a singularity. The 'umami' flavor intertwined with the cabbage and broth instantly took over his body and mind!

His mind couldn't help but go back to more than 20 years ago, when he was still an ordinary high school student. On the first day of school, he picked up a handkerchief. Because he handed the handkerchief back to the teacher, he successfully achieved, The achievement of being late for the first day of school.

Later, Xia's father discovered that the strange female classmate sitting next to him was the owner of the handkerchief.

"Thank you, Kasumigaoka-san——"

The hearty smile of the other party has always been engraved in the depths of his mind, and has never been blurred by the polish of time.

Later, this female classmate with a beautiful smile became the mother of Teacher Shiko and Kasumigaoka Shiro.

That's me, my lost youth and love!

Chapter 576: Master, no more!

"Dad, why are you bleeding horse urine?"

Kasumigaoka's father, who was still indulging in his lost youth and remembering sweet things, was suddenly awakened from the delicious environment when he was shouted by Kasumigaoka Shiro's voice.

When Xia's mother asked Xia's father to try Mo Yi's cabbage, everyone was curious and looking forward to the development of the plot.

Was it Grandpa Mo Yi who had gained a reputation and was picked on by Xia's father to ridicule and criticize, or was it because Mo Yi was more skilled and conquered the opponent's stomach like this?

Except for Xue Miao and Xia Mu, who had tried Mo Yi's craftsmanship, everyone else preferred the first possibility.

After all, everyone present can feel the enemy that Xia's father exudes, and whether the food is delicious is a perceptual question, not a mathematical question. The answer is the only one. Just saying that it does not suit my taste can make all standards Push down.

Then, everyone saw Xia's father standing there stunned after taking a sip of cabbage soup. A few seconds later, the macho man burst into tears.

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who felt that the painting style was a bit strange, couldn't help his curiosity and asked.

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