"Master, no!"

Wang Jiang, who was knocked to the ground, could only cry silently and listen to Scathach's difficulties.

"That's my hard-earned money, Master!"

"That's not right -"

After receiving the transfer information, Scathach put the phone back into his pocket and said with a smile:

"We are master and apprentice, isn't your money my money? Respect teachers and understand."


Scathach showed a last look of helpless expression and complained:

"This is really the last time, just buy it from me again, that's all."

However, this was not the twentieth time Wang Jiang heard this dialogue.

This is probably what Xuemiao learned about the daily life of Fuyuki City, the two masters and apprentices, Scathach and Cu Chulainn.

After Grandpa Mo Yi and Xue Miao walked into the barrier, they saw a group of people surrounding the front yard, and two heroic spirits holding precious phantoms, slashing at each other.

However, the target being chopped was different from what Xue Miao had imagined——

Joan of Arc, who is usually the most amiable, has a dark face, and her long golden braided hair seems to have lost its color and just turned pale. She is holding her battle flag with a gun tip, and Xue Miao The golden holy sword of the Servant All-A Knight Artoria was facing each other tit for tat, and every blow produced huge fluctuations in magic power.

Fortunately, Wei Gong's family was protected by Mo Yi's magic. If it were in an ordinary place, it would have been destroyed by the waves of the two people's battle and turned into a human being.

As for the outer barrier, it was specially placed by Scathach, who came to Emiya's house to have a meal, and was afraid that the strange things here would be discovered by the neighbors and use the Noble Phantasm.

Chapter 577: Close the door with your backhand and lock it at the same time

"Stop, stop fighting!"

Xue Miao watched as his own Daimao Wang and Zhen Pingping slashed wildly, as if they were competing to see whether the attack of the strongest holy sword was more powerful, or the defense of the most powerful battle flag was stronger.

I didn't care about the cause, I just wanted to go home and see my two sons, one holding a mop and the other holding a broom and holding a knife. Do I need to find out the cause and who is right and who is wrong before stopping it?

That's definitely not the case. The normal reaction should be to just call the two guys to stop and give each of them a good beating!

However, Xue Miao's words of "Don't hit me anymore" were so loud that they didn't show the owner's inner anxiety at all.

This is no wonder, after all, Xue Miao is used to speaking in a cold tone. Even when she is alone with Mo Yi, her tone will fluctuate slightly only when she is angry, shy or moved.

If Ilia were to shout it, the appeal would be doubled.

However, King Da Mao and the village girl, who were in a violent state, did not pay attention to Xue Miao's words. It is not known whether they didn't pay attention or didn't take it to heart.

"What's going on, Illya?"

Grandpa Mo Yi touched the head of Ilia who was running over and asked:

"Why did we start fighting?"

Then, Illya quickly told the story.

The friends in Fuyuki City, after learning that Mo Yi was back, all went to Emiya's house.

For example, Scathach bought a small villa outside and lived and enjoyed life. Wang Jiang was squeezed by Scathach every day, but still persisted in his dream and determined to become the king of fish shops. He was busy volunteering and living in Yakumo every day. Jeanne d'Arc, who works part-time as a waitress.

Unfortunately, Grandpa Mo Yi and Xue Miao happened to go to Teacher Zun Shizi's house for dinner today.

But since everyone is here, everyone naturally stays at Wei Gong's house to eat. The food at Wei Gong's house is much more delicious than most restaurants outside.

However, Jeanne d'Arc, who had long had enough, could no longer bear the fact that King Da Mao always took away her favorite meals.

"King of Knights, gluttony is the original sin. Only by sharing can you get double happiness."

Joan of Arc advised kindly:

"You should be more moderate-"

"There's only one thing I can't agree with,"

While King Da Mao quickly destroyed the food, he retorted righteously:

"For soldiers, adequate nutritional intake is very necessary."

"This is the persistence of soldiers!"

Joan of Arc: "..."

Thanks to the persistence of the soldiers, among the heroic spirits who stayed in Fuyuki City, you were the only one doing nothing but doing nothing. Everyone else had stable jobs, but you were the only one who stayed at Emiya's house every day, eating and drinking!

You call this a warrior?

This is clearly a retired useless knight!

Ideas are a very mysterious thing. They usually seem useless, and many people don't have them. But sometimes, ideas can make people stubborn and fall to the ground. The life-and-death duel between two people is probably just because of their different illusory ideas.

The most common concept dispute——

Netizen No. 1: Chacha, I blew it!

Netizen No. 2: Go away, can this garbage get into your eyes? ! Stop insulting Chacha!

Netizen No. 1: Eat the peach without thinking!

Netizen No. 2: Follow the trend and go home to suck milk!

Joan of Arc and King Dumao, who could not convince anyone, finally adopted the most common and direct solution and had a friendly discussion.

As long as I kill everyone who has different ideas than mine, then I'm right!

The two were quite friendly at first, arguing with each other until Joan accidentally cut off King Dumbao's ancestral dummy hair with her spear-headed battle flag.

This is the symbol of the king, the dignity of the king!

After Daimao Wang was stunned for a moment, she picked up Daimao that fell on the ground and put it on her head, but it automatically fell to the ground at a speed of five centimeters per second. She exploded!

King Da Mao, who was caught in a bloodthirsty rage, almost received a critical strike from the magic power of his sword, making it difficult for Jeanne d'Arc, who was the best at defense among all the heroic spirits, to withstand it.

As Jeanne grew older and more aggrieved, the anger that had accumulated in her heart finally broke out. Her blond hair gradually lost its color and turned white.

"EX——Curry stick!"

Impatient with the fight, King Da Mao raised the holy sword in his hand and fired the cannon.

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