Moreover, this is just a fight between children. Do you want to use such a serious adjective as 'deadly'?

If you didn’t know better, you’d think we were acting out the ‘White Album Season Again’ scenario, and your brother just took all your stomach medicine.

"Sister, no one likes stingy girls."

"Shut up, shameless brother——"

Teacher Zhen Shizi stopped and said:

"Sister, I fed you shit and piss and raised you up. Now you actually talk about your sister like this? Where is your conscience? Has it been eaten by Kyubey?!"

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

No one can grow up eating shit and urine, Baga!

However, Kasumigaoka Shiro knew that if he had a quarrel, he would definitely not be a match for his sister who had a full sword and poisonous tongue skill. But if he quarreled with a girl on the street, it would be ugly to be seen by others.

Kasumigaoka Shiro could only raise his hands to express surrender.

"Sister, I was wrong. Can you be more merciful?"


Seeing his younger brother Jun who is obeyed by him every day, Teacher Zushizi nodded with satisfaction. If you don't let your spirit down now, you will go to Jun's house at the front table later. I don't know what kind of trouble you, a big-mouthed guy, will cause. !

After seeing Kasumigaoka Shiro's convinced expression, Teacher Zushiko began to tell him some things and precautions for the meeting.

For example, although my sister is a real girlfriend, there are too many vixens out there. You have to follow my instructions and help her fight off those shameless vixens.

If anything goes wrong in this matter, you are the only one who can ask!

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

After listening to Kasumigaoka Shiro, he whispered:

"Sister, if you don't be so vicious and vicious, how could you possibly lose?"

"What did you say?!"


Kasumigaoka Shiro hurriedly patted his heart and said loudly:

"Leave this matter to me. It is my duty to fight for my sister's happiness."

"As long as I'm here, it won't be a big problem."

————The dividing line between the Emiya family————

Because he had so many friends over to play today, Grandpa Mo Yi got up at dawn, packed up his things, and prepared to go to the market to purchase a large amount of ingredients, drinks and other things.

The two Takeuchi-faced people at home could consume enough food for ten people in the past, but now that so many people are here, there won't be enough food if they don't buy more.

It's relatively early, it's just dawn, and even though it's still summer, in zone 11 of the northern temperate zone, it's still relatively cold outside at this time.

Of course, the girls in District 11 have been accustomed to wearing sailor uniforms since they were young. Not to mention the cold weather, even if it is snowing, there is no way to prevent them from wearing short skirts and going out on the street.

As soon as Mo Yi walked out of the door and turned around, he met a petite girl with long black hair and straight hair. Coupled with the dark Lolita dress she was wearing and the mole next to her left eye, this was obviously Mo Yi. The nominal disciple I haven't seen for a while - Wu Geng Liuli, Black Cat.

"Liu Li?"

Seeing the other party standing there, stomping his feet in confusion, with a pile of petals scattered on the ground, Grandpa Mo Yi probably guessed what the plot was and said with a smile:

"Now that you're here, why don't you go in?"

"It's so cold outside, I'm not afraid of getting cold."

Chapter 580: The heroine with rainbow-colored pupils

Wu Geng Liuli, commonly known as the black cat, has a vicious tongue, aloofness, a middle-aged child, and a arrogant character. Now he is the disciple who sat down to write with Master Yakumo.

Well, the main way Grandpa Mo Yi teaches the other party is to give him suggestions when the other party asks, and ask him to go to the game club and write copy with Teacher Zhen Shizi.

Because the other party's writing is so distinctive, the setting of each chapter is no less than the plot. To put it simply, he is the male version of Muza. If you are not the person who is on the radio, as long as you read the previous chapter, you will be detonated by it hidden in your heart. Deep in the second soul, the embarrassment syndrome occurs.

It’s about ‘looking up at the sky at forty-five degrees so that tears won’t fall. If that doesn't work, stand on your head and cry, and the tears will flow back.

Let the other party learn from Teacher Zun Shizi because I hope that the other party will learn the delicacy of Teacher Zun Shizi’s writing. After all, it is a great way to write campus youth love novels. The writing is delicate and beautiful. Otherwise, no one will buy it. Unlike For online articles, as long as the plot is interesting, the arrangement of the text and typos will not affect understanding.

Last night, remembering to invite friends he hadn't seen for many days to come over for a get-together, Grandpa Mo Yi called and invited all his friends in Fuyuki City. As for whether they would come, he couldn't say for sure.

And black cat is one of them.

Black Cat has a sensitive personality due to family reasons and other factors. After thinking about going to Mo Yi's house today, he felt very nervous. He got up early in the morning and couldn't sleep anymore, so he came over early.

After arriving at the door of Mo Yi's house, he started to struggle again as to whether he should ring the doorbell or not. It was just dawn and maybe others hadn't gotten up yet. It didn't seem right to wake him up so early.

So, she was entangled here, and then the wild flowers on the roadside suffered disaster, and she picked them - 'ring the doorbell', 'wait a little bit', 'ring the doorbell', 'wait a little bit'.

After struggling for a long time, he was met by Grandpa Mo Yi who was out shopping for supplies.

Facing Grandpa Mo Yi's invitation, Wu Geng Liuli said with some anxiety:

"Is this convenient?"

"I invited you to come over to play. Is there any inconvenience-"

Grandpa Mo Yi understood what the other party was thinking before and said with a smile:

"No one at home has gotten up yet. I'm going to go out to buy ingredients. If you feel bored, you can come with me."

The thought of letting the other party stay alone in the living room to drink tea is still a bit embarrassing for a little girl with Wu Geng Liuli's personality.


So, Grandpa Mo Yi’s shopping team had an extra carrying pet (black cat:?).

Of course, it was just a joke. There was no way Grandpa Mo Yi would let a little girl like him carry something. He was not a devil.

"Liu Li, have you encountered any problems with your writing recently?"

The other party is considered a disciple after all. Calling him by name is a normal operation. Grandpa Mo Yi has no idea of ​​collecting new character cards.

"Actually it's not bad——"

Wu Geng Liuli smiled sheepishly, and then talked about the guardianship during these days. Her speaking speed became faster and faster, and she became more and more excited. Her aura of keeping strangers away also disappeared, and she became an ordinary person. female junior high school student.

"Senior Shiyu is really amazing. I have learned so much from her during this period."

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