After hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Kaguya remembered that according to the information that everyone in Gensokyo had received before, this game world was dependent on the Xingyue world. It could be said that this was also a part of the Xingyue world.

Kaguya, an otaku, naturally understands that it would be a miserable thing if the weapon used in the lucky world is a gun, unless like Remilia, the little bat in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, has the ability to control destiny to a certain extent, thus overcoming the The luck value is cursed to E.

Grandpa Mo Yi saw the other party's very curious expression and said:

"Why don't you try and see if you can get it."


Penglai Mountain Kaguya didn't expect Grandpa Mo Yi to be so generous, so he chuckled and said:

"It seems that this thing is destined to this princess, so I won't be polite."

After saying that, he reached out to grab the spear and shield on the sculpture, but it goes without saying that it was impossible to take them off.

Is this thing related to you? I also want to say something, fellow Taoist, please stay.

Grandpa Mo Yi: How could it be taken down without the password? Those two clever and shady lolita have already thought of all the possibilities.


Kaguya pulled the spear, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull it away.

As for taking it away with violence, that is impossible.

First, when the opponent enters the game, his strength will be suppressed by the vortex of the source. Even if he is much stronger than the whiteboard players of Xingyue players, he is still a scumbag with first-level attributes. He needs to constantly fight monsters and upgrade to contact the game opponent. Her suppression restored her original strength, and she even gained new strength from the game, which was stronger than before.

Second, this is Yakumo Plaza, a proper rest area. Although the rest area does not seal the player's power, there is absolutely no way to use violence, harm others or destroy the environment in it.

Of course, there are also some visitors from other worlds who have extraordinary strength and can break the game's suppression of them, but in this case, the opponent will be subject to the full counterattack of the source vortex and the suppressive forces.

Once you enter the game, the minds of those visitors from another world will change and get the relevant game rules. If you want to take risks here, you can have 300 heroes to welcome you, but if you want to cause trouble, you will have to face the sanctions and counterattacks of the Moon World.

Therefore, as long as they are not people who want to cause trouble from the beginning, even visitors from other worlds with powerful strength will voluntarily accept the suppression of the game. After all, facing a world's full counterattack is no joke.

"Hoo, ho--"

The spear didn't work, so he replaced it with a buckler. However, in the end, he was out of breath. Kaguya Horaiyama, who was originally a mage, could only give up this prop that he knew was an easter egg in the game.


Horaishan Kaguya still accepted the reality and looked resentfully at Grandpa Mo Yi, who obviously knew the outcome and was watching her joke, and murmured:

"Boss Sword Master, I'm ready, you can start your performance."

It was a lie to say that she wasn't depressed. The other party was obviously teasing her. When had she, Kaguya Horaiyama, suffered such a loss?

"It seems that this thing has no connection with you——"

After Grandpa Mo Yi complained, he walked to the sculpture with a spear in his right hand and a round shield in his left hand, and then said the password:

"Mo Yi's father is awesome!"

Then Mo Yi took the spear and buckler that were caught tightly and turned them into Grandpa Mo Yi's exclusive equipment.

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

With such a shameful password, you, Mo Yi, still say that you are not cheating? !

The spear is Alaya's spear. It seems that Alaya also knows about the problem of spearmen, so he named this thing that is obviously a spear a spear. In addition to the basic effects of being indestructible and ignoring all defenses, it also has the same effect as Mo Yi Grandpa said that this is a magic spear, which is the Master's exclusive equipment. As long as you carry it, you can change your job to a full-time mage, and you can learn the skills of the entire magician system profession at will.

The buckler is the Shield of Gaia, and its name is as simple and violent as the Spear of Alaya. Apart from the fact that the two lolita are not very good at naming, Grandpa Mo Yi feels that the two daughters want to pass these two things. The artifact came to remind Mo Yi's father not to forget that he still has two well-behaved daughters.

How could a guy whose age is measured in thousands of years be really stupid?

The basic ability of Gaia's Shield is absolute defense. Just like Captain America's shield, it can block anything. As for places outside the shield, it has no business.

The initial skills include taunt and shield counter. Taunt forces the enemy to attack you, and shield counter knocks back the energy attack shield.

In addition, it also has the ability to collect and absorb other items and materials to change its form and acquire new skills.

For details, please refer to the shield in The Rising of the Shield Hero. Although there are so many new forms in the plot, the only useful one in a fight is the Wrath Shield, and then use the Blade Armor to reflect damage to the opponent.

Finally, the most important function of these two pieces of equipment is that they can be used to contact the two programmers Alaya and Gaia respectively. If they encounter an invincible visitor from another world, Gaia and Alaya can Playing tricks on Mo Yi.

After taking down the two pieces of equipment, the spear and buckler were put back into the inventory by Grandpa Mo Yi. After all, it would be too stupid to walk around with a magic suit on when you are not fighting. It is just the stupidity of a landlord. Son Fan.

After receiving the exclusive equipment, Grandpa Mo Yi was ready to start his adventurous life.

Among 300 heroes, if you want to upgrade and earn money, you don’t have to go to the wild area to fight monsters. In the living area, there are also many tasks to collect, and you can also get rewards and experience after completing them.

But this kind of game is only suitable for Buddhist players. If you want to become stronger, how can you do it without fighting monsters?

"Boss Sword Master, are you going to the wild to upgrade? Take me with you -"

After seeing Mo Yi put away his equipment, Kaguya guessed Grandpa Mo Yi's next plan and said:

"My skills are really good. If you team up with me, you will definitely not be fooled -"

"If it's a bad idea, just kick me out."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi hasn't encountered such a licking dog in a long time.

After taking a look at the masked girl who still exuded a strong smell of dog-licking even though she was wearing a mask, Grandpa Mo Yi thought for a moment. It seemed that it would be okay to have a dog-licking dog by his side. Otherwise, if he wanted to show off by himself, there would be no one around. Look, how boring would that be?

As the other party said, when you get tired of it, just kick it out.


Grandpa Mo Yi declared:

"If I think you're not good enough, I'll kick you out. I won't pay attention to anything you say then."

"After all, a tiger's teammates can't be pigs."

After that, send an invitation to the other party to form a team.

Horaishan Kaguya: "..."

This princess is not angry! You are the boss and you have the final say.

If he hadn't guessed that Grandpa Mo Yi might be the GM of the game, Penglai Shan Kaguya would have turned around and left long ago. Well, I would also add the classic line "Thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty".

But the other party is the GM of the game, the legendary authority dog. Regardless of whether you are the Liver Emperor or the European Emperor, in front of the authority dog, you can only kneel down and shout that you are convinced.

In such a dangerous and interesting world, it is naturally best to follow an insider like Grandpa Mo Yi, who is safe and guaranteed to encounter interesting things.

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