"What nonsense are you talking about-"

Xia's father subconsciously put on a stern face to his son, but soon found that his eyes were sore, and he was really crying after wiping them with his right hand.

It was embarrassing now. He could only say:

"Onions were added to it and it was accidentally smoked."

Kasumigaoka Shiro looked at the crystal clear cabbage soup and complained:

"Why didn't I see any chopped onions in it?"

"Eat well and don't talk-"

Kasumigaoka's father stared at Kasumigaoka Shiro angrily, and then said to everyone:

"This cabbage soup is very good, everyone can try it."

It is impossible to praise, and Xia's father could only divert everyone's attention in this way.

Then, a large-scale food environment drama began, and everyone gathered around to reminisce about the good times of the past.

————The dividing line of departure————

"Goodbye then, uncle, aunt and classmate Shiyu——"

After eating, everyone was ready to go home. After all, District 11 is quite dangerous at night. This is a country where associations are legalized.

Of course, because of Grandpa Mo Yi, Fuyuki City is countless times safer than other cities. In addition to the fact that there are no mysterious guys causing trouble, Mo Yi will not catch anyone who makes too much trouble. , first beat him half to death, and then sent him to lie down at the door of the police station.

"Yukoshita-san, are you sure you don't want to leave with us?"

Ying Lili looked at Xue Miao standing next to Mo Yi and asked one last question.

"No need, my home is very close to classmate Mo Yi's home, just go with him." (Yeah, it's only a room or two apart, so it's really close.)

"Then be careful, classmate Mo Yi——"

Teacher Zhen Shizi smiled and said hello to Grandpa Mo Yi and Xue Miao, but in the end she just stared at Mo Yi and gave him a meaningful look.

"Pay special attention to safety. There are many cars at night, and someone could be killed if you are not careful."

"See you tomorrow."

After Teacher Zhen Shizi said this in a low voice, she stopped sending him off, waved her hand and turned back.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

The other party in the General Administration is hinting at something.

As for the others, Xia's father drove them back.

————The dividing line during a walk after a meal——————

"Mo Yi——"

While walking, Xue Miao suddenly stood still and said something in a slightly loud voice.

"What's wrong, Yukino-chan?"

Grandpa Mo Yi boldly guessed that the other party was probably jealous.

Yukinoshita Yukino did not immediately answer Grandpa Mo Yi's question. Instead, she looked at the street lights and said after several seconds:

"do you know?"

"Now I'm a little envious of Kasumigaoka Shiyu——"

Under the dim light, this girl, who had always remained strong and made herself invulnerable in front of outsiders, had an unprecedented softness on her face.

Although he didn't know why Xue Miao became so depressed, Mo Yi couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he saw the other party like this.

It's a man, so you can't give it away at this time.


The next second, Xue Miao was hugged tightly by Mo Yi.

"I am here--"

"you you···"

Xue Miao's pretty face instantly turned red, and she moved around quietly. When she found no one, she breathed a sigh of relief, and pushed weakly with both hands. When she found that she couldn't push away, she could only whisper:

"If you keep doing this, I'm going to call the police."

"Then report it, if you are not afraid that the newborn child will not have a father-"

Grandpa Mo Yi said indifferently and continued to hug him quietly. After more than a minute, he opened his mouth to ask Xue Miao, who was also holding Grandpa Mo Yi quietly.

"Are you feeling better now?"


At this minute, Mo Yi not only felt Xue Miao's powerful heartbeat, but also felt the loneliness radiating from the other person's body. It was definitely not just because of common things like being jealous of Shizi's teacher. low.

"When I see Kasumigaoka Shiyu's parents, I can't help but be envious and even a little jealous——"

"The Yukinoshita family is a well-known family in Chiba City, and his father is even a serving member of the parliament, so he has stayed in Chiba City to work for a long time."

"The person in charge of the Fuyuki City branch is my mother. She is very strict with my sister and me. In that environment, I have received the so-called elite education since I was a child."

"But I always think about, why is it like this? Is this really appropriate?"

"When I went to my mother with these questions, she said coldly, you don't need to think about this matter, just do what I say."

"Living in such an environment, I was very depressed and couldn't help but want to escape."

“It wasn’t until high school that I found the opportunity to move out and live independently.”

"Then getting to know you-"

"I found what I wanted at Emiya's house. Uncle Emiya and Aunt Irisviel are very kind. I think that's what I want."

"It's just that after seeing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's parents today, I can't help but feel jealous."

"Are you wrong to say that I am like this?"


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