Horaishan Kaguya disagreed. This is the dignity of a otaku, and he will not be shaken just because Grandpa Mo Yi is a game master. He said:

"This is clearly the halo of the protagonist!"

"The most obvious thing is that when fighting the last boss Kayaba Akihiko in the SAO chapter, the opponent clearly had the health lock unlocked. How could it be possible to stab him in the end?"

"Hot-blooded is hot-blooded, but if you cheat, you will cheat quickly."

"If it were anyone else, like Grandpa Kirito seeking death, the story would have ended long ago."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Well, this is indeed a house scientist.

"I think you also know that this game is not simple. There are countless other visitors from other worlds sneaking into it, even you-"

Grandpa Mo Yi stared at Penglai Mountain Kaguya, as if he wanted to see through the opponent's mask and see through the opponent's mind. However, he was just a game character now and had no real ability at all. This was naturally just an illusion.

"As long as you don't commit crimes, I can't control you. But I advise you to be kind. If you happen to be heard by Grandpa Kirito or Asuna who are passing by, I will see how you die."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Horaishan Kaguya said nonchalantly:

"This is a game that mixes various systems. It is not a world like Sword Art Online where you can only fight with swords. And in terms of game technology, I have never been afraid of anyone."

"It's just the right time. This princess has already fallen in love with Ben Zina."

After saying that, he licked his lips.

It is said here that the opponent's mask of the Demonic King exposes the nose, mouth and eyes, otherwise how can he breathe.

"Oh, that's interesting——"

Asuna in the moon-shaped world is her own daughter. Obviously someone is interested in the person she cares about. Even if the other person is a girl, this matter is not so easy to solve.

Unless the other party is also a beautiful woman who does not belong to Asuna, wouldn't Mo Yi be at a disadvantage?

Mo Yi looked at the masked girl and smiled:

"But Asuna in this world has been predestined by me, girl."


Penglai Mountain Kaguya looked at Mo Yi in surprise and said after a long time:

"Are you Grandpa Kirito, or are you the boss who traveled to the world of Sword Art Online and handed Grandpa Kirito his hat?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

"There is no Kirito in the world line I am in, only Kiriko."

"So, it's not the fault, it's the world!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Horaishan Kaguya said excitedly:

"Old Tie, you have made a lot of money. Tell me quickly, have you accepted Grandpa Kirito's harem? Even Grandpa Kirito has not let you go."

Grandpa Mo Yi shook his head, looked at the masked girl, and complained:

"You are already broken. You have been corrupted by those DD thoughts. When you see a younger brother who loves another—"

"Hey, sex without love is useless."

After speaking, Grandpa Mo Yi ignored the masked girl and walked straight away.

This time, Mo Yi deliberately speeded up the pace, relying on the environment full of people, and quickly took care of the annoying guy.

Soon I came to one sculpture after another. The objects of the sculptures were Alaya and Gaia.

Alaya is holding a spear, and Gaia is also holding a round shield. The spear is poking at Gaia, and the round shield is also hitting Alaya with a shield. This is what this sculpture wants to express. .

The spears and bucklers in the hands of the two lolita were artifacts specially made by the two good daughters to honor Mo Yi's father.

"Hey, why are there two sculptures here?"

Kaguya's voice suddenly came out and Mo Yi said curiously:

"I walked around a lot before and touched everything. I remember that these two things are not here."

That's right, the one who appeared next to Mo Yi was Kaguya who was catching up.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

He had already ditched the other party, so how could she keep up with him?

Okay, he finally understands why the former Kotori Yurikka is so afraid of the masked girl next to him. The other party has such a strong tracking ability. He wears a Kamen Rider mask and follows you all the time. He says some suspicious words and is a normal person. All scared.

As Kaguya said, as a gamer for many years, Kaguya's gaming skills and awareness are definitely among the best among millions of players, and he is like a proper boss Ye Xiu.

As early as when she was on the inside, Kaguya had speculated on the idea of ​​planning the door, recorded important information everywhere, and checked almost every place near Novice Village that seemed to contain hidden plots and props.

That's why she was so surprised. Why was there a strange sculpture here after a few days of absence? There must be a monster, there must be some story in it.

"Is this your purpose, Master Sword Master?"

Kaguya held her chin up and looked at the sculpture. She couldn't see anything strange. The only thing she could think of was the spear and buckler in Gaia and Alaya's hands.

I feel more and more confused. If the other person is like me, a visitor from another world, he shouldn't know about the sudden appearance of the sculpture here——

The answer is very simple, that is, as she said before, the other party is basically one of the participants and insiders of this game. Simply put, he is the GM who opens the trumpet!

"Do you want to take this gun and shield?"


Grandpa Mo Yi corrected:

"This is a magic spear, not a gun!"

This is the world of Xingyue. If you dare to be a spearman in the world of Xingyue, how much do you want to attack the streets? !

This is very important, this is not a gun, it is a spear.

"All right--"

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