Yae Sakura, who came around to Yae Rin's side, punched Kasumigaoka Shiro with both hands. With the sound of sonic boom, Kasumigaoka Shiro felt that there were fist shadows all over the sky hitting him.

"Big Dipper Hundred Fissure Fist! (Thick trousers make a girl cry)"

The few consciousness he had left him muttering:

"It was more than just one punch."

Yae Rin didn't want to complain about Kasumigaoka Shiro anymore. At this point, she could only fight.

She originally had the appearance of an older lolita and exuded a cute aura. Her aura changed completely. Although each was small, she exuded the power of a master who said, "Even if there are thousands of people, I will go." She turned sideways and faced Yae Sakura directly. The fist shadow shouted loudly:

"Big Dipper Hundred Split Feet!"

Facing her sister with long arms, Yae Rin wanted to block her sister's combo. She could only use the length of her feet to make up for her lack of body. In an instant, she crossed her legs and kicked out, turning into countless shadows of feet, and Yae Sakura's The Beidou Hundred Fissure Fist competes with each other.

Yae Sakura punched and shouted: "Ola, Ola, Ola, Ola..."

Yae Rin shouted in a lolita tone:

"Wood big wood big wood big wood big..."

In an instant, the fists and feet clashed, like a typhoon of level 7 or 8, and the wind of the fists alone would blow everything around him away!

Chapter 584: You look so handsome when you get beaten

After Grandpa Mo Yi's hell-like special training, Yae Sakura's combat power has long been at that level. The gap is probably the difference between the combat power of a Saiyan before her transformation and a Super Saiyan!

However, facing the protection of her younger sister Yae Rin, Yae Sakura was naturally unable to use her true power and could only communicate with her sister with her fists.

Just that, in the eyes of Valkyries like Kiana, they are already terrifying. After all, their combat power is mainly reflected in the manipulation of Honkai energy and the destructive power of Valkyrie armor.

Never have I seen such a simple and crude physical attack like Yae Sakura's. Even in the past, when Yae Sakura attacked with a knife, it was far less impactful than it is now.

Swordsmanship emphasizes killing with one blow, while physical skills have more changes and more directly reflect the momentum of the battle.

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who was pushed aside by Yae Rin, was confused.

Isn't my girlfriend the kind of little rabbit who blushes every time she touches her head?

In the future, when he bumped into each other accidentally, he was afraid of hurting the other person, just like a fragile piece of art. Looking at it now, he was still too naive.

You should be careful in the future. If the other party accidentally exerts too much force, a fracture is a trivial matter. The most terrifying thing is that the waist is broken.

Sure enough, the cuter something looks on the outside, the scarier it is on the inside!


At this time, Teacher Zushizi, who looked like he was lucky because of the misfortune, came close to Kasumigaoka Shiro and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect you to be a lolicon too??"

"It's just that your girlfriend seems a bit fierce. Aren't you afraid of making her unhappy and making her cry?"

"If that's the case, sister can't help you. After all, sister, I'm just a literary girl with no power."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

Go away, you scheming, useless sister who only plays tricks on her own brother!

If I can't even defeat a lolita, what use does I, Kasumigaoka Shiro, need for a sister like you?

However, after being mentioned by Teacher Shiko, Kasumigaoka Shiro finally thought about this matter. He has an out-of-touch temperament, and his favorite thing is to tease Yae Rin and see how angry he is.

It turns out that he is so lucky to be able to survive until now, or that he could still commit suicide more. If the other party was really angry, he would have taught him a lesson long ago.

"Sister, what do you know-"

Kasumigaoka Shiro explained stiffly:

"I like Xiao Lin so much, how can I make her angry? So the prerequisite you assumed does not exist!"


Even Teacher Shizizi, whose younger brother has a death-seeking nature, couldn't help laughing and complained:

"Then I'll talk to my parents about this tonight. Anyway, you like her so much, that's how she is. It's better to meet her as soon as possible."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

Sister, you didn’t give me a chance to get off the car!

After letting my parents know about this, wouldn't I have even less room to survive?

Yae Rin seemed to have been paying attention to the situation of Kasumigaoka Shiro and Teacher Zushiko. When he heard that Teacher Zushiko heard about her parents, she looked over for a second.

After Kasumigaoka Shiro felt that his little thoughts were seen through by the other party, he quickly said firmly in his heart: Ahem, no, I never thought about getting off the car. I, Kasumigaoka Shiro, only likes Yae Rin.JPG!


Kasumigaoka Shiro pushed away Mr. Shishiko in disgust, not only because the teacher didn't sound nice, but also because he wasn't his type.

Rather, it is precisely because he was bullied by Teacher Zhenshizi since he was a child and has been under his female power for many years that his preference for women has become completely opposite to that of Teacher Zhenshizi.

Shiko-sensei is a typical scheming lady, and Rin Yae is the innocent girl-next-door type. Well, at least that was what Kasumigaoka Shiro thought before today.

"This kind of thing can't be done hotly. Xiao Lin needs to agree. Anyway, sister, don't do anything with your brother's happiness."

"All right--"

Teacher Zhen Shizi had to admit that her brother had a good reason. After all, this kind of thing required the consent of the two parties involved, and anything else done by others would only cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, she could also see through that the reason for the other party's rejection was not just that.

Teacher Zushizi sighed, gently patted Kasumigaoka Shiro's shoulder a few times with her small hand, and said meaningfully:

"Come on, Shiro——"

"If you are beaten and cry, come to your sister. After all, the only places where a boy can cry are in the toilet and in his sister's arms."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

If you didn’t have a smile on your face, I would probably be moved for two seconds, Baga!

"Friendship Breaking Face Fist——"

"Beidou Confession Fist——"

Yae Sakura and Yae Rin, who had been bigger than Oramu for more than a minute, finally used their last move. Naturally, no one was injured.

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