Sato and Zhenma were afraid that Grandpa Mo Yi would overturn the car, and then just left and stopped playing.

In terms of actual role in the team, how could Megumin, who only had the power of one shot, compare to the big swordsman who could lead them to continuous upgrades.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Boy, is it really okay for you to sell your wife like this?

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Then, everyone went around looking for a suitable place, mainly because there were no other players nearby. It would be best to use this burst of rupture magic to create a duel location with a lot of wild monsters.

Then everyone quickly came to the intersection of the plain and the swamp. This can be regarded as the nest of the big frog. The big frogs on the plain all jumped over the swamp.

Therefore, novice players will not come here. If they are surrounded by a group of giant frogs, more teammates will be useless. After all, everyone is now a second- and third-level scumbag novice player.

Chapter 597: Get the most severe beating and enjoy the greatest pleasure

"Darker than black, black as darkness,

Mix it with my true red!

The time of awakening has arrived,

Fall into the realm of infallibility!

forming invisible distortions,

Show up!

Explosion! "

After everyone found a place to detonate the mushroom bomb, everyone hid in a qualified pit based on experience and watched the duel between Grandpa Mo Yi and Hui Hui with their eyes exposed.

It's said to be a duel, but it's actually about seeing whether Hui Hui can fire a burst of magic and whether Mo Yi can pass it.

Along with Megumin's second high-pitched singing, the blue sky began to turn red, and it was still morning, but it turned into a scene at dusk.

Then complex magic runes appeared in the sky, forming an extremely complex magic array. With a finger of Megumin's wand, a huge flame-shaped energy ball as hot as the sun appeared vertically from the sky. It hit Mo Yi below.

Darkness, who was squatting next to Horaisan Kaguya, looked at the very calm Horaisan Kaguya and asked:

"Miss Kaguya, don't you just care about Mr. Mo Yi?"

"It doesn't matter--"

Penglai Mountain Kaguya Xin said: I'm worried about a hammer! We met more than ten minutes earlier than you, and the other party was still angry with me all the way. If the other party was not sure that the other party was a big boss, he could lead her to show off and fly with her, but he would still swallow his anger here.

Hmm, of course it’s fun to be among Aqua’s group.

"I believe in his strength!"

Feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations falling from the sky, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but sigh, why is it that everyone is level one, but the other party's explosive output is so good? !

Judging from Mo Yi's physical condition in the game at the moment, he could really hit such a nuclear explosion, unless he upgraded his level to a higher level and learned more advanced magic.

However, Megumin's love and proficiency in explosion magic made Root Vortex regard it as her talent, so she can also use this explosion magic at level one.

"In terms of the positive destructive power of magic——"

Standing under the big fire ball, Mo Yi stayed up all night, looked at Hui Hui in the distance very calmly, and said:

"I, Mo Yi, would like to call you Huihui the strongest!"

Of course, this means that in a world of the same level, the same amount of magic power is converted into equivalent output.

After saying that, a small round shield appeared on his right hand, which was the Shield of Gaia.

Then, under the incomprehensible gazes of everyone, Yoko Ichijo used the disproportionate small buckler in his hand to hit the huge fireball in the sky.

"Shield counter!" (Reflect all energy attacks.)

Then the huge fireball, like the falling sun, was like a flying tennis ball. It was hit by Mo Yi's small buckler and made a sharp turn, heading towards the depths of the uninhabited swamp in the distance.


The next second, red light dyed half of the sky red.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong——"

Everyone received the upgrade notification sound at the same time!

Because everyone is in a team and fighting monsters is a shared experience, Megumin's explosion magic that was hit by the magic sound into the dense area of ​​​​wild monsters killed an unknown number of wild monsters living in the depths of the swamp.

In addition, everyone is at the first level, so the game mechanism is that it is easy to upgrade at the beginning, but difficult later on, especially when you have a lot of experience in jumping through levels and killing monsters.

Therefore, even if six people share experience, it is enough for everyone to reach level 10 at once.

"What? I was promoted to level 10 all of a sudden?!"

Kaguya looked at her character panel with some surprise, feeling the power released from her body. She was happy but also a little depressed. It was rare to encounter a real game world. Before she could enjoy the joy of killing monsters and leveling up, she suddenly... Brought to level 10 by the opponent. What is this thing called?

Did the explosive magic just blow up the boss hidden in the swamp area?

After reaching level 10, Kaguya needs to consider career issues.

Although her own power is already a system, as the level increases, the power will slowly come back. She can play online games, how can she not learn the cool skills in the game?

The reason why other people in Gensokyo are willing to come to this risky world is not only for their own purposes, but also because they can learn the power of this world. On the premise that it is difficult to improve their own power, they can learn the power of a completely different system. , is obviously a good way to improve one's own strength.

"Is it level 10?"

Hearing what Horaizan Kaguya said, Sato Kazuma, Aqua and others were also very happy.

Especially Sato Kazuma, according to their current level, it is impossible for others to defeat monsters as fast as them. One step ahead, as long as they plan well, they can lead step by step.

This time, he, Sato Kazuma, can finally become a great adventurer respected by the world!

The only thing that is unhappy now is probably Megumin, who fell to the ground due to collapse. The opponent still can't accept it. The explosion magic that she is proud of was easily knocked away by the opponent with a shield. .

What the hell is this? !

She can understand if the opponent dodges or uses other methods to detonate the explosive magic in advance.

"What on earth is going on?"

Huihui, who was lying on the ground, raised her head with great difficulty, looked at Mo Yi who was still holding a small buckler in his hand, and half complained, half collapsed:

"Aren't you a magician? This is not magic at all!"

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