The second point is the issue of the two's magnanimity. King Daimao takes the route of leveling the world, while Joan of Arc takes the route of gathering people's hearts.

"Sir, you admitted your mistake."

Joan of Arc could probably guess that the other party had met Arturia. Although she had a fight with the other party just last night, she would not take the opportunity to blackmail King Mao.

"I am Jeanne d'Arc—"

"The Knight King Artoria you are looking for has not come out yet."

"Joan of Arc Dacre——"

Now, Lord Otto, who had been secretly watching the show, became interested. He looked at Joan of Arc and said with a smile:

"Are you the Catholic saint, Joan of Arc, known as the Saint of Savior?"

Joan of Arc has long been used to such praise, but she has never believed that she is really as great as the legend says.

"I deserve the name of a saint. I just followed God's revelation and made a choice."


When Lord Lutuo saw Jeanne d'Arc, he noticed that there was something unusual about him. Now he can prove that he is a heroic spirit!

He couldn't help but feel happy. Doesn't this mean that Mo Yi does have the ability to summon heroic spirits and keep them in the world!

It’s hard to say whether Kallen can be fully resurrected, but given the current conditions, at least she can remain in the world as a heroic spirit.

"Your Majesty the Holy Lady, your behavior is absolutely worthy of your holy name."

Mr. Lituo, who is in a good mood, naturally doesn't mind saying nice things. Anyway, the happier he makes others, the easier it will be to do things then!

Just as Jeanne said, the other members of the Emiya family came out quickly. They were all decent people. After introducing themselves, under the guidance of Mr. Intersection Lily Green, the business started to exchange, and the atmosphere was tense. The scene became lively.

Shredded Raking, on the other hand, has been secretly observing Master Lutuo, because when the other party introduced himself, he thought of a terrible legend——

The immortal on the scientific side, a man who has lived for five hundred years, Archbishop Otto Apocalypse of Destiny!

However, the other party's behavior at this moment was that of a noble man who was good at socializing and had been involved in various drinking parties for a long time. He was not at all similar to the image of the big devil in his imagination!

Shouldn't the big boss on the science side be the kind of serious, never-smiling old man with deep eyes who seem to be able to see through people's hearts?

But he can't be careless, after all, the shadow of a person, the bark of a tree, Mr. Lutuo is a truly famous figure in the dark world. He has naturally done many great things that are praiseworthy, and he has also done many things that are inhumane.

Shredded rake rake does not think that the other party is a bad person because of this. In this world, the distinction between good people and bad people is never that simple. In fact, it is just a matter of stance.

Different standpoints have different standards for judging good and evil, right and wrong.

Shredded Rakes, who was once active as a "just partner", once killed many people in order to save people. In the eyes of those who were killed by evil or their relatives and friends, Shredded Rakes was a bad person, but after being saved In the eyes of others, he is a righteous partner.

This is what big people do. For the benefit of the majority, the interests of the minority must be sacrificed.

Just listen to the slogan of making everyone happy. If the vast majority of big shots are really such people, it will be a tragedy.

Just like the Prince Uzumaki celebrity on the set next door, when it's time to be a genin, doesn't he adhere to the concept of saving everyone and there must be a way to solve the problem?

When he became Hokage and was responsible for the fate of the entire village, he eventually became the person he once hated most. In order to work, he could not even take care of his wife and children. He was still an orphan, but he desperately longed for the love of his parents. When he became a father , but he could not give his children the fatherly love he had expected.

Of course, this cannot be said to be wrong. After all, he ignored his own happiness for the happiness of thousands of children. But it is undeniable that his philosophy has changed. It is no longer about making everyone happy, but about making everyone happy. It is to make the people of Konoha Village happy.

At this time, the person Gray had been waiting for for a long time finally appeared!

Silly hair...King of Knights Arturia, she walked out listlessly with her bitch Mordemore.

The reason for the listlessness was probably due to Grandpa Mo Yi's ruthless punishment last night, which made her and Joan of Arc think about their faults in front of the wall and could only listen to the sound of everyone eating.

The moment she walked out of the living room, her hanging hair seemed to be electrified, pointing straight into the sky!

Arturia felt a very familiar feeling, followed her intuition, and saw little Gray Gray wrapped tightly in her cape!

Gray, on the other hand, also felt the surge of blood in her body, and a sense of intimacy with her mother emerged spontaneously. When she went out, the holy spear hidden in her body was beating crazily, as if she was longing for something.

"Who are you?"

The Daimao King was surprised when she saw the other party's face that looked exactly like hers, but she was already resistant. After all, from Mo Yi's daily complaints, she already knew that there were many heroic spirits who looked like her, not far away. There is a hateful French woman, then there is the heroic spirit Okita Souji of District 11, and there is also the Roman tyrant Nero in the West.

But the Xiao Hui in front of her was different from other beauties!

It's not a matter of resemblance, but the feeling the other person gives her is very special, just like Mo Zai next to her, it's a surge of similar blood.


Gray's eyes were very complicated. It was precisely because of the other party that she had such a fate, but could she possibly resent the other party for this? After all, the other party was her ancestor, and he was also a great king and a noble saint.

Gray took out the cage, showed it to King Da Mao, and then said:

"I am your descendant, the gravekeeper responsible for the safekeeping of the sacred spear Lungominiad."

"Nice to meet you, ancestor."


The first person to react was not King Da Mao who didn't know when he would have another offspring, but her son Mo Zai.

Mo Zai loudly denied:

"My father's only descendant is me, Mordred!"

"You fake!"

Chapter 583: Yae Sakura: Beidou Hundred Fissure Fist!

"My son, don't be rude——"

The stupid king stopped and wanted to go up and grab the little gray Gray, and asked Mordred to understand. He walked up to Gray. He no longer had the temperament of a foodie, but the majesty of a king. It was very majestic. He rubbed the iron cage that Gray took out.

Trapped in an iron cage, Yade, the strange talking Rubik's Cube-shaped creature, could no longer be mean-spirited and just looked at the true owner of the Holy Spear.

"This is indeed the Holy Spear Lungominiad——"

During his lifetime, King Da Mao had three great artifacts - the Sword of Oath of Victory, the Holy Spear Lungominiad and the Scabbard - the ideal land of Avalon far away from the world.

Among them, the most powerful one in the normal state is the Holy Spear Lungominiad. Its true form is one of the Lan Anchors that connects the inside and outside of the world and binds the planet. Its true posture is said to be one of the anchors that binds the world. Skin tower.

The Sword of Oath of Victory is the 'Holy Sword of the Star of Salvation'. Its true power can only be released when the planet is threatened. Therefore, in its normal sealed state, it is not as good as the Holy Spear Lungominiad.

But the most precious and unsolvable thing is the scabbard Avalon. Once it is liberated, it can enter an invincible state. Even the five most buggy plug-ins (five magics) in Xingyue cannot interfere with it. Its previous record is to lose face. EA, the backhand is a curry stick.


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