When Joan of Arc saw this, she had no choice but to show off her long legs, change into a handsome posture, release her Noble Phantasm, and activate her invincible defense.

"My Lord is here!"

Seeing this, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to raise his hand and activate the usually hidden technique. Countless barriers appeared, shrouding the Wei Gong family in protection.

In terms of effect, Joan of Arc's Noble Phantasm can be regarded as an absolute defense, but it requires a lot of magic power to maintain the defensive shield to resist and absorb damage. But at this moment, she still maintains the master-slave relationship with Grandpa Mo Yi. She didn't need it in the past. Since she has a physical body, she does not need to draw magic power from Mo Yi, but in times of crisis, she can draw magic power from Grandpa Mo Yi, so she can be said to have unlimited magic power.

Although the light cannon of King Da Mao is powerful, it will eventually run out of power. Therefore, the paradoxical result is that Joan of Arc, a large human shield that has been active at the singularity for a long time, is better.

The two Takeuchi faces, who had finished facing each other's Noble Phantasms, seemed to be still unmotivated, and rushed towards each other in unison, intending to launch another hand-to-hand charge.

"Isn't it enough?"

Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly appeared in the middle of the two people who were about to collide, grabbed one person's arm with one hand, and then directly used Guo Degang's "Spiral Rising to the Sky, Boundless Power" move, turning the two people like propellers, spinning in one second. The kind that turned hundreds of times, after spinning for several seconds, threw the two people who were half unconscious. ('Spiral to the sky, boundless power', for the specific appearance, please refer to the OP animation of "Kobayashi's Dragon Maid".)


"Okay, I feel so dizzy."

Mordred, who had been cheering for his father and shouting 'Kill the French village girl', quickly walked over and helped up the stupid king, whose mind kept shaking.

"Father, hold on!"

Joan of Arc, on the other side, stood up as if she had drunk fake wine, her steps were wandering, and she was about to fall down at any time, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, and said with a silly smile:

"Why are there more than a dozen Holy Sons?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

After a lot of fighting, the chaos caused by the Anglo-French war finally ended, and everyone returned to the living room again. As for King Da Mao and Joan of Arc, they were in the corner, facing the wall and thinking.

Refreshments and late-night snacks?

Anyway, it was not their part. They looked at the snow-white walls tonight, then listened to the sound of everyone chewing, and used their imagination to recreate the scene of everyone eating.

Such a cruel punishment was naturally what Grandpa Mo Yi thought of.

If you don't fight for three days, you will go to the house and uncover the tiles. This kind of unhealthy trend cannot be tolerated!

But speaking of it, Grandpa Mo Yi was very happy that these guys came to visit him on the first night after he came back.

It turned out that I had gained so many more friends without even realizing it.

Grandpa Mo Yi's living situation more than a month ago was that I had very few friends and only three or four in my harem.

Today, more than a month later, I have many friends and a large harem!

Now that everyone is here, they have a happy carnival all night. After the second show tomorrow, everyone is reluctant to leave and go back to sleep to raise pigs. According to Grandpa Mo Yi, there will be a lot of things that everyone has not seen tomorrow. When your friends come to visit you, don’t have dark circles under your eyes, which will leave a bad impression on others!


Grandpa Mo Yi, who had just coaxed Illya to her satisfaction, happened to be attending a backstage work meeting at Yakumo House when the door was knocked again.

It is unlikely that Illya will come back. The other party is a caring little cotton demon who knows the importance of sustainable development in a relationship.

And she also said that she had to go back and prepare well, and think about how to entertain Onii-chan's new friends tomorrow. After returning to the room, it was naturally impossible to go back and ask for more.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was already experienced, quickly guessed that the only person who would knock on his door at this time was Xue Miao Jiang.

When he opened the door, sure enough, it was Xue Miao-chan.

"Yukino-chan, aren't you asleep yet?"

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi is already a little tired, not physically, but mentally. After all, a lot of things happened today. In order to cope with the 'Holy Grail Question' between Xia's father and Xia's mother, Mo Yi used clairvoyance to see into the endless future and choose The most appropriate answers and actions can achieve the most perfect ending.

Although Xia's father still doesn't like Mo Yi, after all, who knows how hard his family has gone through, and he doesn't want her to suffer a little. He finally watered the big cabbage with love, but suddenly he was taken away by a brat from outside, and even the flower pot was taken away. No one is happy.

The father-in-law looks at his son-in-law, and the more he looks at him, the more displeased he becomes. This is the truth. He was every old father's lover in his previous life.

If you compare your feelings with Grandpa Mo Yi, if his daughter is coveted by someone from outside, he will never be able to step into the door of the Mo family without passing the test of dozens of crimson dreams.


Xuemiao responded, walked into Mo Yi's room very consciously, closed the door with her backhand, locked it, then walked into the room very familiarly, and did it.

"You said you would teach me the magic trick of walking on water tonight."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Teach magic, just teach magic. It's not a shameful thing. Why are you so skilled, Xuemiao? You closed the door with your backhand.

However, when Xue Miao said it, Mo Yi also remembered that before he left Fuyuki City, Xue Miao often came to knock on the door at night, closed the door with his backhand, and then learned magic knowledge from Grandpa Mo Yi.

This familiar operation must have been developed at that time. I didn't expect that I was still new to it.


As usual, Mo Yi instilled the relevant magic knowledge directly into Xuemiao's mind, and then let the other party slowly digest and try it, while Grandpa Mo Yi was busy with his own work, waiting for the other party to understand something. More detailed guidance and answers.

While Xue Miao was digesting the knowledge in her mind, she looked at Grandpa Mo Yi who was concentrating on drawing Takagi-san, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up a little.

This guy looks very handsome when he works hard. It would be great if he could keep it like this.

During the days when the other party was away, life at Emiya's house was still very warm, making Xue Miao feel like home, but she always felt empty inside and felt that something was missing.

In the dead of night, this feeling of emptiness becomes even more intense and obvious.

At this moment, she finally understood what was missing, and the emptiness in her heart was completely filled——

It turns out that a place with you is the home I want most.

——————The day does not understand the black dividing line of night——————

"Master Bishop, do we really want to take a regular flight to Fuyuki City?"

Valkyrie Rita, who was supposed to be in Fuyuki City, actually appeared in a plane seat at the London Airport in England, and whispered to Otto Apokalis, who was dressed as an ordinary traveler next to her:

"It's safer to change to the protagonist's dedicated flight."

Lord Luto knew what the other party was worried about. The plane safety was fake, and Mo Yi, whose strength was unknown, was what Rita was most worried about.

And according to Mr. Lutuo's guess, the hot man should be the mysterious figure who has caused many dark forces to break their feathers in the past ten years and is called the "Demon God".

"I've made up my mind, Rita."

"I understand, Lord Bishop."

After the shared adventure experience some time ago, Rita also knew that a hot man was not a bad person. Well, in the moral concept of ordinary people, he should be called a 'good person'.

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