How could Yae Sakura hurt her lovely sister? The same goes for Yae Rin.

They just exchange their feelings through fists and kicks. Many times, fists can convey to each other simply and directly what words cannot express.


Yae Sakura sighed and said:

"I have received your thoughts. Now that you have grown up, you should be cautious about your choice."

After that, he turned around and walked away.

Yae Sakura was originally not good at words, so it was really difficult for her to say something nice and reasonable when she was so upset at the moment.

"Shiro, it's okay."

Yae Rin walked back to Kasumigaoka Shiro and said with a smile:

"My sister is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, but she is actually very nice and gentle."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

Why are these words so familiar?

Isn't this what I told the other party before?

But, Xiaolin, your sister, it’s not just hard words, she’s also very hard-fisted!

"Hello, Xiaolin, is it okay if I call you this?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi on the side called Yae Rin by her name very familiarly, and introduced herself like an older sister:

"My name is Kasumigaoka Shiu, and I am Shiro's sister. You can just call me Shiu-sensei."

"Or my sister can do it-"


Hearing what Mr. Shizi said, Yae Rin blushed and lowered his head, whispering:

"Okay, Sister Shiyu."

After Yae Sakura turned around and walked away, the other friends nodded to Kasumigaoka Shiu, smiled, and then chased after her.

"Let's go too—"

Teacher Zhen Shizi naturally knew that their destination was also Grandpa Mo Yi's house, so she just followed them directly.

Teacher Zhen Shizi didn't care at all about her previous relationship with them. What she cared about was Mo Yi anyway. It was enough that the other party liked her. She didn't need to care about what his confidante thought.

But it can't be done now. Looking at Yae Rin walking side by side with her younger brother, Teacher Shizi felt that she, as a sister, should do something. At least she should have a good relationship with Yae Sakura, who would become in-laws in the future.

As for Kasumigaoka Shiro who has obtained the true biography of Kasumigaoka's father, Teacher Zushiko is not worried at all about him being dumped.

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who was walking at the end, asked in a low voice to Yae Rin:

"Xiao Lin, why didn't I know you were so powerful? Is that martial arts?"

"You've never asked me before—"

Yae Rin clenched his fists and said with a smile:

"This is a physical technique passed down from family. It is usually used for self-defense and physical fitness."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

What you said makes sense. Who the hell would expect such a big lolita to be able to knock down a hundred of me with one punch?

"And mine is nothing. I can only smash the stone with one palm in front of my face——"

Rin Yae seemed to see through Kasumigaoka Shiro's little mind and said with a wicked smile:

"If you are my sister, I will punch you with all my strength. After the NIIT explodes on the spot, you will be considered lucky if you can pick up a complete bone."

Kasumigaoka Shiro roared in his heart: Why do you want to use me as a reference? Can't you use a general reference like 'ordinary adults'?

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who was feeling very depressed, looked at Yae Rin's face. He still had the same energetic smile as before, seemingly no different.

But having been tricked by Teacher Zuoshizi since he was a child, he couldn't help but wonder, was this really just an accident?

Or is it that the other party is actually a deeply hidden and sinister loli? !

Yae Rin thought proudly: I wonder if you would dare to bully me all day long in the future. If you weren't afraid of not being able to control your strength and accidentally breaking a bone or breaking a few ribs, I would have let you know how powerful I am. Yes.

Those who are favored are always confident, and those who are not favored are always in turmoil.

The reason why I tolerate your bullying is not because I can't resist, I just want to make you happy and see your smiling face.

At this time, Yae Rin couldn't help but think of the beginning of the two's real relationship——

Although the two were classmates, Rin Yae didn't pay attention to this male classmate in the class at first.

Because Kasumigaoka Shiro is a typical top student in the class. He is either reading books or writing about friends all day long, with a very arrogant look. (In the eyes of poor students, most students with good grades look great. In fact, it is just an illusion. Everyone in the world who just lives a casual life is so busy. How can anyone be so free to show off to you every day? This is not necessary. Time cost?)

Until one day, Yae Rin was surrounded by several delinquent students because of her cute and cute appearance. The specific content was just a few things, either 'be my girlfriend' or 'no one will come to save you even if you scream until you break your throat'.

Of course, such a situation would occur because Yae Rin was still a freshman. If she were in elementary school, this kind of thing would never happen. Yae Rin beat and cried several sixth-grade boys when she was in the first grade, but in elementary school, She is the eldest sister, and anyone who sees her has to call her "Sister Lin".

Yae Rin, who had just passed the second year of middle school and no longer wanted to be the eldest brother, decided to become an ordinary female junior high school student when she came to junior high school where no one knew her.

She never expected that instead of taking the initiative to defeat the school gangsters, such a bad student would come to her door.

Yae Rin couldn't bear it, but she thought that she wanted to be an ordinary female junior high school student, so she pretended to be scared and ran to a remote place. When they caught up, she would teach them how to behave and let these bad students understand what it means to be a "North Star God" Boxing has never been a boxing technique used for performance'.

"Don't come over here!"

Seeing the pitiful appearance of Yae Rin, a big girl with twin tails, the delinquent students who originally just wanted to get a phone number suddenly had a bold idea and walked up with a smile.


At this time, Kasumigaoka Shiro, who had already noticed the situation and followed him, was faced with the choice of "do you choose to be a hero for a minute" or "to be a coward for a lifetime", so he chose to be a hero for a minute.

Ever since he was rescued by Mo Yi once, Kasumigaoka Shiro has been yearning for him and the so-called hero!

The time to make a decision has come——

"It's okay now——"

Yae Rin looked curiously at who was interfering in other people's business. After a closer look, he recognized that he was a top student in the class.

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