Wu Geng Liuli looked very yearning, then hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice:

"It's just that I don't agree with the male and female protagonists created by senior Shiyu."

Perhaps because of her soft words, Wu Geng Liuli's voice was a little soft and embarrassed. After all, the other person was the boss. She dared to question the boss for such a big deal. If she put it on Yakumo House, she would be psychologically affected by netizens.

What do you know about Teacher Shizi, you know nothing at all, yet you dare to talk so shamelessly here, and even worse, you directly greet your family and Brother Feifan.

However, this kind of question has been in Wu Geng Liuli's mind for a long time, and she didn't dare to ask Teacher Shizi. Now after having a pleasant chat with Mo Yi, she accidentally said this.


Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"This is normal. Everyone has their own conciseness and ideas. If you have such questions and do not fully accept Shiyu's ideas, it does not mean that you are qualified to be a unique creator."

"Since there are only two of us here, you can tell me and I'll see if I can write you some suggestions."

"Of course, I won't tell anyone else about this, especially Shiyu."

"Thank you, Teacher Mo Yi——"

After being praised by Mo Yi, Wu Geng Liuli became bolder and said:

"The stories written by Senior Shiyu are always about the love stories between two or more heroines and male pig feet. Although I also admit that the male protagonists in the stories are excellent, the two heroines are not bad at all, why should they? How about hanging from a tree?"

"And there are too many coincidences in it. For example, the heroine finally mustered up the courage to confess to the male pig's feet, but the other party happened to fall asleep, or the fireworks in the sky just exploded, covering up the sound of the confession."

"Another example is that after another heroine knew that the heroine liked the hero, she confessed her love in advance, and then succeeded. It didn't matter if it ended like this, but the entanglement and regret that occurred later was clearly cheating. I think This view of love is wrong. Love should be one-to-one and cannot tolerate the second person."


Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, Grandpa Mo Yi probably understands Black Cat's thoughts, but the main audience of the campus love story written by Teacher Shizizi is male readers. Isn't it natural that he must cater to the readers?

Moreover, things like routines have nothing to do with right or wrong, it just depends on whether they are used well or not. It is said that there is no coincidence, so the question of why it is so coincidental is meaningless.

There are so many "whys". If you ask, you won't understand. If you ask again, you will get amnesia in a car accident, leukemia, cancer, and a long-lost brother and sister!

It’s said to be art. Without necessary processing, can it still be called art?

Of course, the biggest problem with Black Cat is not the above. Grandpa Mo Yi can see that the real surprise is that she and Teacher Zhen Shizi are two different types of creators.

Teacher Zhenshizi is a typical author of stomach-drug-type youth love novels, while Black Cat is the kind of passionate comic plot that longs for blood, adventure and change.

"I think you are more suitable for writing novels about other worlds, so that you can use your imagination——"

Mo Yi smiled and said:

"If you can overcome the bad habit of setting too many settings, with your imagination, writing skills, and a good painter, success will not be difficult."

"If you don't mind, I can help you draw illustrations for your first book. I'm actually quite good at drawing and planning."

In an increasingly toilet paper industry environment, there are many light novels that are extremely difficult to write and rely solely on illustrations to make money by selling characters.

The so-called toilet paperization means that except for the illustrations, other pages of the book can be torn out and used as toilet paper.


Wu Geng Liuli was very excited when she heard Mo Yi mention it. She asked a big shot in the industry to help her draw illustrations. As long as she couldn't read it even for elementary school students, her grades wouldn't be too embarrassing. After all, what matters now is character design.

Of course, Wu Geng Liuli doesn't want this. What she wants is the real recognition of readers and to write an interesting story.

"But I'm not good at making up stories."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Black Cat, please tell me, have you discussed this with Ying Lili?


Grandpa Moyin smiled and said:

"How about I give you some immature suggestions based on your style?"

When the black cat heard this, he must have nodded.

"For example, according to your personality, you may prefer female protagonists, so we will use female protagonists as an example. As mentioned before, let's assume that a male programmer dies from overwork and travels to a different world to become a A princess in distress.”

Black cat: "···"

"Senior, wouldn't it be weird if a boy traveled through time and became a girl? How to arrange the subsequent love complex? Should you find a man or a woman to fall in love with?"

For a little guy like Black Cat who is just starting out, he naturally doesn't understand such advanced gameplay.


Grandpa Mo Yi explained awkwardly:

"The reason why it is set as a man who time-travels into a woman is to increase the reader's sense of involvement. After all, the audience for passionate novels about other worlds is still male readers. Moreover, due to the influence of Internet culture, many teenagers will also penetrate strange characters. Of course, this is not something we as creators need to solve, that is a matter for sociologists. In this way, there are twice as many changes as the ordinary other-world love route. Others choose the heroine. A saint, an elf queen, or a blond village girl, but you can also choose various male characters such as the God of Creation, the Dragon King, a prince, a king, a poet, a scientist, a brave man, etc. as the heroine.”

Black cat: "···"

Teacher Mo Yi really knows a lot.

"Okay, senior Mo Yi, please continue."

"Next, let's talk about the character of the heroine. I have two plans here. One is that the heroine is unremarkable, but very kind and has some wit. The plot outline is that the heroine is inadvertently involved in the kingdom. Inherit or save the world, and then rely on your kind character and wit to help the male protagonists save the world through various opportunities and coincidences. As for the emotional line, it depends on your own choice. It is necessary to be ambiguous or not. , after all, a large part of the reason why you write novels is to make some money for your family."

Mo Yi remembered that Black Cat's family environment was not very good. She had two younger sisters to take care of, and both her parents had to go out to work.

"The second character design is that the heroine is a genius. Anyway, you can just treat it as a female version of the invincible novel. Yes, you can choose rainbow colors for the eyes, and of course colorful black will do. As for the clothes, I like them A sparkling white dress.”

"Simply put, she is the perfect woman who broke into the world as an idol. She not only saved all mankind with her talents, but also captured all men with her beauty and sex appeal. What is even more valuable is that she has a holy temperament and does not hesitate. Wandering among the major male protagonists, he died miserably and sadly after saving the world."

"That's it, do you understand?"

Wugeng Liuli: "..."

There was something wrong with the General Administration, but after listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's words, two vivid characters automatically appeared in Black Cat's mind, which made Black Cat feel angry until dawn when he went back tonight. It feels like writing a thirty thousand word beginning.

Yes, this is the story that she, the fallen angel Black Cat, should pursue!

I feel that my middle school soul is burning, and even this false world will be burned down in the next second!


Wu Geng Liuli finally discovered something was wrong. What she had been struggling with before was the chaotic relationship between men and women written by Teacher Zhen Shizi. But if it were written according to what Grandpa Mo Yi said, it would be even more chaotic than when she was a child!

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