After that, he could only vomit depressedly:

"Xiao Lin, you still understand me."

After confessing her biggest secret, Yae Rin's smile became crisper and more relaxed, allowing her to express her true self as she joked:

"After a beating, you got such a gentle, considerate and lovely girlfriend like me. Aren't you satisfied?"

After saying that, he extended his white fist towards Kasumigaoka Shiro.

"Satisfied, satisfied -"

Kasumigaoka Shiro immediately nodded with satisfaction and said:

"I think I'll take a few more beatings while I'm still young!"


Yae Rin was not happy now, and muttered with "grievance":

"I'm not enough? How many more do you want?"

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

Xiao Lin, your angle of approaching the problem is really strange, but I am speechless now.

"Ahem, that's not what I meant, Xiao Lin."

"I am devoted to you wholeheartedly!"


Yae Rin smiled proudly, looking particularly bright in the morning sun, and said with a smile:

"That's quite conscientious."

That's right, every DD is single-minded!

"With your skills, if you want to be a hero and save the United States many times, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death."

Kasumigaoka Shiro: "..."

"certainly not--"

"I am now adhering to the unique exercise method taught by Senior Mo Yi every day. According to Senior Mo Yi, I can achieve great success in just three years!"

Yae Rin: "..."

Being in front of and behind Senior Mo Yi all day long, Yae Rin had heard enough of the term 'Senior Mo Yi'.

Especially when she saw Kasumigaoka Shiro's little fanboy look, she was speechless. Sometimes she even doubted what Kasumigaoka Shiro would choose when she fell into the water at the same time as Senior Mo Yi. Who should be saved first?

Of course, this is just a thought, because Rin Yae knows how to swim, but Shiro Kasumigaoka is a landlubber. If he relies on the other party to save him, I am afraid that she will have to save him in turn.

It is difficult for Yae Rin not to understand the senior Mo Yi whom Shirou Kasumigaoka calls him. Of course, in Yae Rin's eyes, he is just a great person. He who is a top student cannot always be killed, so what is the point of worshiping him? .

As for the real person, she was still in junior high school and had never met Grandpa Mo Yi.

Kasumigaoka Shiro's so-called exercise method, running 10 kilometers every day, doing a hundred sit-ups, a hundred push-ups, and a hundred squats, is just a basic exercise in the eyes of Rin Yae. How can it make people gain powerful abilities? strength.

My man is such an idiot that he can't tell whether the other person is joking with him or not.

Of course, she still agrees with Kasumigaoka Shiro's insistence on exercising every day. This is not only good for health, but also ensures a happy life for the two of them in the future.

Seeing the speechlessness in Yae Rin's eyes, Kasumigaoka Shiro knew that the other party definitely didn't believe in senior Mo Yi's training methods, but it didn't matter, one day he would become stronger and prove it to the other party.


"Xiao Lin, we are going to visit Senior Mo Yi's house later. Once you get in touch with Senior Mo Yi, you will know that he is a person worthy of respect and a person with this goal!"

Yae Rin: "..."

How come I didn't know that? !

It turns out that the male classmate my sister mentioned was actually Senior Mo Yi?

Yae Rin pulled Kasumigaoka Shiro and ran forward in small steps to catch up with Yae Sakura in front.

"elder sister--"

Yae Sakura looked at Yae Rin and the particularly annoying Kasumigaoka Shiro with some curiosity, and asked in a calm tone:


"Also, don't be so intimate on the street. If someone you know sees you, I'll see how you explain it to your parents -"

"It doesn't matter. My parents love me so much, so they won't be willing to scold me."

Yae Sakura: "..."

Indeed, with her mother's character, she would definitely not blame her. She would just ask Yae Rin to take Kasumigaoka Shiro home quietly, check her household registration, and ask about her future plans, when she would get married, when she would have children, and other life plans.

As for the father, it is not easy to read. Yae Rin is naturally fine, but the father who is a master of the North Star Fist has many methods. He beat Kasumigaoka Shiro to death, but he was not injured at all. He even helped the opponent to strengthen his body. .

"Sister, is that male classmate of yours the rumored senior Mo Yi?"


Always feeling that her sister's title was a bit strange, Yae Sakura nodded and said:

"Don't you know?"

Yae Rin: "..."

Sister, if you don’t tell me, how will I know? !

However, Yae Rin became more and more interested, and a series of plans emerged in his mind, preparing to regain Kasumigaoka Shiro's attention from Grandpa Mo Yi.

After feeling Yae Sakura's cold gaze on him, Kasumigaoka Shiro asked awkwardly:

"Senior Yae, what's the matter?"

You definitely can't shout, sister, etc. If you shout, you might be sent to the hospital to lie down for two months.

"You can't do this-"

Yae Sakura said without thinking:

"Come to the high school kendo club during club time on Monday. You need special training."

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