"No, no, no, this is magic-"

Grandpa Mo Yi took out Alaya's Spear, with a shield in his right hand and a spear in his left hand, in the shape of a melee mage, and said:

"There have always been many schools of magicians. For a one-hit magician like you who has come out of one school, mine is also a magician of a special school."

"What my school emphasizes is having a shield in one hand and a staff in the other. They can fight against warriors at close range and block the output of various skills and the bombardment of long-range spells."

"This one in my hand is not an ordinary spear, but a magic spear. It is the same thing as your magic wand, but if it is designed as a spear, it can be used in close combat."

"The one that deflected the explosive magic just now was my unique magic 'Shield Counter'."

"How can it be?!"

Huihui, who was frightened by Mo Yi's serious nonsense, couldn't accept it for a while.

Megumin knows her own affairs. She only knows explosion magic. Although she has too many shortcomings, in terms of instantaneous destructive power, she has never lost when facing Bo. She is so confident, but today she was used by him like this. Way cracked.

Could it be that the melee mage the other party mentioned was really stronger than the one-hit mage like myself? !

It is obviously impossible for the other party to get through at once.

However, the other party had no intention of targeting or causing trouble for Mo Yi. After all, he was willing to admit defeat. If he couldn't beat the other party, he would only find his own problems. Huihui was a proud person when it came to magic.

"Megumin, let me carry you—"

Seeing Kazuma Sato who was suddenly upgraded by everyone, he was in a good mood now, but he also noticed that his wife fell to the ground and came over very skillfully, carrying his lolita wife on his back, playing the role of his fort. .

Because of the earth-shattering explosion magic just now, the players within a ten-mile radius were not afraid, or some unlucky guy had angered a passing boss and left quickly, or some of them were relying on their immortality to come and check. What's happening.

For Xingyue players, this is just a game. If you die, don't you just hang up for an hour and wait for resurrection?

Of course, watching the fun is more important.

Everyone who expected this quickly left the scene of the incident.

What if there is really an unlucky player who was affected by the explosive magic just now and comes to argue?

You can't just have a PK with the opponent and then send the opponent to the resurrection point in Yakumo Square, right?

Grandpa Mo Yi and others are not devils.

After everyone returned to the plain area where the big frogs were spawned, everyone found a place to rest.

The first was that Megumin couldn't even walk after being separated from the street, so she could only sit there to recover her magic power. The second was to sit together and discuss the worries after the upgrade.

That's right, it's the worry after upgrading.

Sato Kazuma and the others, who just came to the game world today, although they have the closed beta guide for improving the heavens, they don't understand many things.

Kazuma Sato, a modern person who has played games in particular, knows that in a world similar to online games, it is very important to choose a suitable career and development path.

This is not a game that can be repeated. If you click on the wrong skill point, you can delete your account and start again.

In the game 300 Heroes, free attribute points and skill points will be added after upgrading. Free attribute points are naturally added to strength, durability, agility and magic power. These four data determine the direction in which the player develops and which skills are not applicable. The premise is level A and defense level.

If you choose a warrior profession, you will naturally focus on strength, durability and agility. If you are a mage, you will focus on magic power. (Except melee mages)

Skill points are only used after selecting a class, and are used to light up skills and their proficiency.

Having just reached level ten, they can already choose a profession from the personal panel. Once chosen, they can no longer change it.

Unless you get a rare whitewash card, or change your profession for the second time to another exclusive profession, such as the exclusive profession that comes with the Alaya Spear in the hands of Grandpa Mo Yi - a full-time mage.

Sato Kazuma, who was troubled by happiness and didn't know what to choose, wanted to ask Mo Yi for advice. After all, the other party behaved like a proper boss and had thigh consultation. It was naturally better than doing whatever he did and accidentally playing the number. Wouldn't it be a tragedy to abolish it?

Of course, he has another option, which is to wait for other people's levels to rise, and then the so-called strategy will naturally appear, but in this way, he will have to give up the advantage of level leadership.

When Sato Kazuma asked about this matter, Grandpa Mo Yi had to say that the other party really asked the right question. You must know that this is a game that Grandpa Mo Yi made by himself. Naturally, he is most familiar with the career system and so on.

Grandpa Mo Yi would definitely not refuse this small request.


Darkness, who was sitting aside, raised her hand weakly and said:

"In the time I've been here, I've already clicked on my attribute points and even chosen a career."

Sato Kazuma: "..."


"You are such a clever little kid!"

Sato Kazuma, who was no longer able to complain, covered his face with one hand and complained helplessly:

"You promised that you would follow my instructions when you get here?"

Faced with Sato Kazuma's tone that seemed to be about to give up on her, Darkness felt filled with joy again. This kind of disappointment and disgust by the other party was so wonderful!

Darkness blushed, turned her face away, and said:

"But you didn't say you couldn't do this. Looking at the many free attribute points and skill points, I couldn't help but click on it."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

This guy is hopeless. Even if he fights, he is still an obsessive-compulsive disorder. That man can withstand it.

"All right--"

Knowing that anger could not change the reality, Sato Kazuma had no choice but to ask Darkness to bring up her attribute panel and analyze it for Grandpa Mo Yi to see if there was any way to save her.

In terms of profession, Darkness still chooses her own profession, Paladin, but the skill points in this world cannot be used on the abilities of the visitor from another world, so the other party will choose a new profession.

However, the Paladin is a large profession with many different branches, such as the Guardian Paladin who changes jobs to protect and assist the opponent, the Punishment Knight who specializes in combat and gives negative buffs to the enemy, the Blue Fist Messenger who is good at fighting machines, and the Summoning type. Exorcist, Avenger who uses the power of demons...

When everyone looked at it, it was no surprise that the profession Darkness chose was a guardian paladin with a very high defense. After all, as a fighter, how could he withstand the most powerful attacks if he did not have a strong body and defense? How about beating him hard to get the greatest pleasure?

As for the attribute points, they are distributed according to the ratio of 4 points of durability and 1 point of magic power. Each time you upgrade to a level, you can get 5 points of free attribute points.

Darkness explained that if she hadn't used Holy Light skills to heal and strengthen her teammates in order to retain enough magic, she would have put all her five free attribute points on durability and developed into an iron turtle that others could not defeat. .

Sato Kazuma, who had only looked up the skills of the Guardian Paladin, also saw through Darkness's true face. The other party lit up a little magic power. It was there to heal and strengthen teammates. It was clearly to heal and strengthen his own defense, so that he could become a demon. Be tougher and absorb more damage.

The most important thing is that without magic, she cannot learn the 'taunting' skills unique to the Guardian Paladin. How can she attract wild monsters to focus fire on her when fighting monsters?

The other party is not obsessive-compulsive, but is afraid that Sato Kazuma will not agree with her choice of a pure human shield auxiliary profession like the Guardian Paladin.

But the skill of taunting and forcibly transferring the opponent's hatred to herself is the ability that Darkness wants to acquire most.

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