After he became enlightened, he naturally understood the principles of heaven and earth. He no longer wanted to be Nishikata-san who was waiting to be pampered, but became Takagi-san who took the initiative!

Then, he launched an offensive just like Yae Rin, whom he had been in love with since entering school. Under the theoretical guidance of many masters in the Yakumo House, he finally achieved melee combat. Well, the progress was - holding hands.

"Shiro, don't be like this-"

Seeing Kasumigaoka Shiro, Yae Rin was also very happy. After all, young lovers didn't know the truth about how things turn out when they are strong. At the beginning, they wanted to stay together every day.

But Yae Rin quickly remembered that there was a group of people behind him, and the most important thing was that his sister was right behind him, and she would turn around in one second.

"Sister is coming."


Kasumigaoka Shiro, who was reduced to intelligence, was very surprised and said with a smile:

"Xiao Lin, how did you know that my sister is coming? It turns out you know her too."

"Don't be afraid, my sister won't mind. Despite her venomous mouth, she is actually quite a good person."

Yae Rin: "..."

"It's not your sister, it's me..."

At this time, the Valkyries behind Yae Rin had already turned around. Kiana, Raiden Mei and others looked at it curiously. How could the sister of Yae Sakura-senpai, whom they had just met today, be grabbed by a boy in the blink of an eye? , and it seems to be a very familiar expression.

Although she didn't know what the situation was, even Kiana knew that something interesting seemed to have happened.

Immediately, Kiana and others felt an extreme coldness erupt around them, freezing everyone there.

Yae Sakura turned a corner and didn't find love. Instead, she saw her sister being held by a strange boy, who had a playful and smiling expression on her face. Her sister's face turned pale because of 'fear'!

This is obviously a little hooligan who appeared out of nowhere and dares to molest my sister, Yae Sakura. You are asking for death!

Yae Sakura subconsciously touched her waist, preparing to use the tachi 'Sakura Fukiyuki' to give the opponent a Sakura Blossom Scatter move. Only when she was empty did she remember that she was visiting Mo Yi's house, so naturally she didn't take Ying Fukiyuki out.

"Do you have any swords?"

Yae Sakura looked at her friends and prepared to receive the weapon.

Thunder Mei Yi: "..."

Who would go out with weapons? !

"Senior Sakura, don't be impulsive——"

Raiden Mei, the conscience bearer among the Valkyries, advised with some embarrassment:

"I think Sister Rin seems to know the other party, so I'd better ask about the situation first."

"Since I didn't bring it, forget it."

Yae Sakura didn't seem to hear Raiden Mei's words. At this moment, her expression was not much different from usual. She was neither sad nor happy. She only had the tranquility that a shrine maiden should have. But it was this kind of calmness that made Raiden Mei even more scared. This is clearly a state of being possessed!

Yae Sakura sighed softly and said to herself with compassion:

"It seems that I can only use the 'North Star Fist' passed down from my ancestors. However, after more than ten years of practice, I still haven't achieved great success. The boxing technique is still in the realm of 'killing', and the strength may not be well controlled."

Thunder Mei Yi: "..."

Stop, don't do it, the other person is still a child, Yae Sakura-senpai, you really know how to beat the other person to death!

Although I have never seen Yae Sakura hit anyone with her fists, I know how terrifying it is when I hear that she has not yet achieved great success after practicing for more than ten years.

At another intersection, when Yae Sakura and the others turned, Teacher Shizi also turned around and saw her brother holding the hand of a pink girl with twin tails.

Teacher Dirty Shizi: "??"

I only walked two seconds slower, but why did I feel like I was two years slower?

Okay, this guy!

I didn't expect that a guy like you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would be like this. Sure enough, you and your father's biological son are already better than each other, and you found a girlfriend in junior high school.

Thinking about it this way, my sister, who only fell in love in her second year of high school, had brought shame on the Kasumigaoka family.

"Xiao Lin, this is my sister, let me introduce you to——"

When Kasumigaoka Shiro was about to pull Yae Rin to the teacher Zushiko, Yae Rin had already noticed the murderous intent and grabbed Kasumigaoka Shiro with her backhand, letting the other party just see her behind.

Then Kasumigaoka Shiro saw a group of young ladies staring at him from behind. The most special one was a tall girl wearing a miko costume and donkey ears hair accessories.

In fact, whether the opponent is beautiful or not has nothing to do with Kasumigaoka Shiro. The problem is that the opponent is staring at him with fire-breathing eyes, coupled with the starting posture of an ancient martial arts that is unclear at a glance, and the long pink Hair, with an appearance that is 80% similar to Yae Rin.

Kasumigaoka Shiro almost understood what was happening.


Yae Rin pointed at Yae Sakura with some embarrassment and said:

"This is my sister, Yae Sakura."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

He plans to join the kendo club of Fuyuki High School. Yae Sakura naturally knows him. He didn't notice it before, but now he looks so similar to Yae Rin. It's just that the tall Yae Sakura gives people a cold feeling, while the petite and cute Yae Rin gives the impression of being as gentle as the sister next door.

My name is Kasumigaoka Shiro, and I'm a little panicked now. My girlfriend's sister, who can cut steel with a wooden sword, is staring at me with angry eyes. The only thought that comes to my mind is - AWSE! !

The confused Shiro Kasumigaoka subconsciously followed Yae Rin and said to Yae Sakura:

"Hello, sister."

Yae Rin: "..."

Aren't you usually very eloquent?

Why can't it be used at the critical moment?

It seems that I have no choice but to take action myself.

Rin Yae stood in front of Kasumigaoka Shiro and said to Yae Sakura:

"Sister, this is my good friend Kasumigaoka Shiro."

However, Yae Sakura ignored Yae Rin's words again and said to Kasumigaoka Shiro:

"If you still have the courage to call me sister after you punch me, I'd be willing to consider it."

Immediately, he rushed forward and disappeared next to his friends in an instant. Raiden Meiyi, who wanted to dissuade her, didn't realize why Yae Sakura was missing.

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