Theresa wanted to see Mo Yi, and Kiana did it because the food at Emiya's family was so delicious, although she only dared to say in her heart that the food at Emiya's family was more delicious than Mei Raiden's.

As a person who eats, Kiana naturally cannot let go of such a good place.

Under the leadership of Theresa and Kiana, the small group of Valkyries would come over every two days to have a meal. Fortunately, Grandpa Mo Yi had a mine, so it didn't matter if they still ate from each other. There were already a lot of idle people in the family, so a few more , it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

As a result, the Valkyries like Raiden Mei and others became familiar with the Emiya family.

In the past three months, although there have been constant small things, there have not been many big things. The most profound thing in Grandpa Mo Yi's mind is that the Forest School, simply put, is a trip for all students.

In this process, the commission of Tobe Sho and Hayama Hayato also started with the turning of the gears of fate.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't take it to heart. The main purpose of building a temporary school this time was to travel and relax. By the way, it would be best to hang out with teachers Xue Miao and Zhen Shizi, so as to leave some memories of youth.

Tobe Sho didn't know where he got the courage. During the trip, he kept showing courtesy to Ebina Himina. However, before, the service department excluded Yuigahama Yui and asked her opinion.

Ebina Hina has made it clear that she doesn't want to fall in love in high school. Even her hobby of looking at people with erotic eyes was to prevent other men from falling in love with her. It was just a pretense at first, but later it became real. .

After knowing this, the great teacher Hikigaya Hachiman told Hayama Hayato about the investigation results. Well, he also told Tobe Sho about it directly.

It's a pity that I don't believe what the other person said. You, a bad guy, must not be able to tolerate the kindness of others, so you are talking nonsense.

Then this scene appeared. The other party was unrestrained in his attentiveness, as if he wanted to lick the dog and took the opportunity to confess his love.

Xuemiao is a responsible person and should be a very stubborn person. After accepting the commission, he will definitely follow the matter to the end. After discovering this situation, everyone in the service department had to go out again to deal with it so that the customer could Bu Xiang knows that others have clearly rejected you. If it weren't for Hayama Hayato's request to maintain the status quo, letting the other party confess is obviously the best solution. After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

But in this case, the relationship between Tobe Sho and Ebina Himina will definitely break down and they will no longer be the same as before. It is possible to be friends again even if they fail to turn gray, but for a typical carefree fat tiger like Tobe Sho Character, obviously cannot do this kind of things that only people with high IQ and high emotional intelligence can do.

Therefore, everyone in the service department used various methods. For example, at the festival, they sent people to lure Ebina Himina away so that Tobe Sho would not have a chance to see Ebina Himina.

Just like when the cherry blossoms were falling, the two of them just turned around and saw each other. At this time, a train summoned by Grandpa Mo Yi just separated their sight.

In the end, the teacher felt tired and this was not the solution. He decided to adopt the original method and find an opportunity to block Tobe Sho's confession in front of Ebina Hina, so that the other party could see the result of confessing to Ebina Hina, so that the other party would definitely be scared. The kind that even Jingru's courage couldn't save.

But the senior teacher is also Grandpa Mo Yi’s friend, and Sho Tobe is an ordinary classmate. No matter how you look at it, you can tell which one has more weight in Grandpa Mo Yi’s heart, so Grandpa Mo Yi stopped the senior teacher Hikigaya Hachiman. self-destruction attack.

By manipulating the vortex of the source and launching a causal attack, Ebina Himina accidentally missed her foot and was about to fall to the ground. Sho Tobe, who was talking awkwardly next to him, subconsciously stepped forward to save the beauty, and then kicked a pebble. After falling unconscious, Ebina Hina could not stand firm.

Because of this incident, Sho Tobe was naturally unable to participate in the following activities.

Of course, because of this matter, Ebina Jina is also grateful to the other party. After returning to school, it is the other party's business whether the other party can seize this opportunity created by Grandpa Mo Yi himself.

After temporarily solving the service department's commission, Grandpa Mo Yi can also enjoy traveling. The highlight of the forest school is naturally the bonfire party, which is a place where countless male pig feet have struggled in light novels.

Rumor has it that at the end of the bonfire party, the person dancing with you is very likely to be the person you will spend the rest of your life with.

Regardless of whether this rumor was right or wrong, Grandpa Mo Yi would not let such a good thing go. He took the initiative and invited Teacher Zhen Shizi and Xue Miao to dance, and the two did not refuse.

But the moment the bonfire ends, there is only one winner. Teacher Zhen Shizi and Xue Miao are both waiting for this moment.

Just like Schrödinger's cat, no one knows the outcome until the last moment.

After returning, neither Teacher Zhen Shizi nor Xue Miao mentioned this matter to others. Of course, when they were asked about it, both of them had beautiful smiles of nostalgia on their faces——

We still don’t know who had the last dance that night.

In addition to the forest school, another major event is that with the support of Grandpa Mo Yi, Teresa's St. Freya Academy was also built in three months, and preparations have begun for enrollment and opening of the school. .

What Theresa likes most now is hearing people call her the dean!

Every time Kiana shouted this, Teresa couldn't help laughing, and she couldn't refuse Kiana's small request for pocket money.

One last thing, Grandpa Mo Yi accompanied Black Cat to her first book signing in her life yesterday. As soon as the other party's "Mary Sue's Bizarre Adventure" was released, it immediately caused a frenzy, especially on Yakumo House, which caused an unprecedented caused a sensation, setting off the trend of cross-dressing bosses and Mary Sue transformation photos.

"Thank you, Senior Mo Yi——"

When the autograph session ended, it was already dark, so Grandpa Mo Yi naturally wanted to send the black cat home. After all, the black cat was just an ordinary girl with a cute appearance, and walking at night was really dangerous.

Thinking of everything today, Black Cat's tears fell for some reason. He looked at Mo Yi with a half-crying half-smile and said:

"You can come with me today, otherwise I will definitely be at a loss -"

"Thank you, I finally got to this point——"

"Thank you--"

Black Cat said many words of thanks in one breath, but Grandpa Mo Yi did not interrupt, because this was the emotion that the other party had been squeezing in his heart for a long time, and it was a good thing to vent it out now.

"Then I will accept your thank you without ceremony."

Grandpa Mo Yi handed the other party a handkerchief and said with a smile:

"After crying tonight, keep working hard tomorrow. You are my disciple, Master Yakumo."

"Wugeng Liuli, use your pen to tell the world that you have been born!"

The daily plot in Fuyuki City is over, and the next chapter begins with the game and the new volume of Gensokyo.

Chapter 589: 300 heroes, log in!

Grandpa Mo Yi has been on summer vacation since three days ago, but he got up very early today because today is an important day——

The day when the world’s first virtual game ‘300 Heroes’ opens for public beta!

Of course, the main publishing company is none other than Yakumo House.

In fact, there are many twists and turns in the story. The first virtual game was supposed to be Asuna's "Sword Art Online". However, since the other party and the Yakumo House launched a new cooperation, the planning of "Sword Art Online" and technology have been greatly developed.

After all, Grandpa Mo Yi is a man with countless technologies from other worlds. Even if this is not enough, he can also pull out various black technologies from the past and the future from their roots.

The combat system, which was supposed to only be able to use swords and blunt hand movements, was modified beyond recognition by Grandpa Mo Yi, incorporating a large number of fantasy elements. It was no longer limited to simple sword skills, but also added mechanics, magicians, and priests. , various major class systems for archers.

For example, a magician can be classified into common job changes such as elemental mage, battle mage, summoner, necromancer, etc. Of course, there are also some hidden mage professions.

As for the world setting, the original Aincrad structure with one hundred floors has been retained, but the world inside has been restructured according to various different worlds, no longer limited to the Western fantasy background, and the name has also been changed. It becomes the great world of Yakumo.

Moreover, the degree of freedom inside is extremely high. It is no longer limited to conquering mazes, which is how men play on the 100th floor. It is like a virtual second world. Things that can be done in the normal world, in the Yakumo World, It can also be done.

If you are an adult, you can turn on the adult mode. There is absolutely no problem in falling in love and getting married in the game. You can also increase the realism, and the sense of embodiment is even higher than in reality.

With Grandpa Mo Yi's ability, he could have created such a virtual game world long ago, but he has never done so before. The reason is that the real world has not yet developed to this point. If a large number of people are addicted to virtual games for a long time, it will have a negative impact on human civilization. It is undoubtedly a kind of chronic poison.

Grandpa Mo Yi read those online game novels a long time ago, and the protagonists were described as very powerful. Of course, in the eyes of game enthusiasts, playing the game well is indeed a very powerful thing.

However, no matter how good the game is, it is meaningless in reality. After all, everyone needs to make money to make ends meet. Not making money and being addicted to games will only make people decadent.

For example, Kirito's grandpa in Sword Art Online comes with special effects as soon as he appears. But, in reality, do you still have to worry about various things such as going to school and working?

But now, since Asuna's family is about to launch 'Sword Art Online', it means that the time is right for the world.

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