
After the sister-controlled Yae Sakura hesitated for a few seconds, she felt that a good person like Mo Yi wouldn't mind bringing several people to eat and drink with her.

So he nodded and said:


After getting the consent, Yae Rin quickly put it on, ready to see what the witch-controlled friend her sister said was like?

"Sakura, you shouldn't just go like this, right?"

Mother, who was also very interested, was very sorry that she could not go with her because of her identity. However, when she saw Yae Sakura about to leave, she quickly reminded her:

"It's your first time visiting your home, how can you not bring a gift?"


Yae Sakura thought for a while, her mother was right, she really hadn't thought of this.

Then, Yae Sakura quickly walked into the house and took a few bottles of Yae Shrine's most famous specialty, Yae Sakura's own chewing sake.

Yae Rin: "..."

Yae Rin didn't know how to complain for a while.

I don’t know what my sister’s friend would look like if he knew what this thing was. Well, there are only two reactions. Those who can accept it are overjoyed. After all, my sister is a famous beauty in several nearby districts. If you can't accept it, you may be disgusted by even smelling it.

Sometimes, Yae Rin still admires her sister's brain circuit.

No matter what, the polite Yae sisters got ready and went out towards Raiden Mei's house.

————The dividing line where a new storm has emerged——————

"Sister, you also want to go -"

The impeccably dressed teacher, who perfectly combines the temperament of a youthful girl with a literary girl, is wearing shoes and is preparing to rush to the first competition in her life!

But this time, the naughty child of the family, her brother Kasumigaoka Shiro, suddenly appeared from behind, and he had an expression like "I've been ready and waiting for you", and said:

"I heard what you and Senior Mo Yi said yesterday -"

"I sent a message to Senior Mo Yi last night and he said yes."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "···"

Boy, what are you doing?

My sister is preparing to grab shares and determine her future hegemony. At such an important time, you actually come to join in the fun? You say, is this decent?

At this time, a passing Xiafu suddenly appeared from the corner and agreed:

"In this case, Shiyu, please take your brother with you to learn more about it."

In fact, not long ago, Kasumigaoka Shiro was given a very important task by Kasumigaoka's father, which was to keep a close eye on his sister.

Especially when the other party goes to Mo Yi's house and spends time alone with the other party, such as helping in the kitchen or going to the corridor to enjoy the cool air, these are the most likely to cause fatal accidents.

Kasumigaoka's father patted Kasumigaoka Shiro's shoulder meaningfully, and said seriously as if he was entrusting you with a heavy responsibility:

‘Shiro, now there is a mission that must be done by you——’

Then came the instructions of thousands of words.

What can Kasumigaoka Shiro do?

I could only listen to Xia's father's nagging obediently, and complained in my heart with disdain:

"Old man, you are such a daughter-in-law, stop talking bad about my brother-in-law!"

"That's probably it—"

After explaining, Xia’s father sighed:

‘You are already a mature man, and I will leave your sister to you to protect her. ’

Then, I wanted to say a lot more.

Exia's mother, who had appeared beside her a long time ago, pushed Xia's father away speechlessly and complained:

"If you keep nagging, the kids will be late."

Immediately, he handed the bag in his hand to Kasumigaoka Shiro and said:

"Shiro, this is something I just did. It's appropriate to take the ball as a courtesy."


After Kasumigaoka Shiro took the equipment, he quickly jumped out, blocked Kasumigaoka Shiyu's front, and then asked to go together.

Teacher Dirty Shizi: "..."

Looking at his parents who had been hiding around the corner for who knows how long, Kasumigaoka Shiu knew that his younger brother would never be able to get rid of the brighter and brighter light bulb.

"Then come on."

Having said that, you should go straight away, otherwise you will be caught by Xia's father and you will be nagging for who knows how long.

"Wait for me, sister——"

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who chased him out of the house, suddenly felt like he was drowning in the sea. He became energetic and said excitedly:

"Even if you are anxious to see Senior Mo Yi, you still have to wait for me. In fact, I agree to this marriage. We are comrades."


Teacher Zhen Shizi, who originally thought that his younger brother was a big lightbulb, stopped with interest after hearing that his younger brother was actually a comrade with the same ideological consciousness, climbed up on him, and listened to what other wise opinions he had.

"I can't see that you, this guy, rarely agree with me."

"You know, when I was a kid, I loved playing with Barbie dolls, but you forced my mother to buy Angel Baby toys. I loved watching Magical Girls, but you grabbed the remote control and wanted to watch Kamen Rider. If you couldn't compete, I would cry. Mom."

"This was originally a mortal feud. I didn't expect you to finally mature and know how to listen to your sister and think about her. This is the true meaning of a good brother."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

I said, why did you always make things difficult for me when you were happy and make things difficult for me when you were unhappy? It turns out that you still remember these things from childhood?

Sister, you are too cautious! A young person like me has completely forgotten it!

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