A friend from another world like Kaguya Horaizan, as a hospitable host, must be well cultivated and protected, while waiting for the other party to continue to make money.

Because she has an immortal body and has died a lot in the past, Kaguya Horaiyama has long been accustomed to death. Even if her strength is suppressed by the game, she cannot stop her desire to die.

Kaguya naturally knew the purpose of asking fellow Taoist to stay. It was precisely because she knew that she couldn't help but look to see who was calling them.

"I can't control my desire to die!"

“I really want to look back——”

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Agreeing to form a team with the opponent was indeed a mistake. Teammates like to seek death so much, so why worry about not destroying the team?


"Two friends, let me tell you something!"

At this time, the young man who had just called out to fellow Taoist, please stay, walked around in front of him, blocked Grandpa Mo Yi and the two of them, and said:

"Hello, I am Sato Kazuma, a senior adventurer, uh, a gamer!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Boy, have you escaped to the set?

As I said, I designed novice monsters like the big frog just because I thought of the unlucky moments you and your friends had, so I designed them.

But you suddenly appeared now, doesn't it prove that the girl who symbolizes wisdom in legend is already close at hand.


Kaguya Horaiyama, who is also an ACG boss, quickly recognized the boy in front of him who was wearing a classic adventurer costume from another world, and complained:

"Aren't you the legendary ghost?"

Sato Kazuma: "..."

How could he have imagined that he would actually meet someone who knew him in this world. Although the fact that he was a bastard was already known to everyone, when Kaguya pointed it out like this, he still couldn't help but deny it loudly.

"Those are all coincidences and misunderstandings!"

Sato Kazuma is the male protagonist of "Blessings for a Beautiful World". She died because of saving people, and reincarnated into another world with a wise girl Aqua, determined to defeat the devil of the other world and save the other world.

There are two main reasons why he is called Gui Zhu Zhen: First, because as an adventurer, his few main skills of 'stealing' are different from others. Others' thefts are all about stealing money or other people's money. Weapons, and Sato Kazuma's stealing skill is indeed a special attack skill for women, specifically used to steal the opponent's intimate clothes.

The second reason is because he has a teammate named Darkness, who is a paladin who believes that "being harassed by the Demon King has always been the job of the female knight". This is a paladin who focuses all his skills on various defensive abilities, attacking A powerful female knight who is 100% defeated.

Of course, this is not a problem. If the meat shield is used properly, it can still lead the team to victory.

The biggest problem is that Darkness is a serious fighting pervert. In daily battles, if she has a disagreement, she rushes in and gets beaten, just to enjoy the pleasure. Even in normal times, she would imagine how Sato Kazuma would abuse her, and then make strange noises and say strange words.

With such a deceitful teammate, it is difficult for Kazuma Sato not to wear the hat of "pervert".

"Haha, I knew-"

At this time, other people that Grandpa Mo Yi guessed also came up from behind, it was Sato Kazuma's golden partners——

Aqua, the goddess of wisdom, has the power of purification, healing and resurrection, as well as a priest who specializes in attacking the undead.

One-hit mage Megumin, a loli magician who only knew one move known as the most powerful destructive magic 'explosion magic', a strategic magician who fell to the ground after one hit.

The female knight Darkness, who only knows how to defend and has zero output, likes to fall into fantasy when facing the enemy, imagining that she is being cruelly tortured by the enemy's attacks from all sides, and derives pleasure from it. She is a true genius, but unfortunately all her talents and skill points are focused on defense. Therefore, she has a strong defense that can take down the enemy's ultimate moves without losing any blood. No matter how powerful the attack is, it will hit her. It will only transform into her pleasure.

As an absolute human shield that specializes in defense, she naturally has the necessary taunting skills for a human shield. Unlike other beauties, her taunting skills are not trash talk, but rather weird words that make the enemy feel like they have met a pervert. words, thus irritating the enemy and absorbing the enemy's hatred.

At this time, Aqua, the goddess of wisdom, who came up to taunt her teammate Kazuma Sato, was naturally the team pet. She hugged her belly, laughed, mocked Kazuma Sato, and said:

"Kazuma, it seems that your reputation as a ghost has spread to another world."

"Shut up, you useless goddess——"

As soon as Sato Kazuma heard this, he immediately ran away, rushed behind Aqua, locked her with a skilled joint technique, and then threw her into the grass with a big back throw, causing Aqua to fall into a brief state. In a state of confusion and dizziness.

As mentioned before, Kazuma Sato originally traveled to another world and became a hero. Unfortunately, because of his three teammates, no matter how clever he was or how much money he made, he would be melted away by his teammates.

When she was once again in debt crisis, Aqua took on a new mission from Heaven and said that she had discovered a brand new world and was looking for someone to go there to open up wasteland and observe the situation.

And the reward is generous. After completing the task, the heaven can realize a wish within its power.

How could Aqua, who had always wanted to return to the God Realm and be a punch-in goddess, give up such a good opportunity, so she kept asking her teammates to accept this task.

And Sato Kazuma, who happened to be in various troubles, heard that he could go to other worlds and come back later, so he naturally wanted it. Isn't this the best debt avoidance place?

He didn't believe that if he went to other worlds, there would still be people who could collect his debts!

Therefore, under his sweet words, other teammates were deceived into this mission and came to the world of Yakumo to start a new poverty adventure.

Chapter 594: Isn’t it common sense that sword masters don’t use swords?

After coming to the different world of Yakumo Grand World, I felt that my bleak life could finally undergo a change. Kazuma Sato, who had got rid of the "ghost beast" reputation that had been used by three people in the past, naturally wanted to make a big splash. La.

This time, I must become a great adventurer admired by thousands of people.JPG!

After carefully studying the rules of the different world, Sato and Real Hammer realized that this is an online game world. As a stay-at-home guy, he has naturally read a lot of novels of this type.

There are also the respective conditions of teammates.

After they came here, their overall levels were suppressed to level one, but the skills and abilities they mastered in the original world are still there. They can be unlocked by upgrading, and they can also learn new abilities through online games.

For example, Kazuma Sato plans to become a mage in Yakumo World. First, your only spell output in the team is Megumin’s cheating one-hit mage. He can only fire one shot a day. If you really want to take risks, there are It’s for an egg!

That boss will be so stupid, standing at the entrance of the maze waiting for you to come up and fight the wave.

The basic training of a boss is to hide in the last room of the maze, then expel countless mobs to consume the enemy's physical strength, then the four kings, and finally the boss takes action.

A magic user with only one attack, should she be used to clear mobs?

Once used, it is just a waste of material and a waste of output.

No need, even the mobs and the four kings can't get past it. Even if you have a powerful attack, it will be in vain.

After getting used to the pain of being cheated by his teammates every day, Sato Kazuma decided to become an elegant magician, and ended up being the output point of the team.

Another reason is that when starting a team, the Master squats in the back to deal damage. With Darkness as a human shield in his team, the rear is very safe. Being a Master is obviously a safety factor. A relatively high profession.

At least there is no need for an otaku like him, whose physical strength is not as good as that of Aqua, the goddess of wisdom, to fight hand-to-hand with a big ax. That would be a recipe for death.

As for safety issues, Aqua's healing and resurrection skills are still there, but the cooldown time is a bit long. She can't be resurrected like before because there are people above her, so she can resurrect as she wants.

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