Of course, El-Melloi II wanted to catch up on his sleep on the plane, but now there is a big boss from the enemy camp sitting next to him. There is only a passage between them, so there is no way he can sleep!

————The dividing line of Fuyuki City in the morning——————

"Kiana, wake up!"

Theresa kicked open the door of Kiana's room and walked to the bedside of Kiana, the guy who loved to stay in bed and waste time.

While shouting, he pressed his hand on the human figure highlighted by the quilt.

"Get ready to have breakfast. We have to visit Mo Yi's house today."

"It's not too late for your first visit."

"Meiyi, no, let me sleep for a while."

Kiana, who was used to being called out by Mei Raiden every day, subconsciously thought it was Mei Raiden and cheated on her every day.

After saying that, one hand stretched out from the quilt and held Theresa with the other hand. He pulled Theresa who was caught off guard into a warm embrace and hugged her gently.

"Why does Mei Yi smell different today?"

"No matter, just sleep with me for a while, it's Saturday after all."

Teresa: "..."

After being rubbed by Kiana several times, Theresa felt full of malice and couldn't bear it anymore. She directly used the strange power hidden in her small body to first break away Kiana's embrace, and then lifted her Open the bed.

After suddenly coming into contact with the cold air outside, Kiana shivered from the cold, then turned over, hugged each other and continued to sleep.

Teresa: "..."

Cecilia is so perfect, why would she spare someone like Kiana, who is less reliable than herself?

That's right, Sieg must be the one who can take advantage of that guy!

If it was normal, Theresa would probably say a few words to Kiana, then cover her with a quilt, turn back and close the door.

But we have to go to Mo Yi's house later, everyone else has gotten up, Leiden Mei has also made breakfast, and everyone is waiting for them to eat, and you, Kiana, are the only ones delaying the process?

Don’t even think about it!

So Theresa reached out and grabbed Kiana's shoulders and dragged her out of bed.


At this moment, Kiana finally forced herself over, opened her eyes and saw the smiling Theresa, and shouted:

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

"Seeing that you can't get up, I will help you get up with my own hands——"

Teresa said kindly:

"Weird, let's go to the bathroom first. Just lie down and I'll help you brush your teeth."


Kiana is not so stupid. Now she drags herself away so violently and brushes my teeth for you?

I'm afraid I won't need to go to the dentist because my aunt has brushed all my teeth out.

"Don't move, let Auntie love you for a while -"


Theresa let go of the bathroom door and closed it.

After placing breakfast on the dining table, Raiden Meiyi looked at the clock in the hall and said to herself:

‘It’s already so late, I have to wake Kiana up. ’

"Mei Yi, you don't need it."

Sitting at the dining table, Jizi was half asleep and said unmotivated:

"Theresa has gone."

Meiyi: "..."

Someone actually stole my job?

"When you say that, it makes me even more worried."

After saying that, Raiden Mei walked to Kiana's room, ready to see if Theresa was having trouble with Kiana again.

Ji Zi laughed unkindly and said:

"That's right. If those two unreliable guys get together, nothing will happen to anyone."

After Raiden Mei went to Kiana's room, Raiden Ryoma's (Thunder Mei) father also walked out. He looked and saw that his daughter was not there, so he had to ask Himeko next to him:

"Miss Wuliangta, isn't Mei Yi here?"

"Go tell Kiana to wake up."


This is just right, Raiden Ryoma thought to himself.

He heard last night that his daughter and her friends were visiting the house of a guy named 'Mo Yi' today. Well, the name was somewhat familiar, but that's not the point. The point was that it was clearly a boy's name.

His wife left early, leaving only one daughter, Raiden Ryoma, who has been a little depressed recently.

It should be a good thing for his daughter to meet new friends, but he always felt that his daughter and the white-haired girl Kiana were quite tangerine.

This is an earth-shattering event!

As a doting daughter, he originally wanted to find the best partner for her. If his daughter likes her, as long as there is no personality problem, ugly appearance, and inability to have children, he can hold his nose and agree. After all, Being able to make your daughter happy is considered a skill. Anyway, he has plenty of money, so his daughter doesn't need to worry about her material life in the future.

The most important thing is to give birth to a grandson as soon as possible so that he can inherit his legacy.

However, things developed too fast, and his daughter suddenly became orange. He, Thunderbolt Ryoma, was not the kind to look at this kind of relationship with a colored eye, but when it came to his only daughter, his whole People are bad.

Lily is infinitely good, but it won’t produce any babies.

If this is the case, his grandson will have to wait until a certain age and month before he has a chance to see him.

Although technology is so activated now, even if the technology is not good, there is still mystery and so on, women and women can have children in the time of King Arthur.

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