But when the other party faces the 'bad guys', he is also ruthless, incomprehensible, and irresistibly mysterious and powerful.

And her loyal master, Lord Otto, is what ordinary people think of as a ‘bad guy’——

Isn't it just as common sense for good guys to fight bad guys as it is for Aotuman to fight little monsters?

Therefore, Rita didn't want the other party to go to Fuyuki City, Mo Yi's base camp.

However, in order to resurrect Kallen, Lord Luto could give up everything, how could he give up the greatest hope he has encountered in the past five hundred years?

Lord Otto’s luggage is all the sacred relics of Karen Kaslana!

Seeing through Rita's thoughts, he would not explain much in the past. Today, Mr. Luto, who was very excited and happy, rarely explained:

"According to the inference, 90% of the opponent's concept is the rumored 'Demon God', then Fuyuki City is the opponent's territory."

"That is an absolute peace zone that prohibits all forces from entering. If we go there by special plane, it may cause unnecessary trouble."

"And I really don't have any plans this time. In that case, why not be more frank, so that I can gain the other party's favor and trust."

At this time, Mr. Midori and Rita, who were sitting on one side of the seats, heard a man and a woman talking at a very low volume, and they performed magic that ordinary people could not understand at all and simply ignored.

"Master, do you really want to go to Fuyuki City?"

"That's the rumored tomb of the magician."

"Don't worry, Gray—"

Another man's voice sounded tired and haggard, and replied:

"I have friends there—"

"Besides, I also have a reason to go."

The female voice said in a low voice:

"Is it to conquer His Majesty the King?"


The man and woman were exactly on the other side of Mr. Lu Tuo. Perhaps because they were talking, when they turned around and sat down, the corner of their windbreaker accidentally hit Mr. Lu Tuo's face, who seemed to have discovered something interesting.

Chapter 578: Grandson’s Rescue Plan

"How dare you do such disrespectful behavior towards the Bishop?!"

After seeing Mr. Luto being slapped in the face by a strange man's windbreaker, Rita couldn't hold back and was about to take out a scythe and cut the guy in front of her into eighteen pieces.

"Um, I'm sorry, sir."

El-Melloi II, who can also be called the tall man entrusted by Weber Weir, quickly apologized to Lord Sangluto.

At this time, El-Melloi II's disciple Gray felt the hostility emanating from Rita. He wanted to follow his master and apologize, but he immediately changed his attitude and took out a cage with a Rubik's Cube from his cloak. , changes in modern times, once the opponent takes action, take out a scythe and chop at the opponent.

"Don't be nervous, Rita—"

Lord Luto waved his hand indifferently, turned to look at El-Melloi II, and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty Lord El-Melloi II didn't mean it either."

El-Melloi II: "..."

"How do you know me?"

In his impression, there was no such person in the Clock Tower!

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Rita had just called Mr. Luto "Mr. Bishop". This title is often only used by religions, such as the Holy Church.

But the other party does not have the temperament of the Holy Church!

Then, El-Melloi II quickly thought of another big boss called a bishop, one of the leaders of the scientific side, Archbishop Otto Apokalis of the Catholic Organization!

This is a more terrifying existence than a clock tower monarch like him, no, than other monarchs!

Rumor has it that the other party has lived for more than five hundred years, is immortal, has been controlling the Destiny Organization, and even suppressed the Magic Association.

"You are the Archbishop of Destiny, Otto Apocalypse!"

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Otto applauded with great appreciation and said with a smile:

"As expected of the great cauldron in the clock tower, El-Melloi II, who is known as the Sherlock Holmes of the twenty-first world."

After hearing the other party's nonchalant admission, El-Melloi II became even more nervous. For the other party to become a big boss of a powerful force, he must have some combat power. If he relied on himself alone, he would probably be killed instantly by the other party.

The only reference that Weber could think of was the Magic Marshal Gem Man in the Magic Association, who also had countless thoughts.

"Don't be impulsive, Gray——"

El-Melloi II said to Gray:

"The other party is very dangerous!"

"No, no, no -"

Lord Luto looked at Weber and Gray indifferently and said with a smile:

"This is just a coincidence. It just so happens that my destination is also Fuyuki City. I have no idea about you as the acting monarch."

"Besides, I usually like to watch you solve crimes. It's more interesting than detective novels. It's one of the few hobbies I have."

"That's really my glory——"

Lord Luto's tone clearly looked down on him and regarded him as a clown character making people laugh, but El-Melloi II was not angry at all.

Angry Mao Yao, I really can’t beat the opponent!

Of course, Weber's prediction was not wrong. With the green support of the void, the combat effectiveness is not low at all. This is a combat scientist.


The other party's destination is also Fuyuki City? What is his purpose?

In an instant, countless thoughts popped up in El-Melloi II's mind.

Forget it, this has nothing to do with me. After meeting Mo Yi, I can mention this matter to him.

After that, the two of them didn't talk anymore, they just sat in each other's seats, thinking about their own things.

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