Grandpa Mo Yi patted the other party's back gently, as if coaxing a child to sleep, and said:

"When you see good things, things that others have but you don't have, you want to fight for them. This is normal human beings."

"I think you are a bit cuter than that flawless superman Yukinoshita."

"I like you like this——"


Because Xue Miao was still in Mo Yi's hug, so they couldn't see each other's faces. Hearing Mo Yi's serious tone when he said he liked his Xue Miao, he couldn't hold back his shyness. If it was normal, he would definitely use violence again. To cover up the shame in my heart.

"Mo Yi——"

Another full minute passed, and Xuemiao said again:

"I want to go back and see my mother, can you accompany me?"


Xuemiao's parents were not as kind as Kasumigaoka Shiyu's parents. Just from Xuemiao's description, Mo Yi could roughly guess what kind of people her parents were.

However, such people are easier to deal with——

My grandpa Mo Yi is rich and powerful. He can also fight. If he shows off a little bit, he can easily conquer the opponent. However, it is difficult to control how he shows off his skills. Moreover, if Xue Miao is around, some strong tactics are not good either. use.

"Yukino-chan, does this count as meeting your parents?"


Xue Miao, who got enough comfort from Grandpa Mo Yi's arms, turned back into the strong Yukinoshita Yukino, gently pushed Mo Yi away, walked quickly, and said without looking back:

"What nonsense are you talking about? My parents are not as easy to deal with as Kasumigaoka Shiu's parents."

"And if this is to meet your parents, wouldn't you, Mo Yi, have to meet other people's parents many times?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

After listening to Xue Miao's familiar sarcasm, Grandpa Mo Yi smiled, knowing that Xue Miao had finally returned to normal, and everyone knew how to have a venomous tongue. Isn't this normal?


Grandpa Mo Yi smiled, chased after him, leaned towards Xue Miao, and whispered:

"Yukino-chan, you smell so good. After I hugged you, I felt that your whole body was exuding fragrance."

"What brand of shampoo and shower gel do you usually use?"

Xuemiao, who still had a blush on her face, walked a few steps faster to show that she didn't want to pay attention to Mo Yi who started talking nonsense again.

Aren’t you using the same shampoo and shower gel as everyone else in the Emiya family?

If you want to praise me for how nice your body smells, just praise it directly, and you are so roundabout. Do you think that this will make me happy and not mind what happened to Kasumigaoka Shiu and the other guys?

Even if the law allows it, I, Xuemiao, would not want to. A person's life is wonderful because of struggle. Obviously, this issue of principle is worthy of Xuemiao's lifelong struggle.

Xue Miao was very happy in her heart, and spoke with the usual indifference in her tone without looking back.

"Walk carefully, be careful not to step into the sewer."

"Don't be afraid, I know the magic of stepping on water——"

If you are not thick-skinned, how can you coax Xue Miao?

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored Xue Miao's cold expression and continued to follow him, holding one of the other's hands and smiling:

"Want to learn this magic? Come to my room and teach you tonight."

"But now for safety's sake, I'm holding your hand now, so I'm not afraid of throwing it into the sewer."

Snow Meow: "..."

"You are so thick-skinned——"

Grandpa Mo Yi chuckled and said:

"I will be embarrassed if you praise me like this."

"Do you hear with that ear that I praise you?"

"Left and right, two in total."

In this way, the two of them fought and fought on the street for about half an hour, and finally walked back to the door of Emiya's house.


After seeing the Wei Gong family, Xue Miao consciously broke away from Grandpa Mo Yi's hand, and then discovered that the outside of the Wei Gong family was covered with a layer of barrier to hide other people's observation. She couldn't help being surprised and worried.

Of course, the Wei Gong family has always been set up by Mo Yi with various spells and barriers. When it is not triggered, basically no one can detect it. And the barrier that surrounds the Wei Gong family at the moment is obviously not Mo Yi's. Those barriers set up by Grandpa Yi.

"Don't worry-"

Mo Yi pulled Xue Miao, advised her to relax, and explained:

"That is a magic barrier composed of primitive runes. As far as I know, in Fuyuki City, only Cu Chulainn and Queen Scathach of the Kingdom of Shadows can use primitive runes to this extent."


Cu Chulainn and Scathach were both heroic spirits left over from the last Holy Grail War. As the master who participated in the war, Snow Meow naturally knew their situation.

Cu Chulainn is working hard to make money. In addition to running a fish shop, he is determined to develop it into the largest fish shop in Fuyuki City and open its branches throughout the eleventh district within ten years. He also often goes to Dangbazette. He is a comic assistant who not only helps him draw lines, but also goes out to work in a group with him. In just one month, such an urban legend about a man and a woman working part-time has been circulating in the shops in Fuyuki City.

Of course, the money Cu Chulainn earned, except for the necessary food and wine money, was all hidden and used as start-up funds for future branch store plans.

Unfortunately, his money would never last more than a week before his teacher, Scathach, who visited his home every day and taught him, would discover it and confiscate it as filial piety.

After being taken away twice, Wang Jiang hid the money in other places, such as under a big tree by a river, but Scathach dug it out accurately and threw it away.

Later, after Wang Jiang was reminded by Bazett, he deposited the money into Galaxy, so that even if the other party got his bank card, it would be useless without the password.

In the end, Wang Jiang was stepped on the ground by Scathach, holding the mobile phone and asking him to make money.

"Hey, actually, I don't want to take your money, but recently even pork has risen to 30 yuan per pound, and the prices of other commodities have also skyrocketed. I can't help but go online to buy some good things. I work part-time at Yakumo House The salary is really not enough.”

"But didn't the master give you a lot of good things (but they were useless after buying them)? In fact, the money still falls on you."

"You are so frugal and live a tight life, even the masters and craftsmen can't stand it. I am here to help you make necessary purchases and improve your quality of life."

"Can't you be a little considerate of the master's painstaking efforts?"

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