But without the normal care of father and mother, children can easily grow crooked.

Well, all in all, Raiden Ryoma has been sleepless for several nights and has a few more gray hairs.

Now that he heard that these girls were going to visit a male classmate's house, Raiden Ryoma must have cheered up——

Humph, he doesn’t believe that there is a pure relationship between male and female classmates in this world!

What if that male classmate is related to my daughter, wouldn't half of my worries for the past few days be solved? ! !

"I overheard you planning to visit someone else's house last night. I'm quite curious about this matter."

Raiden Ryoma was originally a great president, but for the sake of his daughter, he had to show an expression that shouldn't exist for a man of his stature, and complained to Aunt Himeko in a low voice.

Why is it that my wife can walk away, leaving only her daughter to take care of her, and she has finally raised her, and now she is worried about her daughter's future, and then I use a metaphor for Kiana and her daughter's prospects, and let's talk about it, I can't see my daughter getting married and starting a business. , If it comes to raising children, he will not close his eyes until death.

"Miss Wuliangta, do you understand how an old father like me feels?"

Ji Zi: "..."

I understand a hammer! This lady has never even been in love, so you ask me if I know what it’s like to be a parent?

However, Raiden Ryoma's words were so contagious, more touching than Himeko's usual Korean dramas, and she almost wanted to cry when she heard them.

At the same time, Yali Shanda, although Kiana has little relationship with her, in the eyes of the other party, he is Kiana's little friend.

I could only complain in my heart: Kiana, look, what evil have you done to force a high-spirited middle-aged uncle to do this?

"Ahem, I think I can understand."

What else could Ji Zi do? She could only give in.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Thunderbolt Ryoma thought to himself, as expected, it is most suitable to find her myself, everything is in my plan.

"Actually, I'm curious about the male classmate you are going to visit today."

"Also, I wonder what his relationship is with Mei Yi?"

Ji Zi: "..."

"I don't know much about this. Mo Yi and I haven't known each other for a long time."

"The other person is a very remarkable person in all aspects."

"As for his relationship with Mei Yi, I heard them say that he seems to be Mei Yi's senior, and Mei Yi seemed to admire each other very much before."

"Well, that's all I know."


After hearing Himeko's information, Raiden Ryoma's eyes sparkled!

What is the relationship between the senior and the junior girl? This is good!

Moreover, my daughter, who seems to be approachable but is actually very arrogant, must be someone who everyone admires and must be very talented. Besides, admiration means being interested, and interest is the prerequisite for understanding and in-depth communication.

In addition, Raiden Ryoma also knew the existence of the other world, and he could roughly guess the identities of Teresa, Himeko and others. Even someone like her had to praise her as "a very remarkable person", and her expression was also You don't seem to be being polite, that's definitely not a simple guy.

In this way, I have been thinking about my grandson's rescue plan for several nights, and it seems that I have finally found the last piece of the puzzle!

So, Raiden Ryoma, who was feeling a little excited, once again hinted at Himeko.

have to--

Himeko was a top student with a doctorate after all. It was obvious to Raiden Ryoma that she quickly understood. After hesitation and struggle, she still chose to help this poor old father.

Promise the other party to make a nail that is driven into the Valkyrie, feed back some important intelligence information to Raiden Ryoma, and do some small favors for the other party when necessary.

Of course, in addition to Himeko, there was also Cecilia present. Although Raiden Ryoma’s voice was small, her mother-in-law was the boss who beat up Siren, the second blowfish (Herrscher) who came back from the moon with a five-god suit. Naturally, such a volume could not escape her hearing.

However, as an old mother, she had also discovered the incident between Kiana and Raiden Mei. However, as a first-time mother, she quickly ignored the past. Now after hearing Raiden Ryoma's cry, she felt the same way. , thinking about the problem of his future grandson.

Of course, there is also a bit of shame and embarrassment, because Kiana, who has been attacking Raiden Meiyi, is her own daughter.

What can she do? She is also desperate!

He had no choice but to pretend not to hear and let Raiden Ryoma execute his plan. If the other party succeeded, wouldn't his own goal be half successful?

"Father, get up!"

But when Raiden Ryoma and Himeko completed the exchange of opinions and had a pleasant conversation, Raiden Mei finally rescued the poor, weak and helpless Kiana from the hands of the violent nun Teresa. When the three of them walked out, Raiden Ryoma and Himeko were looking at each other. We had a lot of fun talking.

"Yes, I was chatting with Miss Himeko."

At this time, Mei Yi's eyes became deeper, looking at his father and Ji Zi next to him——

It seems that I have never seen my father chatting so happily with a strange girl, right?

This is not a bad thing. Aunt Jizi is indeed a good person. If it succeeds, I won't have to worry so much about how my father will live alone in the future and take care of himself.

Therefore, without knowing each other, the father and daughter each thought about strange thoughts. All they can say is that they are worthy of being father and daughter.

PS: In the past half month, I have maintained a double-open state. Today, I suddenly felt extremely tired and felt like my body was being hollowed out.

Chapter 579: Is it you, Liuli?

After Kiana and others arrived, everyone started to enjoy breakfast. Raiden Ryoma finished it quickly and then went to work.

"Everyone, eat slowly, I'm going to work."

After the Thunderbolt Ryoma left, the atmosphere among everyone naturally became more lively, and everyone began to discuss the itinerary for the meeting.

"When shall we set off?"

At this time, Kiana was the most enthusiastic and said with a smile:

"Actually, I'm curious, what will happen where Mo Yi lives? The Theresa is so magical. There must be more interesting things in his home."

For Kiana, fun is the most direct motivation for her actions.


Leiden Meiyi looked at the time and said:

"We still have to wait for Sakura-senpai. We agreed last night to wait for her to come with us."

"I see--"

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