When Mo Zai heard that the King of Conqueror was not willing to directly use all his strength, he felt the threat of this attack, and red thunder surged directly from the cheating sword in his hand.

It’s basic etiquette when you meet and zoom in!

"Rebellion against my gorgeous father!"

Chapter 588: The Final Chapter of the Return

It has been more than three months since Midori-sama last visited Emiya's house.

Three months was more or less, and during this period, there was never a lack of excitement around Grandpa Mo Yi.

First it was Mr. Lu Tuo. He didn’t know what he had talked about with the resurrected Kallen outside. He only knew that when it was time to eat, Mo Yi saw Mr. Lu Tuo’s eyes were actually red. Even though the other party had touched up his makeup and tried to use Makeup, one of the three most evil arts in East Asia, was used to hide this secret that could not be told to anyone, but it could not be hidden from Grandpa Mo Yi.

After that day, Kallen Kaslana left Fuyuki City alone. It was said that she was looking for past memories or the meaning of travel. Anyway, after that dinner, Grandpa Mo Yi never saw her again in Fuyuki City.

Mr. Lutuo seemed to have a letter in his hand that night. He immediately asked Grandpa Mo Yi to take care of Theresa, and then disappeared with the head maid.

Afterwards, Theresa also said that she had not contacted Mr. Lutuo for some time.

I know that a few days ago, Theresa received a postcard without the address of the writer. On it was a picture of a green trustee sitting on a recliner, watching a girl wearing a nun's uniform praying into the distance under the sunset. Photo.

Although judging from the photos, the distance between Luto-sama and Kallen seems to be quite far, probably because Luto-sama wanted to resurrect Kallen and did so many things that violated Kallen Kaslana's code of conduct over the years. Kallen could not completely forgive the other party, but according to Theresa, this was the first time she saw Master Luto smile so sincerely and simply, even in the photo.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was somewhat curious, used clairvoyance to look back into the past and roughly knew what happened.

Kallen ran away from home without a specific destination. She just followed her heart and wanted to travel around. Soon she went to the former site of Yae Village, where she stayed and lived the life of a village girl.

Master Lutuo, who was chasing after him, quickly caught up with him. Even though Kallen ignored him, Master Lutuo was so thick-skinned that he built another house next to Kallen.

Chat with each other when you have nothing to do, bring food to each other, and even help each other repair the roof when it rains.

Kallen's attitude seems to have not changed, but Lord Luto is happy about it.

As the saying goes, there is no rejection, that is acquiescence. Men should be so thick-skinned and confident!

The final scene of Grandpa Mo Yi's clairvoyance was that Kallen brought a sacrifice to pay homage to the past Yae Sakura, and Lord Luto followed him with a smile. Although he didn't say anything along the way, after a while, Due to the limitations of space, Grandpa Mo Yi could see the sad smile on Mr. Lutuo's mouth——

Yae Sakura!

Later, homesickness was like a short grave. I was outside and you were inside.

Don't worry, Karen is my fiancée, you will take good care of her.

Of course, you have been reincarnated, so you should live a new life and cut ties with the previous life. If you can't find a partner, I can introduce you to one. My grandson-in-law is very good.

To put it simply, it is a dance on the grave.

Although Master Otto had a sad smile all the way, Kallen, who was familiar with the other party's character, could easily see through what Master Luto was planning in his mind, and quickly took out a fake Judas gifted by Master Luto, and swatted the latter away. grown ups.

Even after many years, even if Destiny is still under the control of the other party, no one in Destiny has seen Master Lutuo again. Only some people claimed that they had seen a young foreign couple in a deep mountain in District 11. Seclusion.

————Lick all the dividing lines to the end——————

After Grandpa Mo Yi's help, Kong Ming Weber, who met the Conqueror King Iskandar again, left Fuyuki City with satisfaction after having a stomachache that day, and returned to the Clock Tower to continue his promising career as a teacher.

As for why I had a stomachache that day?

Of course, after the resurrection of the conquering king Iskandar, he first started a movie with Mo Zai. After winning the battle, he felt that it was not enough, so he went to the living room to challenge other heroic spirits. Wang Jiang, who had long forgotten that he was a warrior, unfortunately picked him. , and then there was another fight between dragons and tigers.

After swiping Wang Jiang, who had degenerated into a fish shop owner, the emperor then went on to swipe Wang Jiang's master craftsman Scathach, and then was knocked to the ground by the double-gun BBA.

Of course, this was because he had fought against Mo Zai and Wang Jiang successively, consuming a lot of magic power, but Scathach was originally a super-level servant, especially when the other party was in a state of suffering. Due to various factors, the emperor was defeated by Scathach. , which is also understandable.

After all, facing thousands of troops, others still have a powerful AOE treasure called 'The Gate of Demon Realm Overflowing with Death'.

I was worried all day long. I was afraid that Iskandar, the conquering king, had just been summoned and was sent back to the Hall of Valor by other heroic spirits, so I knew why El-Melloi II had a stomachache.

After finally getting through this day, Weber was contented to take the conquering king Iskandar on his way back to the Clock Tower and continue his wandering.

In the past, you scumbag monarchs always bullied me, El-Melloi II, because he had no magic ability and was the most unbeatable among the thirteen monarchs. Now that I have found my boss, let’s see if you scumbags still dare to be so arrogant.

Call out a thousand Spartan heroes every minute and come out to challenge scum like you.

I asked, who else dares to come to collect the debt of El-Melloi II from me! ?

Yes, Weber returned to the Clock Tower with such determination and beautiful expectations. Then, under the urging of his capable sister Lenis, he worked overtime until midnight, and had to get up to go to work before dawn.

And Weber's disciple Little Gray Gray seemed to have let go of her obsessions after a long conversation with King Da Mao. She was no longer afraid of being seen by others and followed Weber with peace of mind to take care of him. The master eats and sleeps as a good disciple.

It is said that when they returned to the Clock Tower, it happened to be winter again. The heavy snow in the sky covered the streets with a layer of white dress, which made people sigh -

It’s the season of the white photo album again.

Lenise: It was obviously me who got to know him first, teased him, and offered to give him a monkey! Finally, I met a brother who can provide me with abundant pleasure for a long time, and at the same time, I met a little gray who I could tease and play dress-up games with. The two pleasures were superimposed and should have been doubled, just like Fantastic joy!

But why did it become like this?

Gray: Why are you so familiar? How many times have you kissed Lenise? How far do you have to leave me behind before you can rest assured!

El-Melloi II: Don't say anything! I still have to work overtime, so I’ll talk about it later after I get off work.

————The dividing line between Bai Jia and never being a slave——————

Of course, there was another thing at that party that Grandpa Mo Yi was more concerned about, and that was Teacher Shizi's younger brother Kasumigaoka Shiro. The other party found a deserted place and solemnly asked Grandpa Mo Yi to help him.

The reason was probably because he suddenly discovered that his girlfriend Yae Rin was extremely good at beating and could beat him down with one hand.

In order to avoid violence, ahem, in order to better protect each other and maintain the dignity of men in the future, Kasumigaoka Shiro had no choice but to seek help from Grandpa Mo Yi under the guidance of Teacher Zhen Shizi.

After hearing the whole story, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't even know how to complain. What's the point of even if you beat him up?

You must know that in other worlds, Yae Sakura killed the entire village for her sister.

You dare to bully Yae Sakura, are you really a weirdo who only knows how to moan?

One stab and you might die!

When the time comes, I will have to trouble Grandpa Mo Yi to resurrect the other party.

So, Mo Yi decided to hand over a book on the true meaning of physical skills written a long time ago to the other party. After all, Mo Yi had been in the profession of brave men. He didn't even know swordsmanship and a series of close combat physical skills. Where could he Like a brave man?

Therefore, Mo Yi still has some knowledge about physical skills.

This small notebook was something Mo Yi wrote down a long time ago when he was bored to review the technical skills he had mastered. It had been stuffed in a corner before, but now that it is given to him, it can be put to good use.

Grandpa Mo Yi is not sure whether Kasumigaoka Shiro refined anything later.

After that party, Mo Yi's new friends, mainly Theresa and Kiana, often came to Emiya's house for dinner.

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