"Okay, boss——"

Kaguya directly clicked to accept the invitation, and then the two teamed up to teleport out and walked to the nearby wild area.

The world of Yakumo is composed of one hundred layers of worlds. Currently, only the first layer is active. To open a new map, players need to find the boss on the first layer and kill it before they can go to the second layer. world.

The reason why the setting of a hundred layers of superimposed worlds is used is that on the one hand it is based on the original plan of Sword Art Online, and on the other hand it is so that when it collides with other worlds in the future, these intertwined places can be set as new worlds, so that Players go on adventures in different worlds.

The Root Vortex can use players to collect information from other worlds to upgrade and evolve.

Chapter 593: Blessings for a wonderful world!

After reluctantly accepting Kaguya, a younger brother and teammate who joined in, Grandpa Mo Yi prepared to go to the jungle to upgrade.

Because the game has just started, although the first level of the entire Yakumo World has been fully opened, allowing players to have adventures everywhere, in order to take care of the safety of players, the closer to the city, the safer it is. Places close to the city are convenient Legend has it that in the novice area, the later you go outside, the higher the level of wild monsters you encounter will be.

Moreover, the wild areas that have not yet been developed by players, in addition to the high-level monsters gathered there, are also too far away, and it will take a lot of time to go there.

Among 300 Heroes, there is also a hunger system, which means that characters need to eat like normal people. This need will weaken as the level increases. Only when you reach level 60 can you completely get rid of dependence on food and rely on air. of free energy to sustain life.

Players who want to go to deeper wild areas can only use the city as the center, spread around, establish new bases and transmission points, and create high-level vehicles to increase transportation speed.

The entire game system is getting closer to the real world, as if players were suddenly transported to such a different world, and then everyone needs to develop and conquer the new world's gameplay, which is referred to as land reclamation.

Of course, once your level is high, you can also learn powerful movement skills, such as flying, the advanced levitation skill necessary for magicians.

If you are confident of avoiding sneak attacks from wild monsters from the sky and the ground, high-speed flying is a good movement skill.

"your Highness--"

Now that he accepted the other party as a teammate, Grandpa Mo Yi no longer made sarcastic remarks to the other party, but instead asked the other party for his opinion, because there are different terrain areas around the city, including common mountains, plains, plateaus, forests, rivers, swamps, Different terrains also inhabit different wild monsters.

"Which one do you think is more convenient for us to go?"

"The plain area and the forest area should have the most people. For safety reasons, I lifted it up with the brigade. After all, the open beta is different from the inner area, and non-killing things have been added."

Horaishan Kaguya, after thinking very seriously for a few seconds, said cautiously:

"When I was on the inside, I was hunting down the lowest-level mountain wolves in the mountains. The number of wolves increased more and more, but I didn't expect to accidentally step on the tail of a sleeping white snake spirit of more than 40 levels, and then he was killed by the opponent. I swallowed it in one gulp and dropped it in seconds.”

"Can you believe it? I was only level 5 at that time, and I had just walked less than 100 meters out of the novice area. I actually encountered a mountain monster that was over 40 years old. I didn't know that the dog was planning such a crazy thing. I guessed that he drank fake wine. , Hundan entered the hospital."

"So, the so-called 100% realism of this game is very real to a certain extent. Just like what you encounter in the novice area may not necessarily be the lowest level monsters such as wind wolves, slimes, and little turkeys, but they may also be It's a sewer boss passing by or hibernating."

"When I talk about this matter, this princess becomes angry."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

The low probability of encountering high-level monsters in the novice area seems to have been added by Grandpa Mo Yi himself. The purpose is to train the players' reaction to unexpected situations. After all, they will be needed to resist those ferocious and cunning visitors from other worlds in the future. Encounters, ambushes, etc. are completely normal. The enemy will not reason with you.

Ahem, this is not a bad joke. First, look at the funny confused smiles on the faces of those players who are still at level 5 or 6 when they look into the grass and a boss of level 50 or 60 jumps out.

As for the hibernating white snake that Kaguya mentioned, Grandpa Mo Yi still has some impression that it was designed by Mo Yi himself. If he remembers the name correctly, it should be Bai Suzhen.


Being complained to Kaguya's face like this, Grandpa Mo Yi felt very embarrassed and happy. It's a pity that Kaguya is wearing a mask and can't see the gnashing of teeth on the other person's face at this moment, otherwise the pleasure in his heart would definitely be doubled.

"By the way, why are you always wearing a mask? This mask doesn't seem to have any special effects."

A little embarrassed, Grandpa Mo Yi decided to talk about other topics to divert the attention of Horaishan Kaguya so as not to be found secretly having fun.


When Kaguya heard Grandpa Mo Yi mention her mask issue, she snorted proudly and said with a smile:

"Of course it's because this princess is too beautiful. In this game world, this beauty is considered a passive skill. Although it can unconditionally increase the favorability of others, it may also cause unnecessary trouble."

"After all, this is a game that can release the youth mode. I heard that it can also adjust the realism to a higher level than in reality."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"Okay, I know what's going on, anyway -"

"Hello × (please make up this word by yourself, because it is a forbidden word)."

Huiye in Horlai Mountain: "..."

What you said makes sense, but I will lift Pinru's wardrobe and smash you to death.

After complaining for a long time, the two finally decided to go to the plain area because there were the most people there. Even if they encountered a passing boss monster, they could move faster than other players through various positions, allowing them to move faster. Others attract the boss's hatred and successfully escape.

After all, dying once not only requires an hour of resurrection time, but also reduces 10% of the current experience bar.

————-The dividing line of transmission——————

Through the teleportation array on the personal interface, the two of them were quickly sent to the plain area.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

Grandpa Mo Yi and Kaguya saw an endless plain and the vaguely visible players on the plain. Well, they were all fighting monsters for you.

But he didn't know who provoked the nest of frogs. What Grandpa Mo Yi saw was a large number of novice players fighting with the huge frogs that were all over the plain, two meters high.

Those novice players also performed very poorly when faced with a giant frog that was not aggressive, and its only attack methods were to hit and swallow the player, causing them to feel suffocated.

Just three or four seconds after arriving here, Grandpa Mo Yi saw several novice players being swallowed by big frogs, leaving only two feet swaying in the wind, indicating that they didn't have dog leashes yet, so they were okay. A wave of rescue.

Of course, if there is no timely rescue by teammates, the fate of these novice players is to be carried away by the dog due to suffocation, and then be swallowed by the big frog and become the opponent's dinner.

Before Grandpa Mo Yi could say anything, he heard the voice of a young man behind him.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

You guys shouted, "Fellow Taoist, please stay." How could I turn around and stay? I'm not Aqua!

"Don't worry about him, let's go -"

Grandpa Mo Yi pulled Horaishan Kaguya, who wanted to look back at the situation, and complained:

"Do you want to be debuffed by the last Lucky E? Can you follow suit, fellow Taoist, please stay?"


Kaguya has an immortal body. Even when she came to the Yakumo World, Kaguya was judged by the root vortex to have the skill 'Horaijin'. She also has an immortal body and can be resurrected three times a day. Once it exceeds three times, she can By leaving a mark on the Root Vortex, you can be resurrected when you fall into the fountain in the game like other players.

The reason why the server (Root Vortex) is so good to the opponent Kaguya is because the opponent is very cooperative with the game and allows the Root Vortex to obtain the corresponding information from her.

Therefore, in reality, as long as Mo Yi wants to, he can obtain Kaguya's various abilities from the Root Vortex at any time, and what Grandpa Mo Yi needs to pay is only the protection and convenience provided to the opponent in the game.

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