Mordred had a profound influence on the Holy Spear Lungominiad, not only because of its power, but also because this was the gun that killed her to death!

"It's actually the real thing? How did it become like this?"

Mordred looked at the iron cage in surprise and muttered:

"I really want to chop with my sword and see if I can cut it open."


Yade, who had been pretending to be dead, could no longer pretend and said loudly to King Da Mao:

"Your Majesty King Arthur, I am indeed the Holy Spear. Now I am just in fantasy form to save the real Holy Spear!"

Although King Da Mao does not understand magic, he was raised by the cheating sage Merlin after all. He still has some knowledge of magic. Naturally, he is not curious about such trivial matters as his Holy Spear learning to speak.

What worries her even more is her descendants.

"I am already a dead person, and the holy spear has no meaning to me anymore——"

The stupid king said calmly:

"It's just, why didn't I know that I still have descendants alive?"

Hearing this, other people also became curious. You must know that King Dai Mao looks female at first glance. He does not want to be like a male. If he wants to leave descendants, he only needs to have fun for a while, or to have fun for a while under unknown circumstances.

But as a female, the stupid king wants to leave a descendant, but he has to be pregnant for ten months, how could he not know such a thing! ?

At this time, Gray was also very curious. This was about the fate and origin of her family. After her ancestor said, "Why didn't I know there were descendants like you?", it was the strangest thing to say that she was not curious!


Gray stared at the iron cage in his hands and asked:

"Do you know something?"

"Ah ha ha?"

Yade in the iron cage pretended to be dumbfounded:

"What are you talking about, why don't I know, Gray?"

Looking at Yade, whose acting skills were extremely poor, King Da Mao quickly made a bold guess and said:

"Your sister Morgan made it? And my descendants also did good things by her?"

The only possibility that King Da Mao can think of is Morgan. The other party once took her things and created a descendant, Mordred. Now, it seems that it is not a problem to create another descendant.

The other party is such a pervert, and he is also a pervert with terrible skills and knowledge.

"If you don't tell me, don't blame me for being heartless."

The stupid king took out a curry stick that glowed with golden light and threatened the iron cage.


Facing the holy sword that exuded golden light, Yade could no longer pretend and said helplessly:

"Actually, I don't know for sure. I guessed based on some intelligence. The facts are similar to your guess."

"What? Damn-"

After hearing this, Mordred finally believed that Gray was a descendant of the stupid hair clan, and that the one who did such things was the witch Morgan who she also hated behind the scenes!

If it weren't for her, Mordred thought that she would have been recognized by her father long ago, all because her father's hatred of Morgan was transferred to her.

Now that other brothers and sisters have come out, Mordred can't bear it anymore!

She is the only heir to the throne. Now there are more competitors, and no one is happy!

"I almost understand the situation."

King Da Mao sighed and asked Gray to go out with me and ask about her descendants in detail.


Gray couldn't make up his mind and looked at El-Melloi II, hoping that the other party would make up his mind.

"Go ahead -"

Weber also knew that the issue of life experience had always been an obsession in Gray's heart, and now was a good opportunity to resolve it. Although Gray was not around and he felt insecure as a five-scumbag, for the sake of the other party, he had no choice but to wave him away. King Mao went out to talk.

Then the two of them walked out. Mordred, who suspected that someone was plotting his throne, was very worried, so he followed them quietly.

"Ding dong——"

At this time the doorbell rang, Irisviel clapped her hands and said with a smile:

"Another guest is here. I'll open the door and you can have a nice chat."

The ones ringing the doorbell outside were Kiana, Teresa and their group, um, Kasumigaoka Shiu and her younger brother Kasumigaoka Shiro.

It's just that the atmosphere among everyone is a bit strange. To be more precise, the ones exuding strange auras are mainly Shiko-sensei and Yae Sakura.

This matter started a few minutes ago, when the two of them met at a crossroads not far from Emiya's house.

Kasumigaoka Shiro who was walking in front happened to bump into Yae Rin who was also walking in front after turning a corner.

"Xiao Lin, what a coincidence——"

"This is fate."

After that, he held the other person's hand very familiarly and prepared to introduce the other person to his sister. Regarding the dirty Shiko teacher, Kasumigaoka Shiro still believed that the other person would not tell nonsense to his parents. At most, he would be She was just teasing her.

But after all, this kind of thing has to be told to others. In this case, it is natural to start with the sister who is the least difficult.

If his mother knew that he was in a relationship at school, she would definitely ask questions, while Xia's father would criticize and criticize him. Students should focus on their studies!

Of course, Kasumigaoka Shiro knew that Kasumigaoka's father first met Kasumigao's mother in junior high school, and then flirted with her in high school. Now he is just outdoing his prodigy and arriving in junior high school early to take action.

You need to know this kind of thing, but the most important thing is fate, and the most important thing is not to give in and wait. If you don't take action when you meet, and want to wait until you are sure before confessing, you often end up in a tragedy. You can't say that the person you like has already I was deceived by the yellow-haired little brat next door.

Why does Kasumigaoka Shiro know so many principles of life?

This has to start with Teacher Zhen Shizi. After all, didn’t such a plot appear in her White Album series of stories?

Because of hesitation, he waited for a sworn rival in love.

Then, Shiro Kasumigaoka, who entered Taoism from "Metronome of Love", entered the world of Yakumo created by Master Yakumo, soared freely in the ocean of knowledge, and finally developed good skills and became a true master of theory.

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