"If you ask why, it's because I'm here!"

"Who are you? How dare you interrupt my brother's work?"

The delinquent student who was about to make some bold ideas was definitely not happy to be yelled at like this. Although he was a little surprised that the other party dared to stand up alone, and he was afraid that this other party was the legendary 'school beauty's personal expert', but his momentum could not be lost. So he roared loudly.

"I'm just a passing hero out of interest!"

Then, three bad students rushed forward and Shiro was beaten by everyone.

In the end, it was Yae Rin who scared the bad students away by shouting "Teacher is here".

"Are you OK--"

Rin Yae looked at Kasumigaoka Shiro who had turned into a giant panda with a somewhat complicated mood and said:

"You should call the teacher or other friends alone, and then come together."


Kasumigaoka Shiro felt sore all over his body, but in front of the first person she saved, she could not lose her hero's face and said calmly:

"By the time I find the teachers, they won't know what to do to you."

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who felt a little embarrassed, turned away and muttered:

"Good luck to them. If you give me one more month to train according to Senior Mo Yi's method, I can beat ten such gangsters——"


After seeing the unknown side of the top student in his own eyes, Yae Rin laughed unkindly, poked the other person's dark circles, and said with a smile:

"Don't be brave, Kasumigaoka-san——"

"Good students should study hard. Fighting is for bad students."

"Let me take you to the infirmary."

"Oh, don't poke me, it hurts-"

After being poked like this by Yae Rin, Kasumigaoka Shiro couldn't stand up anymore, grinned and screamed:

"This classmate, how do you know me?"

Yae Rin: "..."

"I am your classmate Yae Rin, don't you know?"


Kasumigaoka Shiro laughed awkwardly and explained:

"I have an impression. Of course I know Yaerei-san."

Yae Rin: "..."

Feeling a little depressed, Yae Rin always accidentally touched the swollen and painful areas while helping him to the infirmary.

Kasumigaoka Shiro, who was about to reach the infirmary, suddenly remembered something and said sincerely to Yae Rin beside him:

"Yae Rin-san, I have a heartfelt request——"

Yae Rin: "..."

Could it be that the other party finally shows his fox tail? What if the other party confesses to him based on what just happened?

You must know that twin-tailed lolita like Yae Rin are very popular in this era.

"Go ahead and let me think about it."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

"Can you please don't tell me about this-"

"It's very shameful to be beaten instead of saving people."

Yae Rin was amused by the other party again and said with a smile:

"It's okay, I think you look handsome when you're beaten."

Chapter 585: A similar flower

What impressed Kasumigaoka Shiro most deeply was the way Yae Rin gently blew on the disinfectant when he was helping her apply it. He was attracted at that moment.

However, he had always aimed to become a hero and protect the other party, and kept training day and night. He never expected that the other party did not need her protection at all. With the fighting power shown by the other party at the moment, even those bad students at the beginning might be able to The quantity is ×100.

Thinking of the past, Kasumigaoka Shiro couldn't help but ask Yae Rin:

"Xiao Lin, since you have been learning boxing since you were a child, why did you need me to fight the gangsters in the first place?"

Tiring the opponent by being beaten is also a way of beating him away. There is no problem with the term beating him away!

"At that time, I would have lured them into an alley and taught them a lesson—"

Because the understanding was wrong from the beginning, Yae Rin has never dared to show the fact that she is good at fighting, lest Kasumigaoka Shiro misunderstands and thinks that she is deliberately deceiving him. Of course, the feeling of being clumsily protected by the other party, Yae Rin is also very like.

"Why did I expect you to suddenly come out and provoke those guys? I thought you were a master of concealment. I was stunned to see what happened next. When I realized what happened, you were surrounded by them and hammered."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

Can you describe it in another way? Can't you say that I was fighting fiercely with the three of them?

I, Kasumigaoka Shiro, am shameless when being surrounded by people and hammering me!

"But Xiao Lin, you can take action after you react."

Yae Rin smiled mischievously and complained:

"That would be very embarrassing for you. I'm afraid you will turn around and leave when you see me in the future."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

It really makes sense. If the original development was that he was beaten by three bad students, and Yae Rin, who was the victim of the white rabbit, suddenly transformed into Wonder Woman and beat up the three guys, then he would definitely be embarrassed. , when they see each other in class, they will pretend that this did not happen.

As the saying goes, the head can be cut off, but the face is indispensable!

In fact, Kasumigaoka Shiro also wanted to say something. Now that I know it, I am also very embarrassed. Unfortunately, I have already gotten on the bus and can no longer get off.

If he dared to ignore the other party in the class, he would definitely be pushed to the ground by Yae Rin who was light and flexible and would blast him until he cried and admitted his mistake.

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